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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 827 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Lithoprobe Seismic Transect of the Alberta Basin: Compilation and Overview
Jacqueline Hope, David W. Eaton, Gerald M. Ross
CSPG Bulletin
... and Permian gas resources of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, interior plains. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 515, 88p. Beaumont, C. 1981...
Roadlog and Field Guide to the Geology of the Western Powder River Basin, Including the Casper Arch and the Eastern Flank of the Bighorn Mountains: Natrona, Johnson, and Sheridan Counties, Wyoming
Neil H. Whitehead, III
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
..., Preliminary map of landslides and windblown sand deposits on the Casper 1°x2° topographic map: Geological Survey of Wyoming, Open-File Report 84-9, scale...
Interpretation of Seismic Reflection, Gravity, and Magnetic Data Across Middle Proterozoic Mid-Continent Rift System, Northwestern Wisconsin, Eastern Minnesota, and Central Iowa
Val W. Chandler , Peter L. McSwiggen , G. B. Morey , William J. Hinze , R. R. Anderson
AAPG Bulletin
..., 298 p. Anderson, R. R., 1981, Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Iowa: Iowa Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series 7, scale 1:1,000,000. Anderson...
Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data From the Central South Park Basin, Colorado
H. George Beggs
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... Corporation, Tulsa, Oklahoma. analog 100% and digital multifold profiles using impulsive (shot hole) and VIBROSEIS* sources. All lines were processed using...
3-D Seismic Investigation of the D Sand Play, Hydrocarbon Saturated Window, D-J Basin, Colorado
Dean R. Gackle, Robert C. Flook, Stewart G. Squires
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... geologic and 2-D seismic mapping. Several different contractors, using both vibroseis and dynamite as energy sources, acquired the 3-D seismic surveys...
The Art and Science of Interpreting Stratigraphy From Seismic Data
John A. Andrew
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... technology was used, a new technology that became available in 1981-1982 with the development of the Pelton Advance 1 , Model 5 Nonlinear Vibroseis...
Preliminary Results from the TriCarb Deep Stratigraphic Well drilled into the Newark Rift Basin, Rockland County, New York; #80303 (2013)
Brian E. Slater, Langhorne Smith, Matthew P. Tymchak, and Daniel J. Collins
Search and Discovery.com
... seismic survey was completed in Rockland County, New York and northern Bergen County, New Jersey. The lines were approximately perpendicular to each...
Petroleum Potential of Paradox Region: Region 3
Richard C. Schneider , Bruce Tohill , James R. Taylor
AAPG Special Volumes
..., seismic-velocity problems in areas of Paradox salt and energy dissipation in areas of excessive surface gravel or volcanic rocks. Land problems...
Seismic and geological constraints on the structure and hydrocarbon potential of the northern Whitehorse trough, Yukon, Canada
Don White, Maurice Colpron, Grant Buffett
CSPG Bulletin
...; Wh – Whitehorse; YT – Yukon-Tanana terrane. In 2004, the Yukon Geological Survey and Geological Survey of Canada commissioned a regional Vibroseis...
Oolite Shoals of the Mississippian St. Louis Formation, Gray County, Kansas: A Guide for Oil and Gas Exploration: Chapter 14
Kerry D. Parham, Peter G. Sutterlin
AAPG Special Volumes
...., Liberal, Kansas District Exploration Report AMOCO-41, available as Kansas Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 66-6, 7 p., 3 plates. Dietterich, R.J....
Zohar-Kidod-Haqanaim Fields--Israel Eastern Mediterranean Basin
Y. Gilboa, H. Fligelman, B. Derin
AAPG Special Volumes
...: a geochemical evolution: Geological Survey of Israel, Report GSI/17/84. Bentor, Y. K., ed., 1960, Israel, in Lexique Stratigraphique International...
Characteristics of Microzonation Modelling in Reservoir Evaluation
Search and Discovery.com
The Willow Creek Fault, Eastern Uinta Mountains - Geologic Analysis of a Foreland Subthrust Play
Richard B. Powers
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., and to Donald S. Stone for his aid in seismic interpretation and for his patient editorial help. Additional U.S. Geological Survey editorial review by C. W...
Geology and Deep Structure of the Rumsey Hills Area, Sacramento Valley, California
Vincent Rex Ramirez
Pacific Section of AAPG
... Survey Bulletin 1628, 13 p. Imperato, D.P. and Nilsen, T.H., 1990, Gas production from turbidite channel-levee complexes in the Upper Cretaceous Forbes...
Oil and Gas Developments in Eastern Canada in 1984
R.A. Trevail, Debra K. Parker
CSPG Bulletin
... of the conventional and potential oil and gas reserves of the Devonian of Ontario. Ontario Geological Survey Open-File Report 5555, 178p. Trevail, R. A. and Parker...
The Petroleum Potential of West Timor
Tim R. Charlton
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., London University. Hamilton, W., 1979. Tectonics of the Indonesian Region, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1078. Harris, R.A., 1991. Temporal...
Villeperdue Field: Exploration of a Subtle Trap in the Paris Basin: Chapter 16
Bernard C. Duval
AAPG Special Volumes
... was re-entered and put back into production at the very modest rate of 35 BOPD with a 35% water-cut. 2. Following a new Vibroseis seismic survey in 1981...
Oil and Gas Developments in Eastern Canada in 1984
R. A. Trevail, Debra K. Parker
AAPG Bulletin
... Geological Survey Open-File Report 5555, 178 p. Trevail, R. A., and Debra K. Parker, 1984, Oil and gas developments in eastern Canada in 1983: AAPG...
Fast Shear Azimuths in the Marcellus Shale from VSP and Crossed Dipole Sonic Data; #42161 (2017)
Steve Horne, David Rampton, John Crowe
Search and Discovery.com
... was acquired in south west Pennsylvania using vertical vibroseis units deployed at a nominal radius of 2800 m at 22 locations around a downhole...
Seismic Stratigraphic Study of Two Oxfordian Carbonate Sequences, Eastern Saudi Arabia
George S. Langdon , Steven J. Malecek
AAPG Bulletin
... recording and processing parameters were chosen for stratigraphic objectives. A broadband source (10 to 90-Hz Vibroseis) and large common-depth-point...
Structural Style in Relation to Oil and Gas Exploration in North Park-Middle Park Basin, Colorado
Robert E. Wellborn
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of seismic records a'cross a tight fold such as Lone Pine is extremely difficult with present data. Following drilling, a CDP Vibroseis survey with 220 feet...
Passive-Roof Duplexes Under the Rocky Mountain Foreland Basin, Alberta (1)
AAPG Bulletin
..., Geology, Mt. Robson, Alberta-British Columbia: Geological Survey of Canada Map 1499A, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000. Muller, M., F. Nieberding...
An Integrated Subsurface Geological and Engineering Study of Meyal Field, Potwar Plateau, Pakistan; #20151 (2012)
Syed Tariq Hasany and Umair Saleem
Search and Discovery.com
... for an Exploration License over the Pindi Gheb area, including the Meyal-Kharpa structure, and seismic reflection and refraction survey was conducted...
Comments on the Geology of the Tejon Embayment from Seismic Reflection, Borehole, and Surface Data
Emery D. Goodman, Peter E. Malin
Pacific Section SEPM
... surface geology, major structures and the location of the 1986 CALCRUST seismic survey. 1981; Bartow, 1984) have focused on the structure...
Architecture of the Georgia Basin Southwestern British Columbia
T.D.J. England, R.M. Bustin
CSPG Bulletin
..., southwestern British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 441, 62p. Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., Flynn, J.J., and Van Couvering, J.A. 1985...