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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 48,515 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Abstract: AVAZ Inversion for Anisotropy Parameters of a Fractured Medium; #90174 (2014)
Faranak Mahmoudian, Gary F. Margrave, and Joe Wong
Search and Discovery.com
... transverse isotropy) medium was used to facilitate the inversion. Some constraints on the vertical velocities and density were also incorporated...
Seismic to Well Ties with Problematic Sonic Logs, by Don Burch, #40078 (2003)
Search and Discovery.com
Deep adversarial multiview clustering network for unsupervised seismic facies analysis
Hanpeng Cai, Xiuyi Zou, Yuting Zhao, Sheng Zhang, Tengyu Wang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... a idea which extracts multi-view data from seismic texture attributes with horizontal and vertical view and it can be expanded at more views. Besides...
New Approach: Using Relative Inversion with Spectral Decomposition to Distinguish Thin Layers in the 33-Series Sand Reservoirs of the Widuri Field, Southeast Sumatra, Indonesia
Ratih Muliani, Reza Widiatmo, Heri Gunawan, Pranowo Nugroho, Hairunnisa, Awal Mandong, Rino Saputra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Frequency Velocity Seismic vertical resolution: l = v/f = 8700/70 = 125 ft Separability Limit = l/4 = 125/4 = 31 ft. Visibility Limit = l/10 = 12.5...
Santan Delta Evolution and Its Implication to The Petroleum System in North of Kutei Basin
Hendry Setiawan Lie, Reynaldy Fifariz, Ninda Agri Kharisa, Sigit Ari Prabowo, Befriko Saparindra Murdianto, Dwiharso Nugroho
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Several enhancements work like spectral enhancement / spectral blueing are performed to improve seismic vertical resolution to support regional seismic...
Seismic-Sedimentologic Study of Lacustrine Gravity-Flow Channels: Oligocene ES1 Formation, Qinan Sag, Huanghua Depression, China, #50754 (2012)
Huaqing Liu, Hong Zhong, Zhang Jing
Search and Discovery.com
...Seismic-Sedimentologic Study of Lacustrine Gravity-Flow Channels: Oligocene ES1 Formation, Qinan Sag, Huanghua Depression, China, #50754 (2012...
Use of Horizontal Seismic Sections to Identify Subtle Traps
Alistair R. Brown, Robert J. Graebner, C. G. Dahm
AAPG Special Volumes
...Use of Horizontal Seismic Sections to Identify Subtle Traps Alistair R. Brown, Robert J. Graebner, C. G. Dahm 1982 47 56 M 32: The Deliberate Search...
Direct Evidence of Hydrocarbon Accumulations from Seismic Data
E. G. Selby
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Direct Evidence of Hydrocarbon Accumulations from Seismic Data E. G. Selby 1975 211 222 Seismic reflections are generated by contrasts...
Use of the Results of Seismic Surveying for Paleotectonic Constructions
V. R. Shevchenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Use of the Results of Seismic Surveying for Paleotectonic Constructions V. R. Shevchenko 1963 466 470 Vol. 7 (1963) No. 8. (August) 1. Aver’yev, V...
Abstract: Attenuation, Velocity Dispersion and the Fate of the Vibroseis Signal; #90211 (2015)
Bernd Milkereit, Flora Sun, Wei Qian, and Thomas Bohlen
Search and Discovery.com
... the estimated frequency range. Zero offset Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) surveys offer such data acquisition geometry. Secondly, we require a seismic...
Deep Structure: Strength Through Integration in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
GeoExPro Staff
GEO ExPro Magazine
... the sub-salt imaging problem by using an integrated approach. By integrating long-offset (10km) Deep Focus seismic data, high resolution marine gravity...
A Successful Example of a Shallow Ore-Body Imaged by Surface 3D Seismic, #40725 (2011)
M. Denis, C. Pretorius, M. Gibson, and Eric Gillot,
Search and Discovery.com
...A Successful Example of a Shallow Ore-Body Imaged by Surface 3D Seismic, #40725 (2011) M. Denis, C. Pretorius, M. Gibson, and Eric Gillot...
