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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 17,122 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Seismic Processing in the Papua New Guinea Fold Belt - Recent Experience
N. J. Fisher, F. R. Nicholson
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
..., Deconvolution, Initial Statics, Velocity Analysis, Residual Statics, NMO, Mute, Stack with velocities and residual statics usually iterated a second time...
Basement Reactivation in the Alberta Basin: Observational Constraints and Mechanical Rationale
Gerald M. Ross, David W. Eaton
CSPG Bulletin
... individual seismic lines. Fig. 6 shows a typical velocity analysis plot, illustrating the nature of multiple contamination of the shallow basement...
Abstract: Full Waveform Inversion Algorithm using Time Imaging Methods; #90174 (2014)
Hassan Khaniani, John C. Bancroft, Gary F. Margrave, and Eric von Lunen
Search and Discovery.com
... of the PSTM data. The result of the method will be an updated velocity in time that can be used in time to depth conversion. The accuracy...
Quantitative Petrophysical AVO Error Analysis in a Layered Model
Search and Discovery.com
..., Soc. Expl. Geophys. Investgations in Geophysics no.8,3-36. Dey-Sarkar, S.K., Svatek, S.A. and Crewe, O.W., 1986, Prestack Analysis: Data Processing...
Building a three-dimensional near-surface geologic and petrophysical model based on borehole data: A case study from Chemery, Paris Basin, France
Paola Sala, Marcel Frehner, Nicola Tisato, O. Adrian Pfiffner
AAPG Bulletin
..., Laboratory and well-log velocity and density measurements from the Ontong Java Plateau: New in-situ corrections to laboratory data for pelagic carbonates, in W...
Sediment Thickness and Depth to Basement in Western North Atlantic Ocean Basin
Brian E. Tucholke , Robert E. Houtz , William J. Ludwig
AAPG Bulletin
... geostrophic contour currents: Science, v. 152, p. 502-508. Houtz, R.E., 1973, Preliminary study of global sediment sound velocity from sonobuoy data...
The use of FWI in coal exploration
Mehdi Asgharzadeh, Maryam Bahri, Milovan Urosevic
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... from velocity and density logs in Goonyella mine. In the third part, synthetic data generation, we describe parameterization of the forward model...
Delineation of a Diagenetic Trap Using P-Wave and Converted-Wave Seismic Data in the Miocene McLure Shale, San Joaquin Basin, California, by Robert Kidney, John Arestad, Anne Grau, Robert Sterling, #20012 (2003).
Search and Discovery.com
Kapteyn's Transformation of Grain Size Distribution
Jiri Brezina
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... As the theoretical settling velocity laws deviate somewhat from the observed values, and the derivation of an exact equation from experimental data would result...
Seismic-Based Pore Fluid Characterization for Improved Landslide Geohazard Assessment in Gas Pipelines: Utilizing VP/VS and Poisson Ratio Analysis
Muhammad Aldi Firdaus, Sufi Hamdan Mazida, Ari Kurniawan, Sri Rahayu, Fajar Rahman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...), and geotechnical drilling in landslide assessment. These methods provide the P-wave velocity (Vp) and S-wave velocity (Vs) and soil data...
Marine Acquisition and Processing Using Dual Sensor Towed Streamer (Geophysics Paper 1)
Walter Söllner, Svein Vaage, David Carlson, Martin Widmaier, Anthony Day, Stephen Pharez, Maz Farouki
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... to the up-going velocity wavefield. Furthermore, the peaks and notches in the amplitude spectra for pressure data are complementary to those...
Hydrodynamic Properties and Grain-size Characteristics of Volcaniclastic Deposits on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge North of Iceland (Kolbeinsey Ridge)
Reinhard Oehmig, Hans-Joachim Wallrabe-Adams
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of data points in Figure 3 suggests that the size of the particles may not be the dominant factor in determining settling velocity. This is particularly...
