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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 20,243 Results. Searched 197,262 documents.

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Abstract: The Application of The Nearly Optimal Sponge Boundary Conditions for Seismic Wave Propagation in Poroelastic Media; #90171 (2013)

Jingyi Chen and Ralph Phillip Bording

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...Abstract: The Application of The Nearly Optimal Sponge Boundary Conditions for Seismic Wave Propagation in Poroelastic Media; #90171 (2013) Jingyi...


Mitigating the effects of guided waves in OBN data for acoustic FWI using data reconstruction: A data example from the Yggdrasil area

M. A. H. Zuberi, E. Cho, T. Seher, R. Myklebust

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... present a method to mitigate the effects of the guided wave in shallow water OBN data in a computationally efficient manner. Application of this method...


Statistical depth imaging through complex cluttered near-surface with path summation

Andrey Bakulin, Ilya Silvestrov, Maxim Protasov

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... various realizations of the cluttered media velocity models. We also perform a feasibility study of statistical imaging with path summation...


The Challenge of Applying New Technologies to Exploration in a Sub Andean Basins

Marcelo Benabentos, Pedro Muñoz, Juan Uribe, Francisco Ortigosa, Dewi Jones

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... velocity variations, complex near surface, abrupt topography changes, and environmental constrains. Different data acquisition and processing technologies...


Full-elastic AVA extraction using acoustic FWI

Michael Warner, John Armitage, Adrian Umpleby, Nikhil Shah, Henry Debens, Fabio Mancini

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... provide an accurate high-resolution p-wave velocity model together with a related density model. Differentiation of the product of these two models...


Elastic Properties of Propped and Unpropped Eagle Ford Shale and 3D-printed Fractured Models Under Iso-static Stress

Suresh Dande, Robert R. Stewart, Michael T. Myers, Lori Hathon, Nikolay Dyaur

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... confirms that propped models are more compliant. We extend this experiment with Eagle Ford Shale samples, we find that S-wave velocity is faster...


Application of Fullwaveform Tomography to VSP Walkaway Data

Eric Takam Takougang, Youcef Bouzidi

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... profile along the borehole location and the P-wave velocity from the sonic log shows an overall good match (Figure 3). However, some mismatches...


Simple Models for the Stress-Dependence of Anisotropic Seismic Velocities in Fractured Rock; #120053 (2012)

Richard L. Gibson, Jr. and Kai Gao

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... model equations derived using the compliance approach predict a value for one elastic modulus that implies that the corresponding shear wave velocity...


Seismic Reservoir Characterization of the Abadi Gas Field, Masela PSC Block, West Arafura Sea, Eastern Indonesia

Shinji Matsuura, Shin Saito, Yoshiro Ishii, Hiromi Honda, Ayato Kato, Takao Yagi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the figure is the acoustic impedance (P-wave velocity multiplied by density) of Abadi-1, which is calculated from sonic and density logs. Three...


A New Seismic Method to Significantly Improve Deeper Data Character and Interpretability

Andrew Long, Guillaume Cambois, Gregg Parkes, Anders Mattsson, Terje Lundsten, Mazin Farouki

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... (Shock, 1950). The principle is to detonate charges at various depths in a sequence that constructively builds the down-going wave at the expense...


Abstract: Bin-Share Stacking for 3D Converted Wave Processing; #90174 (2014)

Alex A. Falkovskiy, Robert Tilson, Gerry Schlosser, and Elvis Floreani

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... of an optimum bin size for the P-wave processing, velocity analysis, NMO, stacking and other steps including migration. P-S data processing requires...


Abstracts: Tuning Effects in P-wave Reflections from a CO2 Injected Saline Aquifer: A Preliminary Appraisal; #90173 (2015)

Bernard Giroux, Maxime Claprood, and Lorenzo Perozzi

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... of the reservoir is 30 m. Also, to make the comparisons tractable, the upper shale layer has exactly the same properties in all scenarios. The P-wave phase velocity...


