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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,856 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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High Resolution Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphic Study of the Miocene Monterey Formation of California--Results From Shell Beach Section, Pismo Basin: Paleoclimatic, Paleoceanographic, and Tectonic Implications

S. Khan Omarzai, R.S. Coe, J.A. Barron

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...) and dip gently (30°-50°) in a northerly direction. For a more detailed discussion of the stratigraphy in the Pismo basin area, see Hall (1973) and Surdham...


Multiscale (nano to mm) Porosity in the Eagle Ford Shale: Changes as a Function of Maturity

Lawrence M. Anovitz, David R. Cole, Alexander M. Swift, Julia Sheets, Harold W. Elston, Susan A. Welch, Steve J. Chipera, Ken C. Littrell, David F. Mildner, Matthew Wasbrough

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information herein. All information is the responsibility of, and, is subject to corrections...


Seismic Exploration in the Rockies - Some Reflections

John M. Parker

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., was a process of identifying reflection patterns and correlating them throughout the area. Corrections for reflection travel time through the weathered near...


Appendix A: Considerations for Optimum 3-D Survey Design, Acquisition and Processing

R. Malcolm Lansley

AAPG Special Volumes

...–176. Manin, M., and F. Hun, 1992, Comparison of seismic results after dip and strike acquisition: 54th Annual EAEG Conference and Exhibition, Extended...


Microtextural Controls of Diagenetic Alteration of Detrital Alkali Feldspars: a Case Study of the Shap Conglomerate (Lower Carboniferous), Northwest England

Martin R. Lee , Ian Parsons

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., p. 47-58. BLUM A.E., 1994, Feldspars in weathering, in Parsons, I., ed., Feldspars and Their Reactions: NATO ASI 421, Dordrecht, The Netherlands...


Clay Mineralogy in the Discovery and Recovery of Petroleum

R. E. Grim

Tulsa Geological Society

... the conditions of origin of argillaceous sediments. Clay minerals are formed by hydrothermal, weathering, diagenetic, and metamorphic processes...


Petrophysical and mineralogical evolution of weathered crystalline basement in western Uganda: Implications for fluid transfer and storage

B. Walter, Y. Géraud, D. Bartier, J.-M. Kluska, M. Diraison, C. Morlot, and F. Raisson

AAPG Bulletin

..., Y. Géraud, D. Bartier, J.-M. Kluska, M. Diraison, C. Morlot, and F. Raisson 2018 1035 1065 102 6 The effects of weathering on the mineralogical...


High-Alumina Glaucony from the Middle Cambrian of Oland and Bornholm, Southern Baltoscandia

Vivianne Berg-Madsen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... water. All progressive stages of weathering from glaucony to goethite are found in the Kalby Member of the Exsulans Ls. Fm. A new morphological type...


Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Structural Geology of New Brunswick, Canada

William Carruthers Gussow

AAPG Bulletin

... is light gray, weathering to rusty yellow and is porous. It is possible that at depth it has a calcareous cement like so many of the other rocks...


Tectonically Controlled Diagenesis and Fluid Evolution in Al Khlata Reservoir Sandstones, Sultanate of Oman

Karl Ramseyer, Katalin Juhász-Bodnár, Carsten Büker, Peter Hoppe, Albert Matter, Jos Terken, Joachim E. Amthor, Frauke Driehorst

AAPG Special Volumes

... for the Al Khlata Formation (Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian), South Oman: Palynology, v. 32, p. 213–229. Ramm, M., and K. Bjørlykke, 1994, Porosity/depth...


Origin of Red-Banded Early Cenozoic Deposits in Rocky Mountain Region

F. B. Van Houten

AAPG Bulletin

.... 33-34. POLYNOV, B. B. (1937), The Cycle of Weathering, Thomas Murby and Company, London. 220 pp. POSNJAK, EUGEN, AND MERWIN, H. E. (1919...


Pedogenic Mud Aggregates Preserved In A Fine-Grained Meandering Channel In the Lower Permian Clear Fork Formation, North-Central Texas, U.S.A.

Sharane S.T. Simon, Martin R. Gibling

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband 122, p. 113– 139. Goudie, A.S., 2013, Rock Weathering and Desert Surfaces, Chapter 2, in Goudie...


