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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 28,831 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Dependence of joint spacing on rock properties in carbonate strata
Carine Lezin, Francis Odonne, Gerard J. Massonnat, Gilles Escadeillas
AAPG Bulletin
... carbonates are characterized by a lower CaCO3 content, a higher average porosity, and a lower sound velocity than values recorded in the Bouye limestones...
Demultiple for Wide-Tow Broadband Acquisition in a Shallow Water Environment: A Case Study from the NW Shelf, Australia
Mike Hartley, Shuo Ji, Alex Browne
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... with variable depth streamers, with a synchronized multi-level broadband source. Receiver depths range from 7m to 50m for the area under discussion - a subset...
An Integrated Approach for the Evaluation of Shaly-sands Reservoirs, Offshore Northwest Java
Pierre Berger, Robert E. Crumb
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... is used to provide an improved estimate of water saturation. This integrated approach gives an estimate of a variable cementation exponent to be used...
Reef Development on a Mid-Oceanic Island: Reflection Profiling Studies of the 500-Meter Shelf South of Oahu
Arthur E. Gregory III, Loren W. Kroenke
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... Administration, National O c e a n Survey, Riverdale, M d . ) . C . I . = 2 0 m; bathymetry corrected for vertical variation in velocity of sound in seawater...
AAPG Memoir 76, Chapter 13: Consolidation State, Permeability, and Stress Ratio as Determined from Uniaxial Strain Experiments on Mudstone Samples from the Eugene Island 330 Area, Offshore Louisiana
Beth B. Stump and Peter B. Flemings
AAPG Special Volumes
..., scientific results, v. 150: College Station, Texas, Ocean Drilling Program, p. 377–384. Bowers, G. L., 1994, Pore pressure estimation from velocity...
Differential Transport of Fall-Equivalent Sand Grains, Lake Ontario, New York
C. Brian Trask, Bryce M. Hand
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... composed of grains having uniform fall velocity (equivalent to 2 quartz) were extracted from beach sands collected along the eastern end of Lake...
Large-Scale Flood Deposits Associated with the Formation of Coarse-Grained, Braided Terrace Sequences
Judith K. Maizels
Special Publications of SEPM
... flow depth using the Du Boys equation, and resistance to flow and flow 136 JUDITH K . MAIZELS velocity using Manning- and Darcy-Weisbach-type...
Stratigraphic Modeling and Interpretation--Geophysical Principles and Techniques: Section 3. Stratigraphic Models from Seismic Data
Norman S. Neidell, Elio Poggiagliolmi
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Koehler, 1969, Velocity spectra--digital computer derivation and applications of velocity functions: Geophysics, v. 34, p. 859-881. Taner, M. T., E. E...
Seismic Stratigraphic Study of Two Oxfordian Carbonate Sequences, Eastern Saudi Arabia
George S. Langdon , Steven J. Malecek
AAPG Bulletin
... were carried on selected intersecting lines into the grid north and south of line A. The acoustic impedance curve (velocity × density) and synthetic...
The petrophysical and petrographical properties of hyaloclastite deposits: Implications for petroleum exploration
Tim J. Watton, Kirstie A. Wright, Dougal A. Jerram, Richard J. Brown
AAPG Bulletin
... and 83008520 ft) are compared to recovered petrophysical logs (gamma ray, resistivity, and P-wave velocity). This study concludes deviation...
Net Directions and Rates of Present-Day Beach Sediment Transport by Littoral Drift along the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
J. K. Raj
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., is found a coastal plain of variable width that is locally covered by a number of beach ridges and backed by a fluvially, dissected hilly terrain...
Passive Margins: Erosion of the Southern Florida Escarpment
William Corso, Richard T. Buffler, and James A. Austin, Jr.
AAPG Special Volumes
...) Sort 3) Velocity Analyses (Semblance) 4) Normal Moveout/Stack (Nominal 12 Fold) 5) Time variable Bandpass Filters Water Bottom: 5/10-55/70 Hz 1.0...
Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy of the Central Scotian Slope, Eastern Canada
David J.W. Piper, William R. Normark, Roy Sparkes
CSPG Bulletin
... and 248 Hz. Digital processing resulted in a deconvolved 12-fold stack. Velocity scans for moveout correction were run every 5 km. In addition...
Localized wavefield inversion (LWI): An adaptation of multi-block ADMM for localized FWI
Hossein S. Aghamiry, Ali Gholami, Stephane Operto, Alison Malcolm
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... against background velocity model errors. INTRODUCTION Seismic full-waveform inversion (FWI) is an accurate imaging technique that can reconstruct the high...
Implementation of the DIPSCAN Method to Estimate Boundary Dips in Complicated Structures by VSP Data
A. A. Tabakov, V.N.Ferentsi, H. Gravini
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
....,Moscow,Russia, Geofields ltd.,.Bogota,Colombia. ABSTRACT The knowledge of velocity model not even along well but at offset is key for building of VSP...
Discovery and Petroleum Geology of the Bayu-Undan Gas-Condensate Field: Timor Gap Zone of Cooperation, Area A
Deidre M. Brooks, Angus K. Goody, J. Brendan O'Reilly, Kevin L. McCarty
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to poor seismic imaging at the reservoir level and unpredicted velocity and static anomalies. The sandstone reservoir consists of late Oxfordian...
Nias Basin, NW Sumatra New Insights into Forearc Structure and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity from Long-Offset 2d Seismic Data
Ian Deighton, M. Ma’ruf Mukti, Satish Singh, Tom Travis, Anthony Hardwick, Katie Hernon
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the zone is highly variable; with faulted anticlines, faulted blocks, horst and graben systems and flexures, all described. Diament et al. (1992...
From Chaos to Caves An Evolution of Seismic Karst Interpretation at the Vorwata Field
Riangguna Eloni, M.R. Husni Sahidu, Ilham Panggeleng, Christopher S. Birt, Ted Manning
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of seismic image within and beneath the carbonate since the irregular topography and variable texture tends to scatter seismic energy. This can result...
Computer Modeling of Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways and Fluid Flow Histories from Carbon Isotope Anomalies in Gulf Coast Exploration Wells
D. F. Williams , Lerche , Z. Yu
GCAGS Transactions
... End_Page 681------------------------ Table 4a. Synthetic Test Results on Velocity Table 4b. Synthetic Test Values of Initial Mixing Ratio End_Page...
An Integrated Workflow to Detect and Avoid Shallow Karst Drilling Hazards in the Delaware Basin
Phuong Hoang, Khalid Soofi, Patrick Boyle, Benjamin Lascaud
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... detection methods have variable vertical and lateral resolution, with lateral accuracy being the most important to understand. In order to avoid karst...
Chapter 4 - Coastal Deposits and Facies
George P. Allen, John L. C. Chambers
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of sediment is transported by a river are the velocity of flow and the volume rate of water flow, known as the fluvial discharge (see Leopold et al...
Repeat DAS and DTS Production Logs on a Permanent Fiber Optic Cable for Evaluating Production Changes and Interference with Offset Wells
Veronique Mahue, Erick Jimenez, Peter Dawson, Kirk Trujillo, Robert Hull
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... using conventional DAS with an externally cemented fiber. We can estimate the velocity at which thermal expansion/contraction related to fluid...
Annual Layers Revealed by GPR in the Subsurface of a Prograding Coastal Barrier, Southwest Washington, U.S.A.
L.J. Moore,,, H.M. Jol, S. Kruse, S. Vanderburgh, G.M. Kaminsky
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., such high-resolution records of coastal behavior will be invaluable in understanding the effects of variable climatic and tectonic forcing on coastal...
Seismic-Reflection Studies in Block Island and Rhode Island Sounds
Robert L. McMaster , Thomas P. Lachance , Louis E. Garrison
AAPG Bulletin
... long, contained 10 variable-reluctance, pressure-sensitive detectors. At sea the sound source and hydrophone array were towed at speeds of 9-15 km/hr...