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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,615 Results. Searched 196,167 documents.

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Depositional Systems and Their Relation to Gas Accumulation in Sacramento Valley, California

Roberto Garcia

AAPG Bulletin

... with blocky log patterns. Fig. 5. Facies, log patterns, and environments. End_Page 656------------------------------ Fig. 6. Map showing well control...


Reservoir Characterisation for Field Development, Albertine Graben, East African Rift System; #20130 (2012)

Andrew Ochan and Catherine Amusugut

Search and

... targeted as a candidate for early production. Well Correlation Conventional methods of correlation by use of sequence stratigraphy are less easily applied...


Determination of the Laminar, Structural and Disperse Shale Volumes Using a Joint Inversion of Conventional Logs; #41944 (2016)

Ambrosio Aquino-López, Aleksandr Mousatov, Mikhail Markov, Elena Kazatchenko

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... petrophysical model for shaly-sands and the joint petrophysical inversion of conventional well logs. We consider clastic formations as a sequence...


Stratigraphic Architecture of the Bone Spring Formation (Leonardian), Delaware Basin, New Mexico and Texas: An Interim Report

David L. Carr

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and insights gleaned from an ongoing regional stratigraphic analysis of the Bone Spring Formation (BSPG; Leonardian). The BSPG is a major unconventional oil...


Benefits of a Chronostratigraphic Framework, An Example from the Papuan Fold Belt, #51676 (2020).

Lewis Maxwell, Lawrence Grant-Woolley, Geoff Wood, Sarah Hawkes

Search and

... exploitation. Discussion Historically, lithology and wireline log motifs were correlated between wells (lithostratigraphic correlation) with field focused...


Processing and Interpretation of 2-D Seismic Data from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

David J. Taylor

Wyoming Geological Association

... velocities derived from well log data show that shaly intervals have generally slower velocity than sandy intervals. Seismic stacking velocities when converted...


Sequence Stratigraphy of the Flamingo Group, Southern Bonaparte Basin

B. E. J. Messent, A. K. Goody, E. Collins, S. Tobias

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... on the basis of integrated seismic and well sequence stratigraphy. The second• order cycles and third-order sequences are roughly equivalent to Vail's...


An Improved Approach for Structural Delineation with Multiple Reverse Faults from Borehole Image Dips in Compressional Stress Regime, #42335 (2018).

Shiduo Yang, Yang Yang, Yafeng Li, Guo Wei, Alexis He, Isabelle Le Nir, Tetsushi Yamada, Fangfang Wu, Mo jing, Mohamed Ahmed Alboub

Search and

... analysis. This is first time to compute fault throw in the same well based on computed TST in this reservoir. We found that the correlation based...


Exploration History of the MB Field, Coastal Area of Northwest Java

Suherman T., A. Syahbuddin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., Petrography on well MB-3, West Java", Unpublished report. Pertamina, Litbang E.P., Report no. 15/0817, 1985, "Nannoplankton analysis on well MB-3, West Java...


High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of Upper Thamama (Lower Cretaceous) Reservoirs of a Giant Abu Dhabi Oil Field, United Arab Emirates

Christian J. Strohmenger, L. Jim Weber, Ahmed Ghani, Khalil Al-Mehsin, Omar Al-Jeelani, Abdulla Al-Mansoori, Taha Al-Dayyani, Lee Vaughan, Sameer A. Khan, John C. Mitchell

AAPG Special Volumes

... and well-log data of a giant oil field of Abu Dhabi, as well as outcrop data from Wadi Rahabah in the Emirate of Ras Al-Khaimah were used to establish...


Defining Aquifer Architecture Using Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Los Angeles Basin, California: a Foundation for Future Assessment and Management of Groundwater Resources, #80599 (2017).

Kenneth D. Ehman, Brian D. Edwards

Search and

... well o LWEB: Long Beach Webster well USGS – WRDSC monitoring wells o Pico-1 o Rio Hondo-1 o South Gate-1 o Compton-1 o Long Beach-2 Overview of Sequence...


Revitalizing Seismic Facies Analysis; #42236 (2018)

Hongliu Zeng

Search and

...Revitalizing Seismic Facies Analysis; #42236 (2018) Hongliu Zeng Revitalizing Seismic Facies Analysis* Hongliu Zeng1 Search and Discovery Article...


Tailoring Completion Design to Reservoir and Geologic Quality Changes Across the Uinta Basin

Tee Suan Ong, Joshua Reamer, John Lassek, Mark Quakenbush

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Curve Analysis (DCA), Well A gross oil EUR was determined to be X1.0 MBO, and Well B, X0.4 MBO. The difference of EUR is substantial (~250...


Aspects of Reservoir Geology and Production Behavior of Sirikit Oil Field, Thailand: an Integrated Study Using Well and 3-D Seismic Data

S. Flint , D. J. Stewart , T. Hyde , E. C. A. Gevers , O. R. F. Dubrule , E. D. Van Riessen

AAPG Bulletin

... correlations. The resolution of small dislocations and flexures by seiscrop analysis may apply to well targeting. Production decline rates are variable...


Statistical Analysis of Correlation of Porosity and Permeability Determinations from Well Cuttings Using a Portable pNMR Apparatus with Conventional Core Analysis and Wireline Log Readings: ABSTRACT

Eric L. Nigh, Alun H. Whittaker, John D. MacPherson

AAPG Bulletin

...Statistical Analysis of Correlation of Porosity and Permeability Determinations from Well Cuttings Using a Portable pNMR Apparatus with Conventional...


The Sand-Rich Tide Dominated Delta Model of Bangko Formation in ABŽ Area Using High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Ichnofacies Analysis

Mohamad Amin Ahlun Nazar, Alfredo Di Stefano, Ananyamatya Bella Talita, Jarot Setyowiyoto, Kirandra Ferari Budi Prasodjo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...The Sand-Rich Tide Dominated Delta Model of Bangko Formation in ABŽ Area Using High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Ichnofacies Analysis...


Middle-Late Cambrian Facies Analysis and Implications for Reservoir Prediction, Eastern Warburton Basin, South Australia

Xiaowen Sun

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Volcanics, Kalladeina Formation and Dullingari Group, and later attempted a geological analysis of the basin (Gatehouse, 1986). Preliminary sequence...


Grain-Size Distributions, an Aid in Facies Identification

R. P. Glaister, H. W. Nelson

CSPG Bulletin

... fluctuations in the rate of discharge -- a situation that is not conducive to the formation of well-defined, log-normal populations. High flood stages...


ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterization Efforts for Improved Recovery Guided by Attention to Reservoir Management Context in the Citronelle Field, a Fluvial Reservoir in the Rodessa Formation (Cretaceous), South Alabama

Michael L. Fowler, Eugene L. Safley, Mark A. Young

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... contained in confined Flow Units and the lowest recovery efficiencies exhibited. Detailed analysis of historical production, injection, and well...


Geomechanics Wellbore Stability Analysis in Successful Drilling of a Challenging HPHT Exploration Well in North Sumatra; #42532 (2020)

Restio Adhyaksa Brata, Muhamad Yanuar Mahardi, Apollinaris Stefanus Leo Anis, Fatrial Bahesti

Search and

... well, Well-A Wellbore Stability (WBS) analysis and mud weight window. Figure 6. Mechanical Earth Model’s (MEM’s) log propagation from offset well Well...


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