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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,615 Results. Searched 196,167 documents.

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Depositional Environments of Sandstones as Interpreted from Subsurface Measurements--an Introduction: ABSTRACT

William C. Krueger

AAPG Bulletin

.... (September) A sedimentary rock is a product of its provenance and transportational mechanisms as well as of its environment of deposition...


Abstract: Facies Architecture, Palaeoenvironment and Reservoir Quality of the Mid-Cretaceous Wara Member, Northern Offshore Arabian Gulf; #90254 (2016)

Homoud AlAnzi

Search and

... the facies and their distribution in terms of potential reservoir sands using core and wireline log correlations. Detailed core description, well log...


Facies and Bed Thickness Distributions of Limestones: NOTES

David N. Lumsden

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... are based. End_Page 596------------------------ FIG. 3 Log probability plots of composite data for "All facies" in each studies sequence...


Hydraulic Fracturing of the Telisa Formation at Kotabatak Field Central Sumatra

Edward J. Kodl, Dadang Sofyan G.

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and reevaluation was applied in well #153 which was cored in 1994. Figure 5. Well #153 log evaluation cutoffs and net pay before and after calibration...


Abstract: Lower-Middle Wolfcampian Sequence Stratigraphy of the Eastern Central Basin Platform, Texas

Magell P. Candelaria

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... stratigraphic interpretation of the platform to basin transition reveals stratal geometries not readily interpretable from well log and biostratigraphic...


Integrated Analysis of The-Low Resistivity Hydrocarbon Reservoir in the SŽ Field

Rizky Teddy Audinno, Ikhsansyah Putra Pratama, Andry Halim, Didit Putra Kusuma

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... that would have been missed by conventional analysis. The paper includes an integrated analysis of well log, petrography, XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), SEM...


Well Test Logging

J. Exbrayat, W. Machtalere

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... development program and, finally, to define the needs in production facilities. Well Testing – in conjunction with fluid sampling and analysis – is the main...


ABSTRACT: A Third-Order Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Devonian of Morocco: Its Implications for Enhanced Regional Correlation of the Devonian in North Africa; #90016 (2003)

Stefan Lubeseder, Ian D. Carr, Jonathan Redfern

Search and

... analysis. Transgressive - regressive cycles are well developed in an Early Devonian mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp setting and on a Middle to Late...


Upper Triassic Palynofacies and Environmental Interpretations for the Rankin Trend, Northern Carnarvon Basin, W.A.

A. N. Bint, R. Helby

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Triassic sequence penetrated on the Rankin Trend consists of the upper part of the Mungaroo Formation and the Brigadier Formation. Palynological...


The Piaui Basin: Rifting and Wrenching in an Equatorial Atlantic Transform Basin

Pedro V. Zalan, Eric P. Nelson, John E. Warme, Thomas L. Davis

Special Publications of SEPM

... and depositional envi interpreted from paleontological analysis and log responses in well PIS I A Early rift basalts and fluvial meander belt deposits B...


High Order Stratigraphic Framework of Intraslope Growth Faulted Subbasins Offshore Matagorda Bay, Texas

J. Franey, T. Meckel

GCAGS Transactions

... subbasin. The models better connect high resolution, but sparse, well log data and low resolution, but continuous, seismic data. Thickness...


Abstract: 3-D Seismic Lithology Analysis Utilizing Extended AVO: A Case Study

James DiSiena

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... lithology interpretation is the result of calibrating the 3-D/AVO response to lithology and pore fluid variations. Analysis of well data provides...


Sonic Logging in South Texas

W. P. Biggs

GCAGS Transactions

... sonic log & from core analysis. Figure 4. Log suite of 200-ft section used for comparison of sonic & resistivity logs. Figure 5. Plot of porosity...


Use of Seismic Geomorphology to Re-define Mature Fields: Application of Spectral Decomposition and Neural Networks to 3D Examples from Canada and Colombia; #41215 (2013)

Azer Mustaqeem and Valentina Baranova

Search and

..., volume curvature and neural network based facies analysis are integrated with extensive geological and well log analysis work to predict thicknesses...


Analysis of Critically Stressed Fractures and Impact on Field Development in a South Sumatra field

Anzar Syed Islam, Lia Wisanti, Aditi Pal, Budi Satrio, Mohammad Himawan Prakoso, Galih Regi Ramadhan, Anggie Askari Pajabada, Mohamad Taufik

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the image log. Figure 3 also shows the sonic Stoneley analysis results. Borehole travelling Stoneley waves can be used to determine open fractures from...


“Recognizing Large SP Anomalies in the Cretaceous Carbonates Along the Balcones System, and How to Interpret Them”

John V. Crues, Jr.

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... pressure was 1290 psi. Figure 2. SP/Resistivity Log and Gamma Ray/ Neutron - Density Log of a well drilled in Medina County. Table 1. Water analysis...


Abstract: An Examination of the Arkoma Foreland Basin and its Petroleum System through Burial and Thermal History Modeling; #90257 (2016)

Julianne E. Lamb

Search and

..., a recently acquired and multifaceted well data set, generously provided by SWN, are used to perform a detailed basin analysis within the eastern portion...


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