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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 70,337 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.

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Rapid Refracturing Candidate Selection in Shale Reservoirs Using Drainage Volume and Instantaneous Recovery Ratio

Changdong Yang, Xu Xue, Jixiang Huang, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Michael J. King

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC) crosses a τ contour. With the Darcy’s law in diffusive time of flight, τ, coordinate system, q  ct w( ) p  The diffusivity equation may al...


Element migration in turbidite systems: Random or systematic depositional processes?

Richard Labourdette, Martine Bez

AAPG Bulletin

... visible channel are projected orthogonally onto the median line of the channel story and define the local coordinate system to be applied for analyzing...


Tar-Sand Exploration in Kentucky: Section V. Exploration Histories

M. C. Noger

AAPG Special Volumes

..., based on the Carter coordinate system, which is determined from longitude and latitude lines, contains about 660 acres. The acreage within a richness...


Rapid Estimations of Dynamic Hydraulic Fracture Fronts from Cross-Well Low-Frequency Distributed Acoustic Sensing Strain-Rate Measurements

Smith Leggett, Erich Kerr, Ding Zhu, Dan Hill

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... are provided in the following table. Solutions were computed using MATLAB’s “root” function. These solutions for represent xp, the x coordinate of a point...


Completions Evaluation in the Eagle Ford Shale

Carl W. Neuhaus

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... in a wellbore-centric coordinate system by breaking up the proppant filled fracture distances into a perpendicular horizontal, a parallel horizontal...


Parameter Estimations of Complex Fracture Networks Using Pressure Transient Analysis in Fracturing-shuttingŽ Data from Shale Oil Wells

Zhiming Chen, Luming Shi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Parameter Estimations of Complex Fracture Networks Using Pressure Transient Analysis in Fracturing-shuttingŽ Data from Shale Oil Wells Zhiming Chen...


Combining PSDM and Seismic Modeling to Reduce Uncertainties in Time Structural Interpretation

William Agudelo, José Fernando Gamboa, Saúl Guevara, Carlos Piedrahita, Luis Ernesto Rojas, Martín Morales, Héctor Alfonso

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... Magdalena Valley basin. (1) We have built an interval velocity model and an horizon model in depth using migration velocity analysis and iterative...


Modeling secondary oil migration with core-scale data: Viking Formation, Alberta basin

Elise B. Bekele, Mark A. Person, Benjamin J. Rostron, Randal Barnes

AAPG Bulletin

... in an ordinary block kriging program (Deutsch and Journel, 1992). The study area was first discretized into a two-dimensional, Cartesian coordinate system...


Relating Small-Scale Permeability Heterogeneity to Lithofacies Distribution

Michael N. Gaud, Gary A. Smith, Sean A. Mckenna

Special Publications of SEPM

... permeability measurement location in the local coordinate system with an electronic total station and recorded the lithofacies at each measurement site...


Unocal Indonesia Reorganized for Growth and Technical Excellence through EKM98 Organization Change

Wisnu Prasedyoko, Rick Callahan, Joewono Hadiwijoto, Peter J. Stokes

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... for cost and revenue control at lower levels. The organization was also characterized as always "re-inventing the wheel". Using the widely acclaimed...


Simulation and characterization of pathway heterogeneity of secondary hydrocarbon migration

Xiaorong Luo

AAPG Bulletin

... links between sources and traps for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in a petroleum system. Oil and gas commonly migrate along narrow and irregular...


Use of Seismic Data for Statistical Estimation of Outcome Probabilities of Complexly Faulted Structures in Tabasco Basin, Mexico

Juan M. Berlanga , John W. Harbaugh

AAPG Bulletin

... times were contoured by computer throughout much of the Tabasco basin, employing a special computer algorithm to accommodate the complex system of faults...


