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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 340 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Fracture Analysis of New York State Using Multi-Stage Remote Sensor Data and Ground Study; Possible Application to Plate Tectonic Modeling

Yngvar W. Isachsen

Utah Geological Association

... within the Appalachian Foldbelt (figure 17). Another factor to be noted is the fact that the Grenville Province was originally a two layer crust...


Workflow for Nonlinear AVO Inversion to Estimate Seismic Anisotropy and Geomechanical Properties of Shale

Un Young Lim, Richard L. Gibson Jr., Nurul Kabir

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... are known and values for the anisotropic layer are unknown. With these properties, four two-layer models are generated with different values...


Sub-centennially resolved behavior of an accreting sandy shoreline over the past ∼ 1000 years

Thomas S.N. Oliver, Toru Tamura

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... transect referenced to a starting elevation derived from airborne LiDAR. A two-layer velocity profile was adopted using values of 0.14 m/ns and 0.07 m/ns...


Some Comments on Two-Layer Extensional Models for Evolution of Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT

Steven J. Hellinger, John G. Sclater

AAPG Bulletin

...Some Comments on Two-Layer Extensional Models for Evolution of Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT Steven J. Hellinger, John G. Sclater 1984 795 795 68 6...


ABSTRACT: Gravity Driven Deformation on Passive Margins … Is Analogue Modeling the Ultimate Tool?; #90061 (2006)

Thomas Mauduit

Search and

...) the sedimentation rate. Models are composed of two layer slabs, with Newtonian silicone putty at the base and dry sand on top. Synkinematic...


ABSTRACT The Mode of Continental Breakup Lithosphere Thinning and Its Implications for Rifted Margin Crustal Structure Subsidence and Heat-Flow History,#90104 (2010)

Kusznir Nick; Manatschal Gianreto

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... to investigate lithosphere response to 4 deformation modes: depth‐ uniform pure‐shear, two‐layer decoupled pure‐shear, upwelling divergent flow...


Abstracts: Tuning Effects in P-wave Reflections from a CO2 Injected Saline Aquifer: A Preliminary Appraisal; #90173 (2015)

Bernard Giroux, Maxime Claprood, and Lorenzo Perozzi

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... of a two-layer model is compared with that of the sedimentary sequence as determined from the well log data. The depth of the interface is 714 m, which...


Abstract: A Study of PS Wave AVO; #90255 (2017)

Young-Fo Chang, Jai-Wei Liu

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... of P- and PS-wave which reflected from a shale-gas sand interface were calculated and compared to evaluate their performances. A commonly used two-layer...


Abstract: Seismic Facies Recognition and Analysis of Stratigraphic Traps in Central Saudi Arabia; #90319 (2018)

Sihai Zhang, Yin Xu, Mahdi AbuAli

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... a two layer multi-layer perceptron (MLP). Seismic waveforms are employed with the ANN to classify and identify the seismic facies since they carry...


Exploration for Oil and Gas Pools Related to Traps of the Lithologic and Stratigraphic Type

N. V. Beznosov, I. V. Grishina, V. I. Yermakov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... (Zimnyaya Stavka, Velichayev, Kolodez, Maksimokum). Toward the west the sandy members are replaced by clays, and the Albian section acquires a two-layer...


Authigenic Feldspars And Cherts Resulting From Dolomitization Of Illitic Limestones: A Hypothesis

Keene Swett

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Lower Paleozoic two-layer, monoclinic illites as 8.75 percent. If the overlying limestones had been even slightly illitic (they still contain small...


Workflow for Zoeppritz AVO Inversion to Estimate Seismic Anisotropy, Geomechanical Properties and TOC of Shale: Case Study of Avalon Shale, Delaware Basin, #42416 (2019).

Un Young Lim, Nurul Kabir, Richard L. Gibson Jr.,

Search and

... ⇠ 32 0 ⇠ 35 Sensitivity analysis to understand behavior of inversion results Test models for Avalon shale in Delaware basin Table 2: Two-layer...


Deformation in Ramp Regions of Overthrust Faults: Experiments with Small-Scale Rock Models

James Morse

Wyoming Geological Association

... to this problem. The reason for this is two-fold. first, the question addressed here is one of process while it is only the result of the process which...


Evaporite Deposition from Layered Solutions

L. L. Sloss

AAPG Bulletin

... to support organisms and a lower layer in equilibrium with previously precipitated salts on the bottom. Two difficult problems remain. First, how can...


Basin Configuration of the Virgin River Depression, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona: A Geophysical View of Deformation Along the Colorado Plateau-Basin and Range Transition

V. E. Langenheim, R. G. Bohannon, J. M. Glen, R. C. Jachens, J. A. Grow, J. J. Miller, G. L. Dixon, T. C. Katzer

Pacific Section of AAPG

.... 409-440. Gans, P.B., 1987, An open-system, two-layer crustal stretching model for the eastern Great Basin: Tectonics, v. 6, no. 1, p. 1-12. Gardner, G.H....


Profit Optimization from Fracture Design and Production Estimates

David Cotrell, Tobias Hoeink, Elijah Odusina, Sachin Ghorpade, Erik Bernsen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Experiment No.3. Society of Petroleum Engineers. SPE-25890-PA. Woo, P. T., Emanuel, A. S., & Kolada, L. J. 1971. A Two-Layer Three-Dimensional...


Deposition of Evaporites

P. C. Scruton

AAPG Bulletin

... water because of friction at their interface. Flume experiments on a two layer system at constant volume of surface discharge conducted by Stommel...


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