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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 48,515 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
ABSTRACT: Reflection Seismology in Azimuthally Anisotropic Media, by Leon Thomsen; #91038 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Mark Milliken
Wyoming Geological Association
... with shows: Not reported Exploration Method Leading to Discovery: Subsurface geology and seismic. Trap Type: Digenetic /stratigraphic Surface Formation...
Dale North
Mark Milliken
Wyoming Geological Association
... Formations with Shows: Not reported Exploration Method Leading to Discovery: Subsurface geology and seismic Trap Type: Digenetic /stratigraphic Surface...
Lindbergh East
Mark Milliken
Wyoming Geological Association
... Muddy J2 Sand Other Formations with shows: Not reported Exploration Method Leading to Discovery: Subsurface geology and seismic. Trap Type: Digenetic...
Laramide Sediments along Wind River Thrust, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Robert R. Berg
AAPG Bulletin
... Wyoming are bounded on the southwest flank by a thrust fault which dips 20° NE. and has a maximum vertical displacement of 35,000 feet. Seismic data show...
Big John (Edwards) Field: ABSTRACT
C. D. Lang
AAPG Bulletin
... John field was discovered in 1960, as the result of subsurface surface mapping and trend drilling, with the assistance of major company seismic leads...
AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 / SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, Chapter 7: Successful Application of Micromagnetic Data to Focus Hydrocarbon Exploration
James A. Wolleben and David W. Greenlee
AAPG Special Volumes
... closely spaced flight lines provide information that can be used to detect magnetic enrichment produced by vertical microseepage from hydrocarbon traps...
New Type of Sediment-Distribution Map: Preliminary Result for Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Arnold H. Bouma
AAPG Bulletin
..., and interpretation of high-frequency, shallow-penetration, and continuous seismic-reflection profiling. "Standard patterns" have been determined...
Upper Sediment Column of Gulf of Mexico Presented in New Type of Map: ABSTRACT
Arnold H. Bouma, William E. Sweet, Jr., Alan-Jon Zupan
AAPG Bulletin
...-laboratory preparation, salvaging of sunken objects, acoustical measurements, interpretation of shallow continuous reflection seismic profiling, etc...
Diapirs of Magdalena Delta: DISCUSSION
M. M. Ball
AAPG Bulletin
... the small reflector as if the arrival paths were vertical. It is extremely unlikely that the actual shapes of diapirs would result in reflections...
Underwater Imagery by Mapping Sonar: ABSTRACT
Edward F. Haye
AAPG Bulletin
... fish, making the instrument practical for regional geologic sea-floor mapping. When the sonar is used in conjunction with a vertical-profile sparker...
Complex Subsurface Analysis Using Interactive Modeling and Simulation Techniques: ABSTRACT
Richard B. Banks, Joseph K. Sukkar
AAPG Bulletin
.... (October) Many offshore producing regions (and some onshore regions, such as Prudhoe Bay) are complicated by dual nemeses: intersecting non-vertical...
Flexure of Anadarko Basin: ABSTRACT
M. S. Steckler, J. A. Brewer
AAPG Bulletin
... times as a result of the uplift of the Wichita Mountains. COCORP seismic reflection profiles show at least 8 to 9 km (5 to 5.6 mi) of overthrusting...
Stratigraphic Evolution of Blake Outer Ridge: ERRATUM
R. G. Markl, G. M. Bryan
AAPG Bulletin
... legible and complete copy. End_Page 1488------------------------------ Fig. 3. Multichannel seismic lines 79, 80, 83, 85 from Conrad cruise 21-02...
Road Hollow Unit Gas Field, Utah-Wyoming Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT
J. W. Boettcher, A. J. Bertagne, J. A. Newhart
AAPG Bulletin
... culmination formed during emplacement of the Absaroka plate. The structure is well defined by seismic data. In the discovery well, the Ordovician...
High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Seismic Attribute Mapping of a Fluvial Reservoir: Middle Jurassic Ness Formation, Oseberg Field
Alf Ryseth, Hege Fjellbirkeland, Inger Kloster Osmundsen, Åshild Skålnes, and Eli Zachariassen
AAPG Bulletin
...High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Seismic Attribute Mapping of a Fluvial Reservoir: Middle Jurassic Ness Formation, Oseberg Field Alf Ryseth, Hege...
-- no title --
Search and Discovery.com
... [email protected] Abstract/Excerpt Shallow vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data can serve as a near-surface characterization tool-providing velocity...
AbstractThe Effect of Bandwidth on Land VSP Quality, by T. Dean, J.R. Tulett, M. Puckett, and D. Lane , #90188 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
-- no title --
Search and Discovery.com
... [email protected] Abstract/Excerpt Shallow vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data can serve as a near-surface characterization tool-providing velocity...
Abstract: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of a Complex Succession of Deltaic to Marginal-Marine Deposits, Grand Rapids Formation, East-Central Alberta; #90224 (2015)
Adam B. Coderre, Hugo Pouderoux, and Per Kent Pedersen
Search and Discovery.com
... data, and published seismic slices reveals an intricate network of channels at various stratigraphic levels. Dense well data allows for confident...
Abstract: Vaca Muerta Formation Characterization in the Northern Sector of the Play; #90282 (2016)
Manuel Fantín, D. Vallejo, H. Reijenstein, E. Lombardo, L. Crousse, I. Lanusse Noguera, R. Varela
Search and Discovery.com
... reservoir in the northern sector of the Vaca Muerta play. Based on the analysis of the data from vertical exploration wells and existing seismic...
Abstract: Un-locking the Pre-salt, Block6, Oman; #90297 (2017)
Abdullah Al Gahaffi, Donald Sim, Voladri Reddy, Erma Hj.Hassan
Search and Discovery.com
... to lateral and vertical variations in seismic velocities of salt packages comprised of alternation of Halite/anhydrite and carbonates. The Exploration...
Abstract: Vsp Lookahead (Ahead Of The Bit Information): Considerations And Accuracy Analysis; #90315 (2017)
P. Ranjan, M. Khaitan, S. Chandrasekhar
Search and Discovery.com
..., M. Khaitan1, and S. Chandrasekhar2 1 Schlumberger, India ONGC, India 2 ABSTRACT Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) Lookahead has emerged as a vital...
Hydrocarbon Play Types in the Tertiary Rocks of the Magallanes Basin, Chile, Revealed by Seismic Stratigraphy
Search and Discovery.com
Successful Identification of Thin Carbonate on Paleo-Basement High: Special Case in Palembang High, South Sumatra Basin
Feriyanto, Firman Kamil, Yuyus Kusnandar, Yudi Yanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., the carbonate rock overlying the paleo-basement high is generally thin and difficult to identify from conventional seismic data. Most...