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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,615 Results. Searched 196,167 documents.

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Synergism in Formation Evaluation Enhances Detailed Reservoir Description: Reservoir Characterization: Petrophysical Formation Evaluation and Rock Description

Bob A. Hardage, Walter H. Fertl

AAPG Special Volumes

... correlations, and better thin-bed agreement between well log, core, and tool data. Consequently, petrophysicists can now produce a more accurate...


Improved Estimation of Gas Net Pay Zones in Shaly Sand Reservoirs A Case History from Anaco Area, East Venezuela

Maged Fam, Howard August, Fidel Rivero

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... and interpretation were used. MRI Analysis (MRIAN). The MRIAN algorithm combines MRIL and resistivity log data to quantify moveable water. The dual water model...



Royal J. Watts, Research geophysicist, Morgantown Petroleum Research Laboratory, Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior, Morgantown, West VirginiaCharles E. Whieldon, Jr., Petroleum engineering technician, Morgantown Petroleum Research Laboratory, Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior, Morgantown, West Virginia

Ohio Geological Society

... of Well Log Analysis for Oil and Gas Formation Evaluation. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1963, pp. 221-236...


Bimodal Porosity in Oolitic Reservoir--Effect on Productivity and Log Response, Rodessa Limestone (Lower Cretaceous), East Texas Basin

B. D. Keith , Edward D. Pittman

AAPG Bulletin

... of the unit below the buildup sequence was cored in one well and consists of skeletal wackestones End_Page 1391...


Complexity of Nurbani Heavy Oil Carbonate Reservoir and First Development Phase Challenge

Wahyu Seno Aji, Chandra Ageng, Arif Yondo, Satrio Tejotriarso, Nuke Suciati

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... carbonate platform is the first carbonate sequence. It was interpreted as a lowrelief ramp to marginal reef platform. Using well log data, NP1...


The Use of Rw and Sh Log-Derived Values in Oil and Gas Exploration Programs

Bob Jones

Wyoming Geological Association

... Cretaceous Fall River Formation of eastern Wyoming, about 200 feet below the Newcastle, wildcat wells encountered thicker porous beds. Log analysis yielded...


Experimental Quantification of "Good Log Characteristics" for Mesaverde Reservoirs of the Piceance Basin, Colorado: Toward a Reconnaissance Method for Evaluating Movable Water in Tight Shaly Sandstones, #41468 (2014).

Paul E. Devine

Search and

... Exploration, Williams Production RMT, Denver, CO, USA ([email protected]) Abstract Accurate analysis of wireline log data through thick intervals of shaly...


Unlocking the High Hydrocarbon Potential in Very Low Quality Formations in the Bangko and Balam South East Field, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

Reybi Waren, Endo Finaldhi, Muhammad Ramdhan, Muhamad Aji, Hafidz Qadly, Agin R. Budiman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... foram analysis of well number 159 core shows an intertidal – shallow neritic to inner – middle neritic which was deepening upward environment...


Abstract: Subsalt Risk Reduction Using Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis

Walter W. Wornardt, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... of the Vail sequences and systems tracts to provide a detailed sequence stratigraphic analysis of the well. Subsequently, wells drilled through...


Organic Rich Facies in the Lewis Shale as an Oil and Gas Source Rock, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, United States, #51280 (2016).

Ligia Carolina Mayorga-Gonzalez, Roger M. Slatt, David Pyles

Search and

... studied as a potential oil prone source or reservoir rock. Geochemical analysis from Champlin 276 Amoco D well indicates Asquith Marker has a “high...


Carbonate Systems Tracts of an Asymmetric Miocene Buildup Near Kangean Island, E. Java Sea

M. A. Cucci, M. H. Clark

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of a sequence stratigraphic framework, based on an integration of seismic, well-log, core, and bio stratigraphic data, indicate that the Tertiary-aged...


