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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 19,832 Results. Searched 196,367 documents.

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Abstracts: An Investigation of Systematic Location Errors of Microseismic Events; #90173 (2015)

Martin E. Nicola, Bernd Milkereit, and Emmanuel Bongajum

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... of expensive projects include: costly geothermal projects, reservoir monitoring projects and in-mine monitoring. Rock properties such as P-wave velocity...


The Impact of Pore Geometry and Microporosity on Velocity-Porosity Relationship in Carbonates of Central Luconia, Sarawak; #41030 (2012)

Nor Sara Izzatti Bashah and Bernard Pierson

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...The Impact of Pore Geometry and Microporosity on Velocity-Porosity Relationship in Carbonates of Central Luconia, Sarawak; #41030 (2012) Nor Sara...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Applications of Wave Imaging Technologies to Improve Deep Gulf Prospecting

Morgan P. Brown, Joseph H. Higginbotham, Cosmin Macesanu, Oscar E. Ramirez

GCAGS Transactions

... in the Gulf Coast. When the velocity complexity is severe, such as under Gulf of Mexico salt, Wave Equation PSDM (WEM) algorithms generally produce...


Abstract: P-Wave Velocity Variation in Water-Saturated Sand from Shallow Seismic Refraction

L. S. Leong, K. H. Ho, K. Y. Lee, C. C. Yew

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: P-Wave Velocity Variation in Water-Saturated Sand from Shallow Seismic Refraction L. S. Leong, K. H. Ho, K. Y. Lee, C. C. Yew 130...


Abstract: Converted-Wave Processing in the Presence of Large Shear-Wave Splitting; #90211 (2015)

Peter Cary and Xinxiang Li

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... as a mild nuisance. Shear-wave splitting due to velocity anisotropy is a pr imary cause of P-S energy appearing on the transverse component. Even though shear...


Abstract: Near-Surface Velocity Estimation Using Source-Domain Full Traveltime Inversion and Waveform Inversion; #90319 (2018)

Lu Liu, Bowen Guo, Yi Luo

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... is capable of automatically generating the background velocity that can kinetically best match the reconstructed plane-wave sources of early arrivals...


Abstract: Spherical-Wave AVO Modelling in VTI Media; #90211 (2015)

Arnim Haase and Charles Ursenbach

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...Abstract: Spherical-Wave AVO Modelling in VTI Media; #90211 (2015) Arnim Haase and Charles Ursenbach Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90211...


Abstract: P- and S-Wave Velocity Measurements and Pressure Sensitivity Analysis of AVA Response; #90211 (2015)

Tiewei He and Douglas Schmitt

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...Abstract: P- and S-Wave Velocity Measurements and Pressure Sensitivity Analysis of AVA Response; #90211 (2015) Tiewei He and Douglas Schmitt...


Abstract: Optimum Aperture Length for Improving Dispersion Curve Analysis in CMP Cross-Correlation of Surface Waves; #90187 (2014)

Roohollah Askari, Robert J. Ferguson, and Helen Isaac

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... the phase velocity for each CMP gather, and, we convert the resulting dispersion curve to a vertical shear wave velocity by an inverse procedure...


The Application of PSDM VTI Method to Generate a Velocity Model That Can Solve the Mistacking Problem

Aulia Ahmad Nafis, Hasan Nurudin, Ikhsan Hanurogo, Bagus Sapto M, Ahmad Zaenudin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... image using a seismic method, it needs a velocity model that is able to define appropriately the velocity of wave propagation in the subsurface...


Abstract: Mapping Velocity Variations in the Reservoir Using Passive Seismicity Recorded with Permanent Downhole Arrays; #90211 (2015)

Sary Zantout, Marc Prince, Vladimir Shumila, Theodore Urbancic, and Peter McGillivray

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... by an individual particle’s best achievement and the best results achieved by a particle’s neighborhood, to invert for both P- and S-wave velocity. Based...


The Detection of Gaseous Hydrocarbon Accumulations by Seismic Interference Patterns and Lateral Velocity Variations

M. A. Buskala

Wyoming Geological Association

... is lowered. Vertical velocity is the average speed of the accoustical wave between the surface and each reflecting horizon. These velocities, prior...


Full Wave Acoustic Logging: Some Examples

John W. Minear

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... velocity (indicated by VU) than the wave travelling along the dashed curve.Consequently it will gain on the slower-travelling dashed ray and overtake...


The Attenuation Effects of Surface-Wave Propagations on Rockmass Using SASW Method

Suharsono, Abdul Rahim Samsudin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...), travelling with velocity Vp, or distortional, i.e. shear waves (S-waves). The body waves travel into the medium with hemispherical wave fronts...


Abstracts: True-Amplitude PS Prestack Time Migration via 5D Interpolation; #90173 (2015)

Peter W. Cary, Albert Zhang

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... the downgoing P-wave and up-going S-wave travel at different speeds and are affected by anisotropy differently. Some technical issues, such as velocity...


ABSTRACT: Applying Lofquist's (1978) Experiments to Geological Interpretation of Wave-Generated Ripples; #90007 (2002)

Cyril Galvin

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..., the critical orbital velocity to initiate sand motion on a flat bed depends on wave period, T. For ocean wave periods, all sands move at about...


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