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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,615 Results. Searched 196,167 documents.

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Subsurface Study of Atoka (Lower Pennsylvanian) Clastic Rocks in Parts of Jack, Palo Pinto, Parker, and Wise Counties, North-Central Texas

David Tai Wai Ng

AAPG Bulletin

... in Jack, Palo Pinto, Parker, and Wise Counties, Texas: Masters thesis, Texas Christian Univ., 74 p. Pirson, S. J., 1970, Geologic well log analysis...


Rejuvenation of Niru: An Integrated Subsurface Re-Interpretation

M. Natsir, Tb Nasiruddin, N. Hasani

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... interpretation. Sequence analysis of the Niru field based on log analysis from wells: L5A58, L5A-70, L5A-82, L5A-189, L5A-194, L5A195, L5A-232, L5A-237...


Depositional History of the Ferron Formation, Central Utah

Lyle A. Hale

Utah Geological Association

... Cretaceous river in Utah from analysis of sedimentary structures in the Ferron sandstone”: Jour. of Sed. Pet., v. 41, no. 1. Davis, Leland J., 1943...


The Application of Hydraulic Fracturing to a Laminated Sand Shale Sequence: A Case History of the Telisa Formation

Herry J. Purwanto, Timothy R. Maloney, Mursito Widjaja, Ian Simister

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... calculated later during post-fracturing well performance analysis using a fractured well/radial flow model. Reservoir pressures were still near original...


Integrating New Technologies in Earth Modeling and Effective Validation Workflows for a Large Mature Field in Indonesia: Minas Field Case Study

Fifin Afianti, Ahmad D. Al-Aruri, Kris Pedersen, Mudji Prajitno

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... material and a reconsideration of well log correlation philosophy were utilized in light of advances in the understanding of depositional patterns...


Tertiary Sequence Stratigraphy at the Souther Border of the North Sea Basin in Belgium

Noël Vandenberghe, Pieter Laga, Etienne Steurbaut, Jan Hardenbol, Peter R. Vail

Special Publications of SEPM

... analysis (Geets, 1988) and especially well-log analysis (Vandenberghe et al., 1988b) throughout the whole section have shown the succession of different...


Variations in vertical stress in the Permian Basin region

Katie M. Smye, Peter H. Hennings, and Elizabeth A. Horne

AAPG Bulletin

... bulk and sonic logs and on spatial distribution across physiographic regions. The ρ bulk and sonic log data were acquired for each well from IHS...


Geologic Analysis System--Oil and Gas Exploration and Research Applications: ABSTRACT

T. Dyman, T. Flaherty, B. Hall, Magoon K. Takahashi, R. Walton

AAPG Bulletin

...Geologic Analysis System--Oil and Gas Exploration and Research Applications: ABSTRACT T. Dyman, T. Flaherty, B. Hall, Magoon K. Takahashi, R. Walton...


Abstract: Identifying Depleted Reservoirs as Pore Space for Energy Storage or Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Through Well Data Analysis; #91206 (2023)

Hunter Brandt, Haley Tyler, Denver Sheets, Karl Leonard

Search and

...Abstract: Identifying Depleted Reservoirs as Pore Space for Energy Storage or Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Through Well Data Analysis; #91206 (2023...


Sonic Log Analysis from Isotropic and Anisotropic Media In Carbonate Reservoir, the Case Study at Stella Alpina Field

Wahyu Tri Sutrisno, Septian Prahastudhi, Ari Teguh Sugiarto, Ayi Syaeful Bahri, Dwa Desa Warnana, Yulia Putri Wulandari

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... analyses of core, sonic log data and other petrophysical properties. On a single well analysis, the Thomsen parameters were obtained to characterize...


High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Tocito Sandstone: The Relationship Between Incised Valleys and Hydrocarbon Accumulation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico

David C. Jennette, Clive R. Jones, John C. Van Wagoner, Jeff E. Larsen

AAPG Special Volumes

... base involved fifty well-log cross sections which incorporated over 1300 well logs End_Page 24------------------------- Fig. 1. Map of the Four...


Fluvial Sequence Stratigraphy: The Wapiti Formation, West-Central Alberta, Canada

Federico Fanti, Octavian Catuneanu

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... unconformity-bounded depositional sequences (A–D), based on sequence stratigraphic methodology, well-log patterns, and facies analysis. In ascending order...


A Stratigraphic Study of the Osage-Layton Format in Northeastern Oklahoma

Wilson Lalla

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... was interpreted from an integrated examination and analysis of the S.P. log shape, the outcrop, the isopach of net sand, and well cores. The positions...


Abstract: Adding Reserves by Evaluating Turbidite Channel Reservoirs of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Beidagang Structural Belt, Bohaiwan Basin, China; #90307 (2017)

Zhou Lyu, Li Li, Xiulin Hou, Wenqi Zhang

Search and

... of these reservoirs in the study area were identified and evaluated by the resistivity and NMR logs, combining with the analysis of core and well testing. We...


Chapter 17: Pleistocene to Holocene Sedimentary Evolution of the North Coast Marine Area, Offshore Trinidad

Stefan Punnette, Lesli Wood, Paul Mann

AAPG Special Volumes

... the basal deposition to have initiated at ∼500 k.y. and ∼125 k.y., respectively. The lithologic interpretation from well log analysis tied to the seismic data...



John V. Persons, Stocker & Sitler, Inc., Newark, Ohio

Ohio Geological Society

.... It was not logical that information from log analysis and natural 'show' while drilling with air or Cable Tools had no meaning...


Submarine topographic control on distribution of supercritical-flow deposits in lobe and related environments, middle Eocene, Jaca Basin, Spanish Pyrenees

Pauline H. Cornard,, Kevin T. Pickering

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the largest discrete sandbodies on Earth, and can be significant hydrocarbon reservoirs. In outcrop and core-based studies, tools such as analysis of bed...


Determining the Coal Bed Methane Distribution Based on Amplitude Variation With Offset (AVO) Analysis and Seismic Inversion: Case Study of Sumatra Basin

Padmadi Heru Wibawa, Abd. Haris, Suprajitno M.

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by performing the EI inversion to produce the cross-section of λρ and µρ. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We first analyze the well log data set to identify the coal...


South LHO Sukon-D1 Discovery, North Sumatra

M. A. Maliki, Soenarnyoto Soenarwi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of reefal limestones at the Peutu level. The limestones consist of mudstones, grainstones and some boundstones. Log analysis indicated 920 feet of net pay...


ABSTRACT: Use of Seismic Character for Intelligent Facies Analysis and Reservoir Property Estimation; #90007 (2002)

Fred Aminzadeh, Paul. F. M. de Groot

Search and

... Monte Carlo simulation with different perturbations of log properties. For each pseudo-well, synthetic seismograms (both post stack and pre-stack...


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