A High-Resolution VSP in the Oil Sands for Improved Reservoir Characterization; #41521 (2015)

Mark Morrish, Laurie Bellman

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... by enabling high-quality calibration and integration of the converted shear (PS) data with the conventional P-wave (PP) data obtained from the multi...


Prestack Seismic Data Inversion for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization in China; #41829 (2016)

Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang, Uwe Strecker, Maggie Smith

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..., that are likely to impact fracturing. Seismic attribute analysis of anisotropy from elliptical velocity inversion indicates that anisotropy varies...


Reservoir Characterisation Study: Inter Well Reservoir Property Prediction and Mapping by Petrophysics Data and Seismic Data Integration

Robi Junipa, Michel Bee

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... In Sintong, 14 (fourteen) wells were used to create synthetic seismograms with a consistent phase wavelet. A velocity model was then developed to insure...


High-order viscoelastic prestack seismic nonlinear frequency-dependent inversion method based on scattering matrix

Tianjun Lan, Zhaoyun Zong

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... the reflection coefficients of P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, density, QP item and QS item, respectively. And, a (θ ) = (1 + tan θ ) 2 Figure 1...


Fractured Reservoir Characterization Using Multicomponent Seismic Surveys

Thomas L. Davis, Robert D. Benson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... - 1992 Fractured Reservoir Characterizntion Using Midticompoitent Seismic Surveys Figure 5. Distribution of shear-wave velocity anisotropy due...


Simultaneous 3D 4C - OBC & VSP Walkaway Survey in the Attaka Field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Bill Borland, Phil Johnston, Mike Reblin, Suta Vijaya, Omar Kulbrandstad, Muhammad Idrees, Scott Leaney, Jan van de Mortel

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... data was acquired to determine the shear wave velocity structure in the area. This included a 3D VSP acquisition which was done simultaneously...


Abstracts: CO2 Rock Physics: A Laboratory Study; #90173 (2015)

Helen Yam and Douglas R. Schmitt

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... kilometer of a sedimentary basin. Elastic wave velocity variations and wave strength dampening are observed with phase transitions, signifying...


Chalk porosity and sonic velocity versus burial depth: Influence of fluid pressure, hydrocarbons, and mineralogy

Ida L. Fabricius, Lars Gommesen, Anette Krogsboll, Dan Olsen

AAPG Bulletin

... effect differs between P-wave and shear velocity so that smectite-bearing chalk has a high Poisson's ratio in the water-saturated case, but a low...


Crustal Character of the Illinois Basin: Chapter 17: Part I. Illinois Basin: Evolution

Paul C. Heigold

AAPG Special Volumes

... Monograph 10, p. 370-381. McEvilly, T. V., 1964, Central U.S. crust--upper mantle structure from Love and Rayleigh wave phase velocity inversion: Bulletin...


Abstract: Multi-component or Vector Dip Filtering Using the S-transform; #90187 (2014)

Kristof De Meersman and Majda Mihoub

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... number relates to local velocity V through: 𝑉=2𝜋𝑓𝑘-1. The local velocity can thus be recovered from the average angular wave number which is:   sin...


A Seismic Method for Estimating Subsurface Vp/Vs Ratio Based on Converted Waves: A Case Study From Arabian Gulf, #42077 (2017).

Haoran Guo, Yuefeng Sun, Zhifeng Wan

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... properties of rocks, such as Young's modulus and Poisson's Ratio, can be calculated on the basis of P and S wave velocity ratio. It can indicate the kind...


Ebb-Tidal Delta Morphology and Sediment Supply in Relation to Seasonal Wave Energy Flux, North Inlet, South Carolina

Robert J. Finley

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Ebb-Tidal Delta Morphology and Sediment Supply in Relation to Seasonal Wave Energy Flux, North Inlet, South Carolina Robert J. Finley 1978 Vol. 48...


Mitigating cycle skipping in FWI through preconditioned multidimensional optimal transport

James McLeman, Tim Burgess, Tom Rayment, Victor Chua

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... Unfortunately, this approach is prone to cycle skipping when the supplied velocity is too far from the truth. Starting FWI at lower frequencies...


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