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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 8,233 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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The Organization of Sedimentary Rocks

E. C. Dapples, W. C. Krumbein, L. L. Sloss

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... which are most readily recognized to those which require more critical examination. Examples of specific conglomerate, sandstone, shale, and limestone...


Continental Margin Off Western Africa: Cape St. Francis (South Africa) to Walvis Ridge (South-West Africa)

K. O. Emery , Elazar Uchupi , C. O. Bowin , Joseph Phillips , E. S. W. Simpson

AAPG Bulletin

.... Siesser, W. G., 1972a, Limestone lithofacies from the South African continental margin: Sedimentary Geology, v. 8, p. 83-112. Siesser, W. G., 1972b...


Structure and Petroleum Potential of Eastern Chatham Rise, New Zealand

P. M. Austin , R. C. Sprigg , J. C. Braithwaite

AAPG Bulletin

... by the abyssal Bounty Trough (Fig. 1). The Tupuangi-Rauceby Sandstone, a 2,000-ft (710 m)-thick deltaic sequence, conformably overlies the Headland...


Practical Petrographic Classification of Limestones

Robert L. Folk

AAPG Bulletin

..., a sandstone made up of 80-90 per cent grains of Cretaceous limestone and fossil fragments. Another example is the Collings Ranch conglomerate (Ham...


Delineation of Anomalously Pressured Gas Accumulations in the Riverton Dome Area, Wind River Basin, Wyoming

Ronald C. Surdam, Zun Sheng Jiao, Nicholas G. K. Boyd III

Wyoming Geological Association

... with the highest IP values (i.e., three to four mmcf/day) were drilled into an intense velocity anomaly (i.e., anomalously slow velocities). The well drilled...


Evidence of Syndepositional Subsidence and the Evolution of Multiple Coal Splits in the Hartshorne Formation, Western Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma, Part 2, Conclusion

Melissa Marie Stefos

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... pounds of dynamite. The sediments and rock column from the surface to the base of the hole included clay, shale, limestone, and sandstone. Clay...


Kinematics and Sedimentary Balance of the Sub-Himalayan Zone, Western Nepal

Laurent Husson, Jean-Louis Mugnier, Pascale Leturmy, Grard Vidal

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Investigations from spatial imagery and digital elevation modeling (DEM), together with kinematic data, allow us to calculate velocities...


"Porosity Pod": Concept for Successful Stratigraphic Exploration of Fine-Grained Sandstones

James M. Forgotson, Jr. , James M. Forgotson

AAPG Bulletin

... sandstone, red to brown shale, and silty shale. The Hosston is transitional upward into the limestone and dark gray shale of the Sligo Formation. The Sligo...


Developing a Versatile Method for Rock Physics Modeling in a Carbonate Reservoir by Integrating Rock Mechanic Laboratory Results, Petrophysical Analysis and Computational Rock Physics: A Case Study from The Kais Formation in the Salawati Basin

Al Hafeez, Ananto Wibisono, Rochmad, Khairil Iqbal, Agus Guntoro, Gianita Octavia

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Figure 1 - Vp Vs Relationship for Sandstone and Limestone (Mavko et al., 2009) R² = 0.864 Figure 2 - Vp from measurement compared with Vp calculated...


Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Shumagin Margin, Alaska

Terry R. Bruns, Roland von Huene, Raymond C. Culotta; Stephen D. Lewis; John W. Ladd

Circum Pacific Council Publications

..., coarse early Pleistocene sandstone made up of sedimentary rock clasts foraminifers; bathyal. and limestone clasts with carbonate cement. Sedimentary...


Seismograph Interpretation as Related to Changes in Sedimentary Section in West Texas and New Mexico

John Daly , C. N. Page

AAPG Bulletin

..., the limestone changes in character. It becomes clean, massive, dolomitic, and porous. Velocities measured in sections of this type of deposit show...




Montana Geological Society

... of the Cretaceous portion of the basin as outlined by contours on the Dakota Sandstone. See Fig. 1. These contours are obtained in part from the tectonic...


Thickness Changes in Sedimentary Layers During Compaction History; Methods for Quantitative Evaluation

Raymond Perrier , Jacques Quiblier

AAPG Bulletin

... sediments consisted mainly of shale, with a few layers of sandstone, dolomite, and limestone. We considered the later layers as uncompactable...


The Role of Seismic in Play Type and Prospect Development: Eastern Canning Basin

Ted Jacobson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... in the Laurel Formation in a tight medium grained sandstone. No other shows were recorded. The well bottomed in indurated sandstones dated at the time...


Geophysical Lecture

E. R. Deutsch

CSPG Bulletin

... are summarized here. The Mississippian limestone is the primary objective of oil and gas exploration in the Alberta foothills. Since, as a rule, the beds...


South Glenrock, Sand Dunes, Derrick Draw Meander Belt, Southwest Powder River Basin, Wyoming

R. P. Swirczynski

Wyoming Geological Association

... sandstone deposition on either side of the gap where stream velocities would be less. "Water gaps" are important to exploration because they segment...


Water Weakening: Case Study From Marcellus and Woodford

Ishank Gupta, Carl H. Sondergeld, Chandra S. Rai, Ronny Hofmann

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... (1992), Cherblanc et al. (2016), did extensive studies on a large number of sandstone, siltstone and limestone samples. Li et al. (2012) studied...


ABSTRACT: Seismic Noise Tomography in the Chile Ridge Subduction Region; #90113 (2010)

Alejandro Gallego, Raymond M. Russo, Diana Comte, Victor I. Mocanu, Ruth E. Murdie, and John C. Vandecar

Search and

... in nominally 882 traveltimes along assumed-straight inter-station paths. Velocities in two-dimensional cells of 20 x 20 km were calculated using a linear...


Predicting S-wave sonic logs using machine learning with conventional logs for the Delaware Basin, Texas

Jaewook Lee, Yangkang Chen, Robin Dommisse, Alexandros Savvaidis, Guo-chin Dino Huang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.../s, and the coefficients (𝑎& ) are specific to pure monomineralic lithologies such as sandstone, limestone, dolomite, and shale (Castagna et al., 1993...


Ground-Water Quality Assessment and Closure of the Industrial Waste Lagoon at Tooele Army Depot, Utah

Steven B. Johnson

Utah Geological Association

... is composed of calcareous, cemented quartzite and silica-cemented orthoquartzite, calcareous sandstone, and fine-grained limestone. Although...


Unlocking Potential Reservoir of Pre-Parigi Carbonate to New Opportunity Gas Field; A Case Study of Belut Structure - Offshore North West Java

Lambertus Fransisco Yulianus, Yasinta Dewi Setiawati, Sandra Radiansyah, Prawoto I. Syuhada

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... (Figure 4). The main reservoirs in this structure are Pre-Parigi and Talang Akar formations. This paper discusses limestone in the Pre-Parigi formation...


Petrolem Exploration in Southeastern Arizona: Anatomy of an Overthrust Play

Jamie P. Robinson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... sequence of the Pedregosa basin (Fig. 2) especially the Devonian Martin Formation, Mississippian Escabrosa Limestone, and Pennsylvanian Horquilla...


Sedimentary Evolution of the Miocene-Pliocene Camp Davis Basin, Northwestern Wyoming

Timothy J. Olson, James G. Schmitt

Wyoming Geological Association

... velocities. Ripple-Cross-Laminated Sandstone (Sr) Description Ripple-cross-laminated sandstone is a very minor lithofacies in the lower member of the Camp...


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