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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,615 Results. Searched 196,167 documents.

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Abstract: Facies Study of the West Ells SAGD Project, Athabasca Oilsands; #90224 (2015)

Josh Gibb and Greg Edwards

Search and

... for modeling, simulation, and future well pair placement. Although limited in areal extent, the project also resulted in refinement of the existing...


Big Flat (Oil), T. 26 S., R. 19 E., SLPM, Grand County, Utah

Kenneth T. Smith

Four Corners Geological Society

... well blew out while drilling at 6,377 feet Oldest Stratigraphic Horizon Penetrated: Cambrian, in Pure Oil Co. No. 3 Big Flat Unit well Discovery Well...


Late Maastrichtian paleovalley systems in west-central Alberta: Mapping the Battle Formation in the subsurface

Benjamin Hathway

CSPG Bulletin

... a further 608 wells in which the Battle Formation is absent, were used to generate a regional isopach map. In combination with closely spaced well-log cross...


A Facies and Flow Unit Approach to Porosity Occurrence in the Madison Reservoirs (Frobisher-Alida and Tilston Intervals) of Western North Dakota; #11382 (2024)

David M. Petty

Search and

... (eds.): Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication 9, p. 217–225. Embry, A.F. 1993. Transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequence analysis...


Active Margin: Miocene Carbonate Shelf Margin, Bali-Flores Sea, Indonesia

W. W. Tyrrell and R. G. Davis

AAPG Special Volumes

.... The writers made regional geologic studies, analyses of well data in the general area, and stratigraphic analysis of the seismic data. A Miocene prograding...


Rosedale Channel--Evidence for Late Miocene Submarine Erosion in Great Valley of California

Bruce D. Martin

AAPG Bulletin

... stratigraphic sequence depicted by generalized electric log. End_Page 443------------------------------ section, but not to its base, were examined...


Wolfcamp Hydraulic Fracture Test Site Drained Rock Volume and Recovery Factors Visualized by Scaled Complex Analysis Method (CAM): Emulating Multiple Data Sources (Production Rates, Water Cuts, Pressure Gauges, Flow Regime Changes, and b-Sigmoids)

Ruud Weijermars, Kiran Nandlal, Murat Faith Tugan, Ron Dusterhoft, Neil Stegent

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...). A rate transient analysis (RTA) of Well 3U, using well rates versus time in log-log space, clearly reveals three flow regimes can be distinguished...


Barnett Shale and Atoka Conglomerate: The Next Horizontal Oil and Gas Play in Oklahoma

Maxwell J. Tilford, Michael R. Stewart

Oklahoma City Geological Society

..., No. 147, 81 p. Zhao, H., N. B. Givens, and B. Curtis, 2007, Thermal maturity of the Barnett Shale determined from well-log analysis: American...


Accurately Characterizing Middle Cotton Valley Reservoirs in the Carthage Field, Panola County, Texas

Ronald B. Martin, Li Fan, Keith W. Owen, Baljit S. Sehbi, William S. Whitehead, John E. Jochen, A. Fielder Hill

GCAGS Transactions

... caused by complex diagenetic mineralogy. An integrated approach was used. This process integrated log analysis, production data analysis, fracture...


The Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) and Pore Geometry Structure (PGS) Rock Typing Comparison to Maximize Permeability Estimation on Carbonate Reservoir, Case Study: Kais Formation, Bintuni Basin

Farhan Rizqi Ramadhan, Reka Dwi Adityawan, Warto Utomo, Muhammad Thariq Almuqtadir

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the core data. In the un-cored well interval, cluster analysis was performed for rock typing which resulted in an undetailed rock type log as a calibration...


Permian Passive Margin Submarine Fan Complex, Karoo Basin, South Africa: Possible Model to Gulf of Mexico

A. H. Bouma , H. de V. Wickens

GCAGS Transactions

... that are not detectable on multifold seismic profiles or obtainable from well log correlations. The Tanqua complex reveals entire cross sections of channels...


Descriptions, Petrology, Photographs, and Photomicrographs of Core from the Green River Formation, South-Central Uinta Basin, Utah (MP-04-2)

S. Robert Bereskin, Craig D. Morgan, Kevin P. McClure

Utah Geological Survey



Chapter 11: Breaking Barriers and Paradigms in Presalt Exploration: The Pão de Açúcar Discovery (Offshore Brazil)

Pedro Henrique Vieira de Luca, Hugo Matias, José Carballo, Diana Sineva, Gustavo Antunes Pimentel, Jordi Tritlla, Mateu Esteban, Rubén Loma, José Luis Algibez Alonso, Ricardo Perona Jiménez, Matthieu Pontet, Pedro Bonillo Martinez, Victor Vega

AAPG Special Volumes

... well correspond to sublacustrine, glass-rich, hydrothermally altered basalts. This volcanic sequence characterized by pillow-lavas, pillow breccias...


Morphology Of Channels And Channel-Sand Bodies In The Glauconitic Sandstone Member (Upper Mannville), Little Bow Area, Alberta

John C. Hopkins, Shirley W. Hermanson, Don C. Lawton

CSPG Bulletin

... Channel 1 following the line of section B-B' in Figure 1. The channel-bottom sandstone in the 2-32 well has a similar log response to the neighbouring...


Abstract: P-wave and S-wave Near-surface Characterization in Northeast British Columbia (NEBC); #90174 (2014)

Liliana M. Zuleta and Don C. Lawton

Search and

... and interval Vp/Vs values from the seismic analysis matches closely the results from analysis of well-log data (shown on the left in this figure). Discussion...


Cyclostratigraphy of Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates. Case-histories from central and southern Italy; #90017 (2003)

Sabrina Amodio, Francesco P. Buonocunto, Bruno D'Argenio, Vittoria Ferreri, Luciano Gorla

Search and

... succession microstratigraphic analysis has allowed us: a) to recognize lithofacies and their associations as well as to assign them to different...


Seismic geomorphology and sedimentology of a fluvial-dominated delta: Implications for the Neogene reservoirs, offshore Bohai Bay Basin, China

Shang Xu, Fang Hao, Changgui Xu, Huayao Zou, and Baishui Gao

AAPG Bulletin

... and act as important hydrocarbon reservoirs. In this paper, an integration of high-resolution three-dimensional seismic, well log, and core data...


3D Modeling Subsurface Mapping Application to Fluvial Meandering Blocky Sand 35-1 Reservoir. Nindi Oil Field. Asri Basin. South East Sumatera

Ario Arief Iswandhani

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... The biostratigraphic, petrographic and well log data, together with the core descriptions and interpretations of the depositional environments, were...


Tectono-Stratigraphy of the Passive Margin Off Nova Scotia: Chapter 14: North American Margins

H. J. Welsink, J. D. Dwyer, R. J. Knight

AAPG Special Volumes

... in Figures 7, 8, 9, and 10. Sequence boundaries correspond to those in Figures 4 and 5, and are based on well data, biostratigraphy, and seismic data...


From Isolation to Inclusion: The Application of Isotope Analysis to Unravel the Influences of Depositional Style and Diagenesis in Berai Carbonates, Central Kalimantan

Krishna Pratama Laya, Ari Subekti, Satrio Goesmiyarso, John K. Warren

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... The results from core and wireline log analysis of the West Kerendan-1 (WK-1) exploration well shows that parts of the carbonates complex consists...


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