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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,928 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Abstract: Importance of Wavelet Phase Stability in Seismic Interpretation; #90174 (2014)

Mirko van der Baan

Search and

... of the seismic wavelet is important in acquisition, processing and interpretation. Operators and service companies therefore place great emphasis on controlled...


IV. The Role of Seismic Wavelets and Wavelet Processing

Norman S. Neidell

AAPG Special Volumes

...IV. The Role of Seismic Wavelets and Wavelet Processing Norman S. Neidell 1979 40 60 CN 13: Stratigraphic Modeling and Interpretation: Geophysical...


Abstract: Spectral Decomposition with Real Seismic Wavelet; #90187 (2014)

Rongfeng Zhang

Search and

... Processing 44 (4), 998-1001. Mallat, S. 2008, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing: Academic Press. Partyka, G.A., et al., 1999, Interpretational...


Wavelet Processing

Lee Lu

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Wavelet Processing Lee Lu 1978 269 276 Methods of Parsimonious Deconvolution (Claerbout, 1977) and Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (Wiggins, 1977...


Integrated Analysis of Borehole and Seismic Data

E. Poggiagliolmi, R. D. Allred

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of paramount importance to achieve the maximum resolution afforded by the available bandwidth. A proprietary space adaptive wavelet processing (SAWP) system...


Abstract: Wavelet Transform Application in Seismic Discontinuity Detection; #90255 (2017)

Abdolah Kiani, Keyvan Najafzadeh, Yahya Moradi Chaleshtori

Search and

... Abstract Of the image processing and pattern recognition techniques, wavelet transform has a long and successful history as it can locate significant...


Deterministic and Statistical Wavelet Processing

Lee Lu

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

...Deterministic and Statistical Wavelet Processing Lee Lu 1980 31 41 Wavelet processing techniques are based on the convolution model for a seismic...


Preparation of Seismic Data For Stratigraphic Work

Abilene Geological Society

... variations are due to subsurface effects, and the spherical spreading effects have been removed from the seismic trace. Wavelet Processing Wavelet processing...


Chapter 3: Preparation of Seismic Data for Stratigraphic Work

Tom Wittick

North Texas Geological Society

.... Wavelet Processing Wavelet processing is a family of processes that change the waveform or the pulse which is in the seismic data from what...


Abstract: Two-stage Blind Deconvolution; #90187 (2014)

Mafijul Islam Bhuiyan and Mauricio D. Sacchi

Search and

... Summary In seismic data processing, deconvolution plays a very important role because it permits to increase the temporal resolution of seismic sections...


Abstract: Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) of Turner Valley Airborne Gravity Data in the Foothills of Alberta, Canada; #90211 (2015)

Hassan Hassan

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.... The wavelet transform, on the other hand, is well-suited to handle non-stationary data but, it is poor at processing nonlinear data. Additionally...


Abstract: Short-time Wavelet Estimation in the Homomorphic Domain; #90174 (2014)

Roberto H. Herrera and Mirko van der Baan

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... processing. One of these methods based on Homomorphic analysis has long intrigued as a potentially elegant solution to the wavelet estimation problem...


Post Migration Processing of Seismic Data

Dashuki Mohd.

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... these subtle features. This processing method is commonly known as wavelet processing (Budny, 1991; Lindsey, 1988; Mazzotti and Mirri, 1991; Neidell...


Amplitude Mapping of Reservoirs in North Africa

Search and

... of the processed seismic data to below 40hz, reducing the reliability of amplitude mapping in defining these reservoirs. There are several processing...


Abstract: Time-varying Wavelet Estimation and Deconvolution; #90171 (2013)

Mirko van der Baan

Search and

... by proposing that a seismic wavelet in the later processing stages can be accurately described by a constant phase approximation, leaving only a single degree...


Methods of estimating wavelet stationarity, stabilizing non-stationarity, and evaluating its impact on inversion: A synthetic example using SEAM II Barrett unconventional model

Jesse Buckner, Michael Fry, Joe Zuech, Peter Harris, Bill Shea

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... workflow. When wavelet stationarity has not been achieved in processing, our proposed post-migration methods to derive wavelet stabilizing operators can...


Application of high-resolution reflection seismology to eastern Kansas cyclothems

Ralph W. Knapp

Kansas Geological Society

...-energy pulse or wavelet. The details of the definition may vary from researcher to researcher and differ according to how one defines the pulse-width...


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