The Octon Discovery

F. A. Navarro, L. M. Ostrea, A. G. Lasam, J. P. M. Micu, E. C. Jacobsen

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

.... In conjunction with the structural interpretation, a well and log evaluation of the three Galoc wells and the Calamian. Nalaut and Malajon wells...


Measurement and Analysis of Wellbore Micro Losses and Rock Properties While Drilling: A Novel Approach to Identification of Fractures in the Osage and Meramec Formations of Anadarko Basin

Barzin Chiniwala, Aruna Kumar Palakurthi, Isaac Easow, Eliana R. Russo

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... on the cores and thin section analysis. Well-log response also shows a degree of cyclicity, as well as the pro-gradational nature of the carbonate...


Abstract: Seismic/Sequence Stratigraphy—Applications for the 21st Century

Marc H. Helsinger

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... of a perceived prospect shortage. Seismic sequence stratigraphic analysis, available to industry for over 25 years, is not being sufficiently utilized...


Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphical Analysis of the NW Borneo Sedimentary Basins (Paper 9)

Kim Morrison, Wong Chung-Lee

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphical Analysis of the NW Borneo Sedimentary Basins (Paper 9) Kim Morrison, Wong Chung-Lee 247 Paper 9 Sequence...


Natural Gas Hydrates of the Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk River Area, North Slope, Alaska

Timothy S. Collett

AAPG Bulletin

... and production wells on the basis of well-log responses calibrated to the response of an interval in a well where gas hydrates were recovered in a core...


New Insights into the Petroleum Potential of the Onshore Otway Basin, Victoria Australia

Lucas McLean-Hodgson, Bruce McConachie

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Sandstone interval and the Pretty Hills Sandstone outside structural closure. Log analysis of the Greenslopes-1 well confirmed excellent reservoir potential...


Reservoir Geometries and Exploration Strategies in the Morrow of Southeastern New Mexico

Louis J. Mazzullo

Abilene Geological Society

... lowstand. A well log from well #2 may look similar to one through the sands in well #1 and mistaken for another composite channel sequence. The channel mouth...


Validity of the Use of the Spontaneous Potential Curve Shape in the Interpretation of Sandstone Depositional Environments

John W. Snedden

GCAGS Transactions

.... 68/4, p. 483 (abst.) Hilchie, D.W., 1982, Advanced Well Log Interpretation, Hilchie, Inc. (Denver, 1982) 502 p. Hill, H.J., and J.D. Milburn, 1956...


Improved identification of pay zones through integration of geochemical and log data: A case study from Upper Assam basin, India

N. Mathur, S. V. Raju, T. G. Kulkarni

AAPG Bulletin

... are the major Eocene source rocks in the basin. Figure 5. Representative E-log section from a well in the study area indicating depositional environment...


Carbonate Pore System Characterization, a Study Case from Drowning Cap Sequence in VITA Field, ExxonMobil Block Cepu Limited (EMCL)

Viska Triaraminta Dewi, La Ode Ahdyar, Undang Mardiana, Febriwan Mohammad

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to define lithofacies in each interval. Furthermore, cores were plugged for thin section slices as well as routine core analysis to obtain porosity...


Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Deep Kerogen-Rich Unconventional Resource Play in North Kuwait

Jonna D. Rao, Samar Al-Ashwak, Abdullah M. Al-Anzi, Musaed Y. Al-Dousiri, Narhari S. Rao, Qasem Dashti, Sandeep Chakravorty

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...” and is the main target layer for horizontal well placement. Tight rock analysis (TRA): Tight rock analysis characterizes heterogeneity and aid to infer...


Regional CO2 Storage Capacity Estimations for Arbuckle Saline Aquifer in South-Central and Southwestern Kansas; #80486 (2015)

Yevhen Holubnyak, Eugene Williams, Mina FazelAlavi, Paul Gerlach, Tandis S. Bidgoli, Lynn Watney

Search and

... geological characterization was performed where existing well log and core data was analyzed and new exploratory wells were drilled in central...


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