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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 83,525 Results. Searched 196,436 documents.

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Thermogenic Hydrocarbons in Unconsolidated Sediment of Eel River Basin, Offshore Northern California: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Keith A. Kvenvolden, Michael E. Field

AAPG Bulletin

... AND RESULTS The diapiric structure is located in the southern part of the basin on the Eel Plateau in about 500 m of water (Fig. 1B). Samples were obtained...


New tools for seismic stratigraphic interpretation: Stratal convergence and instantaneous isochron attribute cubes derived from volumetric flattening of experimental strata

Jesse Lomask, Jason M. Francis, James Rickett, Marc L. Buursink, Thomas P. Gerber, Martin Perlmutter, Chris Paola

AAPG Bulletin

..., 2007). The experimental setup allows precise control of sediment and water input, subsidence, and relative sea level, all of which are rarely known...


Concepts and Methods for the Recognition of Cyclicity in the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale; #41166 (2013)

Emmanuel O. Olusanmi and Stephen S. Sonnenberg

Search and

... and Macquaker (2011) suggest, however, that the Marcellus Shale facies may have been deposited in relatively shallower water under more dynamic seafloor...


Sedimentological and Ichnological Analysis of the McMurray IHS (Kearl Area); #50842 (2013)

A. Shchepetkina, M. K. Gingras, and S. G. Pemberton

Search and

... changing salinity levels or within a brackish-water setting. In short, the presence of brackish-water trace-fossil assemblages, and evidence of shoaling...


Application of the Instantaneous Quality Factor (Q) in the Characterization of the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas, #41781 (2016).

Osareni Ogiesoba

Search and

... porosity, resistivity (deep induction), log-calculated total organic carbon (TOC), and water saturation logs to identify hydrocarbon sweet spots within...


Tectonics and Thermal Maturation of the Bakken Formation of the Williston Basin, with Comments on Landsat Analysis Applications*

Warren Shepard

Montana Geological Society

... and the Montana aulacogen (Shepard, 1987). The Bakken was cooked by heat flow from the subduction slab. Water, then oil and gas, were...


A New Model for the Depth-Related Allogenic Community Succession within North American Pennsylvanian Cyclothems and Implications on the Black Shale Problem

Darwin R. Boardman II, R. H. Mapes, T. E. Yancey, J. M. Malinky

Tulsa Geological Society

... for the succession of depth communities is proposed. The basic composite cyclothem contains the following community succession: shallow-water molluscan...


Organic Material of Carbonaceous Shales

Colin C. Rae

AAPG Bulletin

... shales of different ages. When one considers what animal and vegetable material, the ordinary river water would show under a high powered microscope...


A Rapid in Situ Survey of Metals in Sediments of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana

Scott E. Noakes, Doug K. Dvoracek, John E. Noakes

GCAGS Transactions

..., 1987, Water quality significance of contaminants associated with sediments - an overview, in K.L. Dickson, A.W. Maki, and W.A. Brungs, eds., Fate...


Separation of Clay Minerals from Carbonate Rocks by Using Acid

Meredith E. Ostrom

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and the use of filter candles to remove the excess water, the particles in the collecting beaker were dispersed. The material less than 2 µ in size...


Effectiveness of pilot-scale wetland designs in removing estrogenic compounds from municipal wastewater plant effluent

Eric W. Peterson, Adam Lanning

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... 2009 61 69 16 2 Discharge from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is a point source for 17-estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) into surface water...


Wireline Logging of Continuously Cored Slimhole Wells

David B. Waghom, Alan M. Sibbit

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... resistivity and hence water and hydrocarbon saturations. Since formation waters are of low and variable salinity and saline (potassium chloride...


Tidal Action as a Cause of Clay Accumulation

L. M. J. U. van Straaten, Ph. H. Kuenen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... However, several organic factors come into play. In the first place a dense population of pelecypods, mainly Cardium edule and Mytilus edulis, filter...


Mechanical and Chemical Compaction in Fine-Grained Shallow-Water Limestones

Eugene A. Shinn, Daniel M. Robbin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Mechanical and Chemical Compaction in Fine-Grained Shallow-Water Limestones Eugene A. Shinn, Daniel M. Robbin 1983 Vol. 53 No. 2. (June), Artificial...


Biogeochemistry of Sediments in Experimental Mohole

S. C. Rittenberg, K. O. Emery, Jobst Hulsemann, E. T. Degens, R. C. Fay, J. H. Reuter, J. R. Grady, S. H. Richardson, E. E. Bray

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... water was added to each bottle to assist in breaking the emulsions, and the top 100 ml of solvent was decanted through a glass wool filter to remove...


Patterns and Rates of Sediment Accumulation in the Chesapeake Bay During the Holocene Rise in Sea Level

Steven M. Colman, Jeffrey P. Halka, C. H. Hobbs Iii

Special Publications of SEPM

... latitudinal slices Map of Chesapeake Bay showing tracklines of seismic 18 3 m 60 ft are shaded profiles Areas with water depths Dashed line is profile...


From the Bakken to Vaca Muerta - Chemical Program Lessons Learned in North America can Provide Insight for Argentinas Unconventional Production Future

Kevin Spicka, Damian Ruiz, Lisa Holding Eagle, Rachel Hudson

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... challenges that can be addressed when proper steps are taken. For instance, the proper selection of a frac fluid source water can be a critical decision...


Major-Element Geochemistry of Brines from the Wind Tidal Flat Area, Laguna Madre, Texas

David T. Long, Robert Gudramovics

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Alkalinity was determined by a sulfuric acid titration. The water samples were filtered through a 0.45-micron-membrane filter and acidified to a pH...


A Road across the Desert

Heli Wopfner

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... enough hoping that the sand wou ld filter out the worst to fill up my water bag and to replenish t he t emperature for the solder to fuse...


Facies Interpretations and Lateral Relationships of the Blackhawk Formation and Mancos Shale, East-Central Utah

Stephen Lars Newman

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... indicate episodic storm events punctuating periods of quiet water deposition. Non-burrowed sequences suggest high sediment input during storm periods...


Investigation of Micro-Seismicity and Permeability Evolution in Shale Fractures During Stimulation

Zhi Ye, Ahmad Ghassemi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... on the fracture at near critical stress state by injecting pressurized brine water (7% KCL). Sample deformation (stress, displacement), fluid flow (injection...


Application of Electro-oxidation Technology for Water Treatment and Rock Wettability

Yanze Zhang, Lin Yuan, Sanjeev Jakhete, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Hassan Dehghanpour

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Application of Electro-oxidation Technology for Water Treatment and Rock Wettability Yanze Zhang, Lin Yuan, Sanjeev Jakhete, Mohtada Sadrzadeh...


Results of Tracer Investigations in the Empire Canyon Area, Park City, Utah

Ann Tillia

Utah Geological Association

... the ground-water and surface-water pathways through the mine waste and tailings in the study area, the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division...


Early Diagenesis of Clay Minerals, Rio Ameca Basin, Mexico

James I. Drever

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... was recovered from each section. The water was collected in a hypodermic syringe. 15 mls were forced through a 0.45µ millipore filter attached...


Vadose, Phreatic, and Marine Diagenesis of Pleistocene-Holocene Carbonates in a Borehole: Mediterranean Coast of Israel

Laura G. Buchbinder, Gerald M. Friedman

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Friedman 1980 Vol. 50 No. 2. (June), A 136 m section of Pleistocene-Holocene carbonate sediments in the Ashdod Yam 15/0 water well, which...


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