Early-Life Performance of Indonesias First Deepwater Subsea Gas Condensate Field
Alxner Kalalo, Rinenggo Nugroho, Aprianto Somantri, Russell Thomas
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... (Figure 5B). Pressure Transient Analysis A PBU was planned for Well-1 and Well-2 within 47 days after the IP, given the criticality of the data (skin...
A case study using FWI to image pre-Messinian target in the East Mediterranean Sea
Jyoti Kumar, Marcus Bell, Tamer Darwish, Mai Ahmed, Mahmoud Ahmed, Moataz Ahmed
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...-source seismic data. Optimal velocity model building for depth imaging involves the application of complementary imaging technologies to mitigate...
Hydromechanical Principles of Sediment Structure Formation
L.I. Briggs, G. V. Middleton
Special Publications of SEPM
... are difficult to reconstruct from geometrical analysis and because of an insufficient knowledge of the hydrodynamic conditions prevailing in most...
Model-Based, 2-D Seismic Definition of Subthrust Structure in the Uranium Peak Area, Northwest Colorado
George C. Robertson, Dirk W. McDermott, Rex L. Tang
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... was the conventional inverse method by which a synthetic seismic section is generated from a depth-velocity cross-section and compared to the actual seismic data...
Analysis of Overpressure Zones at the Southern Margin of the Baram Delta Province and Their Implications to Hydrocarbon Expulsion, Migration and Entrapment
Aristeo Mantaring, Fumiaki Matsuda, Masanori Okamoto
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... S Figure 8. VSP data showing major growth fault and associated antithetic faults. GeoL. Soc. MaLaYJia, BuLLetin 57 ANALYSIS OF OVERPRESSURE ZONES...
Abstract: Fractures Detection and Characterization for the Jurassic Carbonate Reservoirs Using 3-D P-Wave Pre-Stack Seismic Data in Saudi Arabia, by Abdulfattah A. Al-Dajani; #90077 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Pre-Stack Depth Migration and the Imaging of Complex Structures in the Wyoming Thrust Belt
Richard Postma
Wyoming Geological Association
... a correct macro-model from the data. A starting model is used with a velocity that is approximately correct for the shallowest part of the section...
Abstract: Integrated Anisotropic Velocity Modeling Using Perforation Shots, Passive Seismic and VSP Data; #90211 (2015)
Shawn Maxwell, Julie Shemeta, and Nancy House
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Integrated Anisotropic Velocity Modeling Using Perforation Shots, Passive Seismic and VSP Data; #90211 (2015) Shawn Maxwell, Julie Shemeta...
Complexity of Pore Pressure and Stress Analyses in Mahakam Median Axis of the Lower Kutai Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia
Roni Herdiyanto, Joe-Anderson Siadary, Dhanny Fadlan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in the research area essential in order to support the massive drilling and production activities in this area. The result of well data analysis shows...
Gulf of Mexico: Shallow Overlooked Channels, Offshore Gulf of Mexico: Application of 3-D Seismic Analysis to Stratigraphic Interpretation
W. C. Riese and B. E. Winkelman
AAPG Special Volumes
... data may be significantly finer than the frequency content of the data would lead one to believe. In our case, frequency analysis suggests that our...
An Alternative Interpretation of Linear Dipping Events on 2-D Seismic Data from the Wichita Mountains Frontal Zone: Abstract
Jan M. Dodson, Roger A. Young, Kevin J. Smart
Tulsa Geological Society
... the acquisition, processing and interpretation of seismic data. The complex structures on the cross section combine with large velocity contrasts between...
ABSTRACT Plays and Prospectivity Offshore Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus: New Insights from Depth-Imaged Seismic Data, #90104 (2010)
Roberts Glyn; Harmer Charles; Peace David
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Plays and Prospectivity Offshore Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus: New Insights from Depth-Imaged Seismic Data, #90104 (2010) Roberts Glyn; Harmer...