Seismicity and Neotectonics of the East Alpine-Carpathian and Pannonian Area: Chapter 15
R. Gutdeutsch, K. Aric
AAPG Special Volumes
... a horizontal strike-slip displacement as opposed to a reverse or normal vertical rupture. The seismic lineaments then form a wide zone that follows...
Bayesian analysis of deep marine channel geometry from seismic data
Tong Wang, Celine Scheidt, Tapan Mukerji, Junling Fang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Bayesian analysis of deep marine channel geometry from seismic data Tong Wang, Celine Scheidt, Tapan Mukerji, Junling Fang Bayesian analysis of deep...
High Quality 3D Seismic and Dynamic Modeling as a Means to Identify 2.0 MMBO of P2 Reserves in By-passed Pay in the Mature Matanegra Area, Cravo Norte Field Complex
C. Malagon, H. Mackualo, A. Caliz, A. Lozano, C. Valdes, W. Bayne
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
...High Quality 3D Seismic and Dynamic Modeling as a Means to Identify 2.0 MMBO of P2 Reserves in By-passed Pay in the Mature Matanegra Area, Cravo...
Seismic Modeling of Reservoir Heterogeneity Scales: An Application on Gas Hydrate Reservoirs
Search and Discovery.com
... the cementation of sediment due to the formation of gas hydrates. Cross-well survey (Pratt et al., 2005) and zero-offset Vertical Seismic Profiling data...
Simultaneous-Source High Fidelity Vibroseis System Cuts Time and Cost, by Bob Hardage, #40688 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
A Seismic Method for Estimating Subsurface Vp/Vs Ratio Based on Converted Waves: A Case Study From Arabian Gulf, #42077 (2017).
Haoran Guo, Yuefeng Sun, Zhifeng Wan
Search and Discovery.com
...A Seismic Method for Estimating Subsurface Vp/Vs Ratio Based on Converted Waves: A Case Study From Arabian Gulf, #42077 (2017). Haoran Guo, Yuefeng...
Abstract: Seismic Wave Attenuation due to Scattering and Leaky Mode Mechanisms in Heterogeneous Reservoirs; #90171 (2013)
Jun-Wei Huang, Gilles Bellefleur, and Bernd Milkereit
Search and Discovery.com
... (Pratt, et al., 2005) and zero-offset Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) (Milkereit et al., 2005) in hydrate-bearing zones. Guerin et al. (2005...
Mapping Geologic Features Using Seismic Curvature, by Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt, #40270 (2008).
Search and Discovery.com
Resolution and Accuracy of Short-Offset Processed 3D Seismic Data for Seabed Mapping in Deep Water in Makassar Straits, Indonesia; #41036 (2012)
Nikolay Nenov, Francesco Paone, Andrea Marceglia, and Ed Ferris
Search and Discovery.com
... the significant improvement of vertical seismic resolution that can be achieved by new broadband acquisition technologies that are gradually becoming...
Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Pre-stack Inversion in Resource Shale Plays, #41467 (2014),
Brian Russell
Search and Discovery.com
...Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Pre-stack Inversion in Resource Shale Plays, #41467 (2014), Brian Russell Seismic Reservoir Characterization...
Documenting the geometry and magnitude of shortening at the Allegheny Front: Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, United States
Ashley Ace, Nadine McQuarrie, Peter B. Sak, Robert Grundy, and Barrett Lavergne
AAPG Bulletin
.... Recently acquired high-quality, three-dimensional seismic reflection and well data reveal that strata from the Silurian Salina Group and the Devonian...
Integrating 3-D seismic data, field analogs, and mechanical models in the analysis of segmented normal faults in the Wytch Farm oil field, southern England, United Kingdom
Simon A. Kattenhorn, David D. Pollard
AAPG Bulletin
...) Displacement field through the center of a vertical compressive step. Comparison to Seismic Data Slip distribution models can be compared...
Reservoir R factor estimation using 4D time-shifts induced by compaction at the Shearwater field, North Sea
Alejandro Jaramillo, Maria Mangriotis, Colin MacBeth
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... find that the predicted vertical strain from the HBR model using the observed 4D seismic, is in agreement with the vertical strain computed from...