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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 8,233 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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The Geologic Structure and the Prospects of the Oil-bearing Capacity of the Southern Downwarping of Mugodzhar

R. G. Garetskiy

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... Carboniferous are referred to another structural unit. The Upper Devonian is made up of calcareous sandstone and limestones with conglomerate at the base...


Currents And Slopes In Flysch Basins: A DISCUSSION

John F. Hubert

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... with probable neritic sandstone and limestone flysch-like sequences (Hubert, 1966, p. 683; Hubert, 1968). (4) An unusual opportunity to compare the direction...


VSP Survey in the Thonex Geothermal Well … New Characterization of Potential Carbonatic Geothermal Reservoirs, #80646 (2018).

Luca Guglielmetti, Andrea Moscariello, Flavio Poletto,, Piero Corubolo,, A. Scheifer,, B. Farina, Fabio Meneghini, Francois Martin, Carole Nawratil de Bono,, Michel Meyer, Chrystel Dezayes, Adnand Bitri

Search and

... these limestone units are much lower than those generated by the sandstone alternations of the Molasse or that generated by the Molasse-limestone contact...


Well Log and Seismic Character of Tertiary Terumbu Carbonate, South China Sea, Indonesia

J. Andrew May , Daryl R. Eyles

AAPG Bulletin

... limestone that causes a prominent seismic reflector. Porosity in the platform is controlled by depth of burial, sea level fluctuations...


Abstract: Pore Geometry and Pore-Fluid Types: Effects on Seismic Properties of Carbonate Rocks Under a Compaction Disequilibrium Scenario; #90224 (2015)

Gautier Njiekak and Douglas R. Schmitt

Search and

... measurable rock properties (e.g., porosity and permeability) in carbonate reservoirs. Ultrasonic measurements of P- and S-waves velocities (Vp and Vs) were...


Geological-Geophysical Characteristics of the Pre-Upper Paleozoic Sediments of the West Siberian Platform and their Oil-Gas Potential

V. A. Benenson

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... Paleozoics are found in the north of West Siberia. See figure 1. Such parameters indicate dolomite and dolomitized limestone. Interface velocities from...


Glauconite Sandstone Exploration: A Case Study from the Lake Newell Project, Southern Alberta, Canada

Kevin Broger, Garth Syhlonyk

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...Glauconite Sandstone Exploration: A Case Study from the Lake Newell Project, Southern Alberta, Canada Kevin Broger, Garth Syhlonyk 121 Glauconite...


Descriptions, Petrology, Photographs, and Photomicrographs of Core from the Green River Formation, South-Central Uinta Basin, Utah (MP-04-2)

S. Robert Bereskin, Craig D. Morgan, Kevin P. McClure

Utah Geological Survey

... and appears locally graded. The mudstone overlies an oolitic limestone and represents a lake-level rise. SANDSTONE PETROLOGY Petrology...


Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shelf off the East Coast of the United States

Henry C. Stetson

Special Publications of SEPM

... on the continental slope but here a limestone is in the process of formation. The readvancing sea at the close of Wisconsin time found essentially...


Summary of Sedimentary Conditions on the Continental Shelf Off the East Coast of the United States: Part 4. Near-Shore Sediments--Hemipelagic Deposits

Henry C. Stetson

AAPG Special Volumes

... algae and the like. Under ordinary conditions silt and clay are deposited on the continental slope but here a limestone is in the process of formation...


Core Workshop: Deltaic Sedimentary Facies Analysis and Low Resistive Reservoirs Recognition from Core and Outcrop

Thomas Y. Yoga, Haris K. Hidayat

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... varies from absent to moderate. The interbedded sandstone-mudstone facies is interpreted as being deposited from variable current velocities...


Simultaneous Inversion Analysis using Rock Physics for Carbonate Reservoir Characterization in "Omicron" Field Kujung I Formation, North East Java Basin

Laila Annafi, Tomy Miarso

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... for their internal heterogeneity, major constituent carbonate reservoirs (limestone or dolomite) are skeletal detritus with various trace elements...


Analogue Modeling of the Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt; #30439 (2016)

Romain Darnault, Kevin C. Hill, Jean-Marie Mengus, Jean-Marc Daniel, Nigel Wilson

Search and

... were used to represent the PNG stratigraphy of 2 km of molasse, 1 km of carbonate, 1 km of mudstone, 500 m of sandstone and shale reservoirs, and 0.5–3...


Geomechanics of Fracture Density

John Wickham, Xinbao Yu, Richard McMullen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... layer in which fracture density was estimated. The sample was used to measure density as well as p and s wave velocities. Density, p and s wave...


Tidal Sand Sheet Origin of the Transgressive Basal Colorado Sandstone (Albian): A Subsurface Study of the Cessford Field, Southern Alberta

Indranil Banerjee

CSPG Bulletin

...Tidal Sand Sheet Origin of the Transgressive Basal Colorado Sandstone (Albian): A Subsurface Study of the Cessford Field, Southern Alberta Indranil...


Geology of Millard County, Utah (B-133)

Lehi F. Hintze, Fitzhugh D. Davis

Utah Geological Survey

... Limestone (west) Mississippian M 290 300 240 Ma Kaiabab Limestone (east) Toroweap Formation (east) Queantoweap Sandstone (east) Pakoon Dolomite...


3D Finite-Difference Acoustic Modeling to Address Advance Seismic Imaging Challenges in Bintuni Bay, Irian Jaya Barat: Part I of II

Yayat Supriatna, Angke Nuraeni, Supriyono, Greg J. Schurter, Carl J Regone, Nurul Kabir

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... 6200’ Steenkool Shales with sandstone streaks 7100’ Kais Limestone Faumai Karstified limestone KLASAFET L 10 MIOCENE M KAIS 15 E S IR...


Problems in Reflection Seismology

G. H. Westby

Tulsa Geological Society

... a compressional pulse in the earth which is propagated away from this energy source at velocities determined by the character of the formations encountered...


Abstract: Estimation of Epsilon Parameter of Fracture Induced Anisotropy by In-Situ Seismic Refraction Survey

Eko March Handoko Masyhur, Abdul Ghani Md Rafek, Khairul Arifin Mohd Noh

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... was performed at a limestone quarry in Chemor, Perak, with existing outcrop showing an almost vertical fractures. The study was conducted to determine Thomsen...


Porosity and Heterogeneity Effect on Vp/Vs Ratio in Carbonate Rocks from a Reservoir in the Middle East; #40880 (2012)

El Amin Mokhtar, Sandra Vega, Ahmed Abed Hassan, and Mariam Al Baloushi

Search and

... a producing reservoir in the Middle East. We conducted measurements of porosity and acoustic velocities (Vp and Vs) in dry samples. In addition, we...


Tectonics and Oil-Gas Potential of Southwest of Trans-Caucasus Black Sea Region

V. M. Likholatnikov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of the Pontian, passing downward into finer sandstone and siltstone, then clays and marl. Limy clays of the upper Eocene grade into marls and clayey limestone...


Structure of the Wills Valley Anticline, Alabama

Delores M. Robinson, Marty G. Gates, Andrew M. Goodliffe

GCAGS Transactions

... Mountain Formation and Hartselle Sandstone, Monteagle Limestone, and Bangor Limestone. The top of this seismic package is 665 Robinson et al...


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