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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 8,248 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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2.2 Basement Involved: 2.2.2 Rifts: A Half-Graben and Tilted Fault Block Structure in the Northern North Sea

A. C. Evans and D. N. Parkinson

AAPG Special Volumes

... uncertainty about the deeper horizons. The section was converted to depth using interval velocities from well data down to about 3 secs two-way time...


Structure of the Alleghanian Thrust Belt under the Gulf Coastal Plain of Alabama

Delores M. Robinson, Ryan M. Bailey, Andrew M. Goodliffe

GCAGS Journal

..., sandstone, limestone), and Pottsville Formation (sandstone). The Mississippian system is ~2300–3000 ft thick (Raymond, 1991). The Pennsylvanian system...


Shaken and stirred: Seismites and tsunamites at the Permian-Triassic Boundary, Guryul Ravine, Kashmir, India

M.E. Brookfield, T.G. Algeo, R. Hannigan, J. Williams, G.M. Bhat


...-andpillow structures at their bases, and containing numerous pseudonodules of both sandstone and sandy limestone (Figs. 3, 5). The large pillows at the base...


The Beatrice Field, Inner Moray Firth, U.K. North Sea

Philip N. Linsley ,, Henry C. Potter , Greg McNab ,, David Racher

AAPG Special Volumes

... Jurassic (Sinemurian-Callovian) sandstone/shale reservoir sequence. Stratigraphic markers within the sequence are identified and related to the outcrops...


Northwest Margin of California Continental Borderland: Marine Geology and Tectonic Evolution

James K. Crouch

AAPG Bulletin

... by: (1) moderately high compressional velocities (5.1 to 6.2 km/sec), (2) discordant and discontinuous seismic reflectors, and (3) nonfossiliferous...


Sedimentology and Depositional Setting of the Upper Proterozoic Scanlan Conglomerate, Central Arizona

Larry T. Middleton, Alan P. Trujillo

CSPG Special Publications

...-and horizontally stratified sandstone. The second facies sequence formed in a proximal braided fluvial system and reflects in-channel deposition and both...


Model for Sandstone-Carbonate "Cyclothems" Based on Upper Member of Morgan Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) of Northern Utah and Colorado

Steven G. Driese , R. H. Dott, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... (16-82 ft) thick, fine to very fine-grained quartzose sandstone units interbedded with 0.25-11 m (0.8-36 ft) thick fossiliferous limestone and dolostone...


Petrology of Bethel Sandstone of South-Central Illinois

Willard D. Pye

AAPG Bulletin

...) formations dominantly composed of limestone with some shale and sandstone, (3) the Chester series of eight sandstone formations alternating...


Abnormal Formation Pressures: Recognition, Distribution, and Implications for Geophysical Prospecting, Brazoria County, Texas

Edward T. Flanigan

GCAGS Transactions

... acoustic velocities than the normally pressured zones above and below them. Where these abnormal zones exist and dip significantly, lateral velocity...


Hydrodynamic Interpretation of High Energy Wave-dominated Shoreface Successions, Cretaceous Mount Garfield/Illes Formation, Colorado; #50378 (2011)

Jesse Thompson and Diane Kamola

Search and

... Seaway - KWIS) which existed at the time of deposition. The Rollins Sandstone Member (Campanian) is the youngest Member of the Mount Garfield...


Early Late Cretaceous to Holocene Seismic Stratigraphy and Geologic History of Southeastern Gulf of Mexico

David M. Angstadt , James A. Austin, Jr. , Richard T. Buffler

AAPG Bulletin

... Ocean: topography, rocks, structure, water, life and sediments: AAPG Memoir 17, 532 p. Enos, P., 1977, Tamabra Limestone of the Poza Rica trend...


Winterset Algal-Bank Complex, Pennsylvanian, Eastern Kansas

Jack G. Frost

AAPG Bulletin

... where the Winterset Limestone has been removed locally by erosion except for a few limestone pebbles underlying a sandstone. Southward in northern...


The Gobe Field, PNG: Influence of Basement Architecture on Fold and Thrust Belt Structural Style, #20339 (2016).

Armelle Kloppenburg, Kevin C. Hill

Search and

... hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir is Upper Jurassic Iagifu Sandstone. The overlying 1 km thick Cretaceous mudstone is relatively weak, and has detached...


The Application of Exploration Principles to Define the Potential of the S.E. Gobe Field Forelimb

M. Daniels, M. I. Jacobson, J. D. Lee, D. T. Moffat, K. C. Richards

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... and development drilling in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has alw ays been challenging. The subsurface target Toro to lagifu sandstone reservoirs (o fte n d is c...


Pore Pressure and Elastic Moduli Estimation Considerations for a Simplified Geomechanical Model for Unconventional Plays. A case study in the Vaca Muerta Formation

Sergio Cuervo, Ezequiel Lombardo

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and perpendicular to bedding, ultrasonic velocities were also available to generating ad-hoc dynamic to static conversions. Background, Assumptions...


What Can Elasticity Moduli Tell Us About Lithology and Diagenesis?: ABSTRACT

Gildas Omnes

AAPG Bulletin

... density, a function of rigidity alone. For isotropic media: Vp = (k + 4/3µ)½^rgrv and Vs = (µ/^rgrv)½ where Vp, Vs = velocities of pressure...


The Edmonton Formation

J. R. Ower

CSPG Bulletin

... in a slow progressive truncation of the uppermost Edmonton beds beneath the Paskapoo sandstone in an easterly direction. Allan, J. A., 1918...


East Greenland Continental Margin

G. L. Johnson, N. J. McMillan, J. Egloff

CSPG Special Publications

...., Ser. B., v. 258 (Symposium on Continental Drift), pp. 145-165. Wyrobek, S. M., 1969: General appraisal of velocities of the Permian Basin of northern...


Eye-Openers from Re-Processing of Oil Sands Seismic Data; #41290 (2014)

David Gray, Seann Day, and Scott Shapper

Search and

...-velocity carbonates and shales. The seismic velocities in the overlying bitumen sands and shales typically range from 2000-2500 m/s; the seismic...


Sequence Stratigraphy of the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Peace River Formation, Southwestern Florida

Thomas M. Missimer

GCAGS Transactions

.... Yamamoto, T., T. Nye, and M. Kuru, 1995, Imaging the permeability structure of a limestone aquifer by crosswell acoustic tomography: Geophysics, v. 60...


Carbonate Bank Sedimentation, Eastern Shark Bay, Western Australia

G. R. Davies

AAPG Special Volumes

... and utilitarian aspects of limestone classification, in W. E. Ham, ed., Classification of carbonate rocks: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Mem. 1, p. 20-32...


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