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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,856 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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First-Cycle Grain Weathering Processes: Compositions and Textures of Sea Glass from Port Allen, Kauai, Hawaii

Patricia L. Corcoran, Katrina Packer, Mark C. Biesinger

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... weathering processes work together to degrade the grains. XPS depth profiling of individual grains indicates that chemical weathering occurs at different...


Texture and Composition of Some Weathered Granites and Slightly Transported Arkosic Sands

Michael C. Mcewen, Franklin W. Fessenden, John J. W. Rogers

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... was used in order to detect the expected very minor variations in size distribution with depth in the weathering profile. Samples were sieved in two...


Paleoenvironmental Implications of Oceanic Carbonate Sedimentation Rates

Thomas A. Davies, Thomas R. Worsley

Special Publications of SEPM

... differences global climatic changes and biases introduced by the simple averaging techniques used in the calculations Inherent in the fundamental concept...


Macrofaunal Response to the End-Triassic Mass Extinction in the West-Tethyan Kössen Basin, Austria

Christopher A. McRoberts, Leopold Krystyn, Michael Hautmann


... temperatures and increased precipitation would result in increased rates of chemical weathering and PALAIOS runoff on adjacent continental hinterland...


A Geological and Engineering Study of the Mustang Pool, Canadian County, Oklahoma

William W. London

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... pools to the south. It is apparent that prolonged post-Mississippian exposure of the Hunton to weathering at West Edmond caused the development...


Marine Sepiolite in Middle Permian Carbonates of South China: Implications for Secular Variation of Phanerozoic Seawater Chemistry

Jiaxin Yan, Axel Munnecke, Thomas Steuber, Ernest H. Carlson, Yilin Xiao

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Geology, v. 185, p. 27–53. Michalopoulos, P., and Aller, R.C., 1995, Rapid clay mineral formation in Amazon delta sediments: reverse weathering...


Petrography-Porosity Relations in Carbonate-Quartz System, Gatesburg Formation (Late Cambrian), Pennsylvania

Richard E. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... and alternating sedimentary environment. In such an integrated sedimentary system, sedimentation, cementation, weathering, and porosity and permeability...


Multiscale insights into the Mount Weld REE deposit from 2D and 3D active seismic survey data

Thomas Bell, Greg Turner, Ganesh Bhat, Brad Knell

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... between the 3200m/s velocity contour and the depth of weathering independently observed in drill cuttings (shown by the transition from cyan to blue...


Pre-Glacial Residual Soil in Central Ohio

C. H. Summerson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and insoluble residues show the limestones to be the source rock. Soil and mineral analyses, considered on the basis of weathering necessary to alter...


Petrology of Minturn Formation, East-Central Eagle County, Colorado

Sam Boggs, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... of these vugs appear to have originated by solution of intraclasts during weathering (Pl. 2-B). Thin sections of the rubbly rocks are difficult...


Dissolved Silica and Deep-Sea Sediments

G. Ross Heath

Special Publications of SEPM

... dissolved in sea water comes from silica rich interstitial waters of marine sediments and from rivers carrying the products of subaerial weathering...


Basalt Weathering and Fluvial Sedimentary Particles: Comparison of Two Watersheds in the Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco

J. J. Macaire , C. Cocirta , L. Karrat , A. Perruchot

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Basalt Weathering and Fluvial Sedimentary Particles: Comparison of Two Watersheds in the Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco J. J. Macaire , C. Cocirta...


Dolomitization by Mixed Evaporative Brines and Freshwater, Upper Miocene Carbonates, Nijar, Spain

William J. Meyers , Feng H. Lu , John K. Zachariah

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... carbonates at Nijar comprise a kilometers-wide shelf fringing the Sierra Alhamilla highland, and dip southward into the evaporite-bearing Nijar Basin...


Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Pleistocene Nueces River Incised Valley, Mustang Island, Texas

Egon T. Weber, Richard Hay, James R. Garrison, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... by a valley-fill sequence consisting of fluvial, bay head delta and estuarine facies that were deposited upon a Pleistocene erosional surface at a depth...


The Outlook for LPG Transportation in the 1980's

C. L. Winget

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... confirmed projects was in fact produced and moved to the market. The tanker performance calculations are similar to those in the base case. In other words...


Principal Factors Controlling the Timing of Petroleum Generation

B. P. Tissot, J. F. Bard, J. Espitalie

CSPG Special Publications

... is mainly controlled by burial depth and geothermal gradient. Time and temperature, to a certain degree, can be mutually compensatory in oil and gas...


The Application of Gamma Ray Spectralog Analysis to a Study of Chase Group Strata in Stevens County, Southwestern Kansas

M.O. Almouslli, P.G. Sutterlin

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... Ray log, and the spectralog thorium readings. Comparison of these calculations with the lithologies identified in core at the corresponding points...


Preliminary Results of A Geochemical and Hydrologic Study of Caleta XEL HA, Quintana Roo, Mexico1 with a NOTE ON THE GEOLOGY OF XEL HA

William Back, Bruce B. Hanshaw, Thomas E. Pyle, A. E. Weidie

New Orleans Geological Society

...) These calculations show that the upper "fresh water" layer contains 45% sea water in the north arm and 37% sea water in the south arm. These adjustments reduce our...


A preliminary study of the distribution of Stromatoporoids on the southern flank of the Ancient Wall carbonate Complex, Alberta

Colin W. Stearn

CSPG Special Publications

... and weathering of the outcrop surface made quantiative estimates of the abundance of stromatoporoids at the stations impossible. Well over a thousand...


Variance in reservoir quality due to diagenesis: A study from tidal deposits, Nyalau Formation, Sarawak, East Malaysia

Azirahtul Atifah Mohamed Sabri, Numair A. Siddiqui

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... process involved in making sediments into sedimentary rock, from weathering to compaction during deep burial, is considered as diagenesis (Worden & Burley...


Using Fluid-Induced Seismicity to Infer Permeability

Andrew King, Tobias Muller

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... form planes of weakness over a large range of scales; differences in mineralogy, chemical weathering due to fluid movement through cracks, clay-filled...


Sedimentary Rocks of the Niagara Gorge

John T. Sanford

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... sample less the original weight of the undigested portion gives the actual weight of t e sample used, and subsequent calculations are based...


Comparing Geotechnical to Geologic Estimates for Past Overburden in the Pierre-Hayes, South Dakota Area: An Argument for In-situ Pressuremeter Determination

Donley S. Collins, Thomas C. Nichols Jr.

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... a geologic estimate and two types of geotechnical calculations of past overburden thickness. i%r the PierreHayes,South Dakota area, we have found...


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