Assessing paleoecological data retention among disparate field collection regimes: a case study at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry (Morrison Formation)

Julia B. McHugh, Stephanie K. Drumheller, Miriam Kane, Anja Riedel, Jennifer H. Nestler


... grids containing bone surface modifications. FIG. 4.—Morphological compositions of specimens within data cohorts. calculations, we used a 95% confidence...


Elemental Mobility in Sandstones Duping Burial: Whole-Rock Chemical and Isotopic Data, Frio Formation, South Texas

K.L. Milliken, L.E. Mack, L.S. Land

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of detrital feldspars. 87Sr/86Sr ratios for whole-rock and silicate fractions increase with depth as loss of nonradiogenic strontium characteristic...


Chromium and Nickel in Shale of the Taconic Foreland: A Case Study for the Provenance of Fine-Grained Sediments with an Ultramafic Source

J. I. Garver, P. R. Royce , T. A. Smick

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., AND CONDIE, K.C., 1987, Geochemistry of Archean shales from the Witwatersrand Supergroup, South Africa: Source area weathering and provenance: Geochimica...


Multicomponent Analysis of FTIR Spectra: Quantification of Amorphous and Crystallized Mineral Phases in Synthetic and Natural Sediments

Jacques Bertaux , Francois Frohlich , Philippe Ildefonse

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Bertaux , Francois Frohlich , Philippe Ildefonse 1998 Vol. 68 (1998), No. 3. (May), The study of weathering and erosion processes requires...



David K. Larue, Kimberly Mendez Mendez, José L. Corchado Albelo, Lauryn N. Martinez, K. Stephen Hughes, Thomas Hudgins, Hernan Santos, Alan L. Smith, Chris Osterberg

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... elements in feldspars and lithic fragments are effectively removed by intense tropical weathering. Hence, future use of tectonic-affinity diagrams should...


Deposition and Diagenesis of Upper Miocene Arkoses, Yowlumne and Rio Viejo Fields, Kern County, California

Thomas T. Tieh , Robert R. Berg , Robert K. Popp , James E. Brasher , John D. Pike

AAPG Bulletin

... in a depth range of 11,250 to 14,300 ft (3,430 to 4,360 m). Quartz and feldspar constitute more than 90% of the detrital mineralogy. However, in the Yowlumne...


Reservoir Variations At Upper Valley Field Garfield County, Utah

George C. Sharp

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... and slightly east of the axial trace of the anticline. This dry hole was drilled to a total depth of 7114 ft in the White Rim Formation and tested gas-cut mud...


High Quality Volcaniclastic Sandstone Reservoirs in East Java, Indonesia

Peter Willumsen, David M. Schiller

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., decreasing to approximately 20% at a depth of 7,500 feet. Permeability ranges between 3–550md in the Porong-1 well, averaging 100md at shallow depths...


Repeatability of Three Instruments Used to Determine the Undrained Shear Strength of Extremely Weak, Saturated, Cohesive Sediments

Joseph H. Kravitz

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of sediment micro-structure. Preferably all samples were to be taken within a few centimeters of each other and from the same depth in the sediment to reduce...


Floodplain taphonomic mode of early Miocene vertebrates of southern Patagonia, Argentina

Claudia I. Montalvo, M. Sol Raigemborn, Rodrigo L. Tomassini, Luciano Zapata, M. Susana Bargo, M. Celeste Martínez Uncal, Sergio F. Vizcaíno


... (e.g., trampling, weathering). The loss of skeletal elements is linked to the action of water flows generated in the plain, during overbank floods...


Microbialite Formation in Seawater of Increased Alkalinity, Satonda Crater Lake, Indonesia

Gernot Arp, Andreas Reimer, Joachim Reitner

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... results in the formation of "Wetheredella-like" structures. Hydrochemistry data and model calculations indicate that CO2 degassing after seasonal mixis...


Problems Frequently Encountered in Evaluating Tar Sand Resources--The South Texas San Miguel Deposit: Section V. Exploration Histories

M. W. Britton

AAPG Special Volumes

... calculations. In no way is this meant to infer that physical and chemical properties of the oil (viscosity, density, composition, interfacial tension...


Silicate Diagenesis in the Salado Formation, Southeastern New Mexico

C. L. Stein, J. L. Krumhansl, K. M. Kimball

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... aqueous speciation-solubility calculations: user's guide and documentation: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Tech. Report, UCRL-53414, 191 p...


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