Application of Zero Offset 2D CRS-Stack Method for Low Fold Data: Synthetic and Real Data Examples

R. Sule, A. Hendriyana, P. D. Anggraini, Fatkhan, Alfian, Sardjito, Waluyo, Adriansyah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is needed for further steps, hence in this step pre-stack seismic data will be stacked every CMP gather by using this operator, The CRS-stack operator...


Iterative Modeling and Imaging of Seismic Data in Depth to Help Delineate Petroleum Reservoirs in the Utah Overthrust Belt

Alvin K. Benson

Utah Geological Association

... in the subsurface is generated by a source of energy such as the VIBROSEIS system, dynamite, or air guns. The wave field consists of a number of propagating...


FSO Cargo Tank Inspection with Drone, a Lesson Learned for Future Implementation

Mochamad Subchan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the cargo tank. A thorough drone inspection and flight plan was reviewed to address the inspection scope and complexity. The inspection was done using...


Key Lessons in Planning for Proactive Decommissioning - A Review of the Thevenard Island Decommissioning Project

Christopher M. Jones, Michael B. Boisvert, Shannon L. Dolbel, Richard P. Langsford, George N. Farag, Kellie A. Rinaldi, Jennifer D. Brauhart, Paul Y. Hoffman, Grant A. Brunsdon

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... 4 km Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 File Ref: TVI_097A_Rev1 Date: 20 Dec 2021 Offshore Platforms Thevenard Island Pipelines DISCLAIMER...


Geometry of the Hanging Wall Above a System of Listric Normal Faults--A Numerical Solution

Renato M. Darros de Matos

AAPG Bulletin

... in a coordinate system attached to the footwall, as illustrated in Figure 1b. The already extended, but not yet sheared, hanging wall is described by EQUATION (3...


Resinite — A Potential Petroleum Source in the Upper Cretaceous/Tertiary of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin

L. R. Snowdon

CSPG Special Publications

... but are not good source rocks in a geological system. This limitation may be related to the fact that the migration of liquid hydrocarbons may not occur...


Slug Tests in Site Characterization: Some Practical Considerations

James J. Butler, Jr.

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... estimates can be best illustrated with a series of numerical simulations performed using a cylindrical-coordinate, finite-difference model that has been...


How to Better Define the Structures Using 2D and 3D Restoration Tools in Complex Areas. Case Study in the Sub Andean Zone, Bolivia.

I. Moretti, A. Macris, J.F. Lecomte, V. Delos, A. Leclerc, J. Letouzey, A. Otero, J.C Calvo

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...How to Better Define the Structures Using 2D and 3D Restoration Tools in Complex Areas. Case Study in the Sub Andean Zone, Bolivia. I. Moretti...


Predicting Potential Unconventional Production in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale Play Using Thermal Modeling and Log Overlay Analysis

Hunter Berch, Jeffrey Nunn

GCAGS Journal

...’s Geographix® software and gridded using geographic latitude and longitude in the World–Mercator coordinate system. The NAD83 Louisiana–High Accuracy...


Diagenetic Clay Mineral Composition as a Function of Pressure, Temperature, and Chemical Activity

B. Velde, E. Nicot

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... microns) is used. Radiation intensity is detected and accumulated using a TRACOR Northern Instruments diode detector over a period of 120 s. Stability...


Field Development with Three-Dimensional Seismic Methods in the Gulf of Thailand — A Case History

C. G. Dahm, R. J. Graebner

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

.... Data from a streamer tracking system were combined with the boat navigation data to obtain an X and Y coordinate for each depth point associated...


Future Exploration Play Concept in Western Kendeng Fold Thrust Belt: Based on Comprehensive Stratigraphic and Geochemical Analyses of Outcropped Miocene Kerek and Pelang Formation and Oil Seeps

La Ode Bayu Stiawan, Rizky Ananda, Ildrem Syafri

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to serve as petroleum system elements. The research area is 20 x 10 km in size, which lies from Salatiga to Juwangi. Miocene Kerek and Pelang Formation...


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