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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,856 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Contingency Planning for Deepwater Spill Scenarios

Yoppy Tan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... (Zheng et al, 2000). Preliminary calculations suggest that a trail of oil could travel beneath the surface for many kilometers and many hours after...


Bizarre forms of Depositional and Diagenetic Calcite in Hot-Spring Travertines, Central Italy

Robert L. Folk, Henry S. Chafetz, Pamela A. Tiezzi

Special Publications of SEPM

... is precipitated where water is flowing rapidly and resist weathering, yet it could be cut like wood and becoming oxygenated (approximately 2H2S + O2...


The East Arguni Block: Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in the Northern Lengguru Foldbelt, West Papua

Richard D. Kendrick, Kevin C. Hill, Scott W. McFall, Meizarwin, Alasdair Duncan, Edward Syafron, Bhakti H. Harahap

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... minerals were noted in some samples. Bedding often appeared massive with overall thickness estimates reaching 300m. Some weathering was apparent in all...


Reservoir Characterizations of Pre-Tertiary Basement Fracture and Its Implication to The Production Behavior. A Case Study of Pase Field North Sumatra Basin Indonesia

Mirzal Nur Ardhie

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is considered as a low-grade metamorphosed metagraywacke basement which undergone intense weathering process. Meanwhile, the lower part is the genuine high...


Experimental Study of Rock Fragments

Sam Boggs, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... indicated that calculations based on measurement of 100 grains gave reasonably reliable mean values. Because of the prevalence of elongated or tabular grains...


Environmental Studies of Carboniferous Sediments. Part II: Application of Geochemical Criteria

E. T. Degens, E. G. Williams, M. L. Keith

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ Fig. 1. (after E. G. Williams, 1957) End_Page 983------------------------------ bluish gray weathering calcilutites...


Role of Hurricanes in the Holocene Stratigraphy of Estuaries: Examples from the Gulf Coast of Florida

Richard A. Davis, Jr., Stephen C. Knowles , Michael J. Bland

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the bays and/or derived from the Gulf of Mexico; 4) clay minerals derived from weathering of Tertiary and Pleistocene carbonates and clays; and 5...


Neoformed Physils in Ordovician Ooids

Charles E. Weaver

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... transformed to the IIb structure at a burial temperature between 150-200°C. ANTWEILER, R.C., AND DREVER, J.I., 1983, The weathering of a late Tertiary...


A Comparison of Fourier and Fractal Techniques in the Analysis of Closed Forms

Stephen K. Kennedy, Wei-Hsiung Lin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... by silica, anhydrite, and calcite (Mankiewicz and Steidtmann 1979). The modern sediment released to the streams after weathering retains much...


Weibull vs. Lognormal Distributions for Fluvial Gravels

G.M. Kondolf , A. Adhikari

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... weathering follow the "Rosin Distribution" (e.g., Geer and Yancey 1938; Krumbein and Tisdel 1940), whereas sediments that have undergone extensive...


Reconnaissance Geologic Mapping in Chagai Hills, Baluchistan, Pakistan, by Computer Processing of Landsat Data

Jon D. Dykstra , Richard W. Birnie

AAPG Bulletin

... of the intrusive outcrops ranges from high relief to nearly flat. Surface weathering usually produces a friable residual surface; however, some...


Quantitative characterization of shales within tidally influenced fluvial valley fill deposits of the Ferron Sandstone, eastern Utah: Implications for hydrocarbon exploration

Kivanc Biber, Shuhab D. Khan, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Mark D. Barton, and Craig L. Glennie

AAPG Bulletin

... component of calculations, where improper usage of 3-D distributions can result in errors of more than an order of magnitude (Geehan and Underwood, 1993...


Weathering of Yucatan Limestones: The Genesis of Terra Rosas

W. C. Isphording

New Orleans Geological Society

...Weathering of Yucatan Limestones: The Genesis of Terra Rosas W. C. Isphording 1976 259 274 Aguilera N. (1959) Clays from some soils and calcareous...


Pre-eocene Paleosol South of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Patrick L. Abbott, John A. Minch, Gary L. Peterson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...), In the Rancho Delicias area south of Tijuana, Baja California, well preserved remnants of an ancient weathering profile are developed on mid-Cretaceous...


Faunas of Tidal Current and Wave-Dominated Continental Shelves and Their Use in the Recognition of Storm Deposits

John B. Wilson

CSPG Special Publications

... of the Ditrupa tubes support the coral Caryophyllia smithii. Width of photograph in midground is 75 cm. Water depth is 137 m. Zones of rippled sand and sand...


Concave Sand Grains in Eolian Environments: Evidence, Mechanism, and Modeling

B. T. Werner , E. Merino

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to check subjectivity. These criteria are: the concavity must be well rounded; its depth should be > 5-10% of the grain diameter (detectability...


Dolomitization of Lower Cretaceous Peritidal Carbonates By Modified Seawater: Constraints From Clumped Isotopic Paleothermometry, Elemental Chemistry, and Strontium Isotopes

Claire M. Sena,, Cedric M. John, Anne-Lise Jourdan,,† Veerle Vandeginste, Christina Manning

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., age-equivalent sedimentary rocks in the Oman Interior basins underwent substantial subsidence, and Precambrian deposits presently lie at a depth...


The Occurrence of Polycrystallinity and Undulatory Extinction in Quartz in Sandstones

John R. Conolly

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Percentages of polycrystalline quartz present in sandstones can be used for determination of provenance only when corrections are made for differences...


Building a three-dimensional near-surface geologic and petrophysical model based on borehole data: A case study from Chemery, Paris Basin, France

Paola Sala, Marcel Frehner, Nicola Tisato, O. Adrian Pfiffner

AAPG Bulletin

.... 571581, doi:10.1190/1.1441933.Cox, M. J. G., 1999, Static corrections for seismic reflection surveys: Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysical...


Preliminary Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis of Lower Eocene Fluvial Sandstones in the Rocky Mountain Region

James D. Vine, Elizabeth B. Tourtelot

Wyoming Geological Association

... as single beds. The samples collected weighed 5 to 10 pounds, and were removed from a small area of outcrop. Weathering rinds, lichens, plant roots...


Chapter 4: Laminae, Laminasets, Beds, and Bedsets

O. R. Lazar, K. M. Bohacs, J. Schieber, J. H. S. Macquaker, T. M. Demko

AAPG Special Volumes

... to lamination. Fissility, however, is not identically equal to lamination—fissility is a by-product of weathering and unloading, and not a unique property...


Carbonate Replacements After Sulfate Evaporites in the Middle Miocene of Egypt

Catherine Pierre, Jean Marie Rouchy

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... buttes where weathering has preferentially eroded the surrounding gypsum/anhydrite sediments (Fig. 2A, B). They also form thinner stratiform bodies...


Origin of Uraniferous Phosphatic Beds in Wilkins Peak Member of Green River Formation, Wyoming

L. V. Mott , J. I. Drever

AAPG Bulletin

.... No special source, other than weathering of volcanic ash, is required for the phosphorus or the uranium. The uraniferous phosphatic beds do not appear...


Structural Analysis and Mapping of the Western Part of the Caddo Anticline, Carter County, Oklahoma

Raphael Louis Ghazal

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... and Brunton. The sections were offset, as much as two miles in some cases, where strata were not well exposed. Trigonometric map calculations were later...


Clay Mineralogy of Weathered Products and of River Sediments, Puerto Rico

Arthur J. Ehlmann

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... This tentatively indicates halloysite may be an intermediate product in the weathering of the granodiorite. The depth of weathering was below the 10 foot level...


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