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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 6,073 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Abstract: Pencirian Profil Luluhawa Batuan Granit Di Terain Tropika (IN MALAY), Characterizations of Granite Weathering Profile in Tropical Terrains

Ibrahim Komoo, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Hamzah Mohamad, Kadderi Md Desa, Tan Boon Kong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Pencirian Profil Luluhawa Batuan Granit Di Terain Tropika (IN MALAY), Characterizations of Granite Weathering Profile in Tropical Terrains...


The Effects of Paleolatitude and Paleogeography on Carbonate Sedimentation in the Late Paleozoic

D. A. Walker, J. Golonka, A. Reid, and S. Reid

AAPG Special Volumes

... the equator throughout the late Paleozoic. This produced a tropical climate that was ideal for widespread carbonate deposition. The response of Paleozoic...


Tropical Cenozoic Paleo-oceanography and Correlated Events in Phylogeny and Biogeography of Scleractinian Corals: ABSTRACT

Steven D. Schafersman, Stanley H. Frost

AAPG Bulletin

...Tropical Cenozoic Paleo-oceanography and Correlated Events in Phylogeny and Biogeography of Scleractinian Corals: ABSTRACT Steven D. Schafersman...


Reservoir Implications of Modern Karst Topography

Edward G. Purdy and Dave Waltham

AAPG Bulletin

...Reservoir Implications of Modern Karst Topography Edward G. Purdy and Dave Waltham 1999 1774 1794 83 11 Tropical karst landscapes exhibit...


ABSTRACT: The Building Block of Non-Tropical Periplatform Carbonates: New Insights from Southern Australia; #90007 (2002)

Sabine Saxena, Christian Betzler, Alex Isern, Peter Swart, Noel James

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...ABSTRACT: The Building Block of Non-Tropical Periplatform Carbonates: New Insights from Southern Australia; #90007 (2002) Sabine Saxena, Christian...


ABSTRACT: Morphology and Fluvio-Aeolian Interaction of the Tropical Latitude, Ephemeral Braided River Dominated Koigab Fan, Skeleton Coast, Northwest Namibia; #90013 (2003)

Carmen B. E. Krapf, Harald Stollhofen, Ian G. Stanistreet

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...ABSTRACT: Morphology and Fluvio-Aeolian Interaction of the Tropical Latitude, Ephemeral Braided River Dominated Koigab Fan, Skeleton Coast, Northwest...


ABSTRACT: Geometries, Cyclicity and Facies of a Temperate-Water Carbonate Succession Deposited During Icehouse Conditions: Pliocene Carboneras Basin, Southeast Spain; #90013 (2003)

Peter Dillett, Robert H. Goldstein, Evan K. Franseen

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... Conditions: Pliocene Carboneras Basin, Southeast Spain Most carbonate reservoir models are based on controls developed for tropical systems. Pliocene...


ABSTRACT: The Western Pacific Warm Pool: A Probe of Global Sea Level Change and Indonesian Seaway Closure During the Middle to Late Miocene; #90013 (2003)

Stephen A. Nathan, R. Mark Leckie, Brooke Olson, Robert M. DeConto

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... During the Middle to Late Miocene The Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) greatly influences tropical Pacific climate and ocean circulation. When did...


ABSTRACT Utilization of Stable Oxygen Isotopes for Quantification of the Mid-Cretaceous Greenhouse in the Americas, #90104 (2010)

Suarez Marina; Gonzalez Luis A.; Ludvigson Gregory A.

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... fluxes.     18 New tropical to equatorial δ O data from pedogenic sphaerosiderites and calcite, and early meteoric diagenetic calcite is used...


Abstract: Best Environmental Practices for Seismic Exploration in Tropical Rainforest; #90174 (2014)

D. Westlund, M. Thurber, and J. McClurg

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...Abstract: Best Environmental Practices for Seismic Exploration in Tropical Rainforest; #90174 (2014) D. Westlund, M. Thurber, and J. McClurg AAPG...


Abstract: The Story Behind Calciturbidites: Linking Single Grains to Analogue Flume Experiments; #90318 (2018)

John J. G. Reijmer, Rosa de Boer, Max de Kruijf, Jonathan Kranenburg, Johan Le Goff, Arnoud Slootman, Jean Borgomano, Emmanuelle Poli

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... sand population. For this study carbonate sediments were analysed originating from different carbonate factories, e.g. tropical reef crest sands (Tahiti...


The mollusk fauna of soft sediments from the tropical, upwelling-influenced shelf of Mauritania (northwestern Africa)

Julien Michel, Hildegard Westphal, Rudo von Cosel


...The mollusk fauna of soft sediments from the tropical, upwelling-influenced shelf of Mauritania (northwestern Africa) Julien Michel, Hildegard...


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