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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,615 Results. Searched 196,167 documents.

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Effect of Geothermal Pore-Pressure Conditions and Natural Gas Composition on In Situ Natural Gas Hydrate Occurrences, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT

S. P. Godbole, V. A. Kamath

AAPG Bulletin

.... Several well logs in these depth ranges have been analyzed to determine hydrate zone thickness, porosity, and hydrate saturation. In well log analysis...


Abstract: An Integrated Approach on Understanding Natural Fracture Systems in the STACK Play Using Core and Image Log Data; #90309 (2017)

Ning Zhang, Jamar Bynum, Jarret Borell, John Arney

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...Abstract: An Integrated Approach on Understanding Natural Fracture Systems in the STACK Play Using Core and Image Log Data; #90309 (2017) Ning Zhang...


ABSTRACT: Distinguishing Autocyclic Events from Allostratigraphic Discontinuities: A Case Study from the Oficina Formation of Eastern Venezuela; #90007 (2002)

Jose I. Guzman, S. G. Pemberton, Antonio Pico, Howard R. August, Damaris Narvaez

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... are commonly regarded as allostratigraphic surfaces and mapped as sequence boundaries. Even a single cored well, however, can provide valuable insight when...


Abstracts: Use of Image Logs in Differentiating Point Bar and Tidal Bar Deposits in the Leismer Area: Implications for SAGD Reservoir Definition in the Athabasca Oilsands; #90173 (2015)

Howard Brekke, Andrew Couch

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... pairs and steam chamber development. Unfortunately, conventional open hole well log suites are not particularly definitive in identifying McMurray...


Well Interference Testing using Fiber Optics Production Analysis

Marcel A. Grubert, Xinyang Li, Todd Bown, J. Andres Chavarria

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... compare fiber optic production log profiles at different points in time after certain events, i.e. well startup, occur. Analysis of the interference...


Characterizing the Near Surface with VSP and Well Logs

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... and a 3C downhole sonde (Figure 1d) spaced at 0.5 m. The depth coverage of the VSP survey is 4 m to 63 m. Well Log Analysis According to driller...


Electric Log Evidence for Hydrocarbon Production and Trapping in Sandstones Possessing Diagenetic Clay Minerals

Alvin L. Schultz

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... sandstone with a tight streak in the middle. The tight streak was analyzed as productive from quantitative log analysis and tested gas and condensate...


Unraveling the Secrets of the Eaglebine

Arthur D. Donovan, Scott Gifford, Aris Pramudito, Melissa Meyer, Mike Pope

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...). Figure 6. Sequence stratigraphic correlations on well-log cross section EW-40, which goes from the USGS GCA-1 research borehole into the subsurface...


Tulare Formation

Michael J. Campbell

Pacific Section of AAPG

... stratigraphic nomenclature as used by Santa Fe Energy Resources. Well 566X represents a “sand-poor” type log. Log picks or correlation points are noted...


The Lower Miocene Liuhua Carbonate Reservoir, Pearl River Mouth Basin, Offshore Peoples Republic of China

N.L. Turner, H.P. Zhong

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... structures (Figure 17). In the 4-1-1 well, no distinction could be made for Units B, C or D, either by log or rock analysis. Unit F is a chalky, soft...


Bobcat Run South Field, Orange County, Texas-Oligocene Frio Formation Hackberry Sand Discovery Utilizing 3-D Seismic Data

Robert L. Zamboras

GCAGS Transactions

... estimate of 3.8 BCF and 106 MBC. The well logging program for the Bean Donner well includes the full-waveform acoustic log. The components of shear...


Overview of Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site 2 in the Permian Delaware Basin (HFTS-2)

Jordan Ciezobka

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... time-lapse geochemistry analysis, analysis of proppant distribution in producing child and slant core well, and others. URTeC 5514 2 Results...


Development Strategy in the Bzz Field and the Importance of Detailed Depositional Model Studies in the Reservoir Characterization of Talang Akar Channel Sandstones

Chandra Suria

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy in Well Logs, Cores, and Outcrops, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. Location...


Facies classification with different machine learning algorithm … An efficient artificial intelligence technique for improved classification

Partha Pratim Mandal, Reza Rezaee

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... of well logs (1-D analysis and cross-plot) revealed that PE log is the most effective separator relative to others to differentiate facies as displayed...


The Forebulge Migration and Its influence on Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of Back-bulge in Triassic, Tarim Basin; #30268 (2013)

Wu Tang, Yingmin Wang, and Lei Zhang

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... and back-bulge) formed. Using a broad database comprising outcrops, well-log and seismic data, the current study qualifies the forebulge migration...


Production Testing: Part 9. Production Engineering Methods

David E. Lancaster

AAPG Special Volumes

... is preferred to a decreasing rate sequence. The surface shut-in and flowing pressure measurements are converted to bottomhole conditions and a log-log...


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