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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 6,073 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Deposition of Coccoliths in Compensation Zone of Atlantic Ocean: ABSTRACT

N. Schneidermann

AAPG Bulletin

... with depth removes "tropical" species, so that assemblages deposited at greater depths resemble living assemblages from higher latitudes. End...


Geology of Labrador Shelf, Canada: ABSTRACT

N. J. McMillan

AAPG Bulletin

... in age from Jurassic to late Cenozoic. Climate during this time span was mostly subtropical to tropical. Jurassic and Cretaceous clastic sediments...


Development and Economic Implications of Paleokarst, Molas Pass Area, Southwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT

R. Mark Maslyn

AAPG Bulletin

..., together with silica and hematite produced from soil ferralitization, suggest a subtropical to tropical climate with heavy rainfalls followed by rapid...


Review of Australian Bauxite Deposits: ABSTRACT

H. J. Evans

AAPG Bulletin

.... The bauxite is developed on different rock types including sedimentary rocks, basalts, and schists and has resulted from in situ weathering under tropical...


Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Strata in Mid-Continent Area: ABSTRACT

Thomas W. Amsden

AAPG Bulletin

... and oolites which bear a large, sessile and vag ant benthos, suggesting temperate to tropical waters. End_of_Article - Last_Page 410...


Hurricanes and Rainfall--Key for Dolomitization in Tidal Flats of Western Andros, Bahamas: ABSTRACT

Francoise G. Bourrouilh-Le Jan

AAPG Bulletin

..., tropical weather conditions. The directions of hurricane tracks (statistically determined) since 1871 show preferential orientations which coincide...


Late Cenozoic Calcareous Microfossil Biostratigraphy, Paleo-oceanography, and Biogeography--Poles to Tropics: ABSTRACT

James P. Kennett

AAPG Bulletin

... occurred outside of the Antarctic-Subantarctic, in subtropical-tropical areas, followed by limited migration into high latitudes. Virtually no endemism...


Radiolarian Preservation in Present and Past Oceans: ABSTRACT

Florence R. Kunze, Joan Mussler Spaw, Richard A. Reynolds, Steven D. Schaffersman, Richard E. Casey, Kenneth J. McMillen

AAPG Bulletin

... of radiolarian preservation in the middle and tropical Atlantic during the middle Miocene. End_of_Article - Last_Page 483...


Middle Cretaceous Oxygen-Deficient Paleoenvironments in Mid-Pacific Mountains and on Hess Rise, Central North Pacific Ocean: ABSTRACT

Jorn Thiede, T. L. Vallier, E. Vincent, R. R. Schmidt, A. Schaaf, C. A. Sancetta, P. Cepek, A. Boersma, N. Fujii, W. O. Sayre, K. E. Windom, K. E. Seifert, D. K. Rea, V. I. Koporulin, W. E. Dean, C. G. Adelseck

AAPG Bulletin

..., but the occurrences do suggest a coincidence of mid-plate volcanic activity and accumulation of organic matter at intermediate water depths in the tropical...


Radiolarian Distribution, Diversity, and Density in Water Column and Holocene Sediments of Gulf of Mexico and Adjacent Waters: ABSTRACT

Richard Casey, Joan Mussler Spaw, Florence Kunze, Richard Reynolds, Theo Duis, Ken McMillen

AAPG Bulletin

.... Most species appear to be endemic to or indicative of tropical surface water, subtropical underwater, North Atlantic central water, subantarctic...


Subsurface Neogene Stratigraphy of Bay County, Florida: ABSTRACT

Murlene Wiggs Clark, Ramil C. Wright

AAPG Bulletin

... in tropical sediments can be used only with difficulty in the temperate water sediments of the Florida Panhandle. End_of_Article - Last_Page 1599...


Living Foraminifers of West Flower Garden Bank, Northernmost Coral Reef in Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

C. Wylie Poag, R. Christopher Tresslar

AAPG Bulletin

... to the Gulf of Mexico; 83 (80%) occur elsewhere in the Caribbean; and 53 (51%) also occur in the tropical Indo-Pacific. Thirty-two species (31%) are reported...


Sands and Sand Transport on Palimpsest Carbonate Shelf: ABSTRACT

Larry J. Doyle, Thomas W. Neurauter, Thomas E. Pyle

AAPG Bulletin

... oolitic sands. Only a few patch reefs and one relatively large deep-water (>20 m) tropical reef, called the Florida Middle Ground, are present...


Radiolarian Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Eastern Part of Southern Peninsula of Haiti: ABSTRACT

Florentin Maurrasse, Robert Visconti

AAPG Bulletin

... peninsula of Haiti, are found to correlate with those of the equatorial-tropical realms. Like these assemblages the Haitian taxa show high species diversity...


Mississippian Continental Margins of Conterminous United States: ABSTRACT

Raymond C. Gutschick, Charles A. Sandberg

AAPG Bulletin

... and paleoecology of conodonts, and also of corals, calcareous and agglutinate foraminifera, and radiolarians. At this time, a shallow tropical sea covered most...


Biostratigraphy of Discocyclinid-Bearing Beds, Eocene Llajas Formation, Southwestern Santa Susana Mountains, California: ABSTRACT

Herman B. Schymiczek, Richard L. Squires

AAPG Bulletin

..., Cibicides, Operculina, Asterigerina, and Quinqueloculina. Most of the genera are extant and are found today in tropical to subtropical shallow marine...


Petroleum Origin: Heavy Rains, River Plume, Ocean Stratification: ABSTRACT

Martine Rossignol-Strick

AAPG Bulletin

... river plumes which accumulated a low-salinity surface layer undisturbed by the weak winds, a process very common today off the tropical river mouths...


Carbonate-Clastic Facies Changes, Pennsylvanian-Early Permian, Northwest Arizona-Southern Nevada: ABSTRACT

Walter H. Pierce

AAPG Bulletin

... marine to subaerial environments, wherein the climate was tropical and marine current energy was low. A Morrowan to Atokan regressive facies change...


Climate Control of Cretaceous Coal Distribution: ABSTRACT

Dale C. Beeson

AAPG Bulletin

... up to and including the polar regions. Several factors, such as the absence of coal deposits from Cretaceous tropical landmasses, indicate...


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