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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,615 Results. Searched 196,167 documents.

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Rock-Physics Guided Seismic Exploration

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ABSTRACT: Sandstone and Shale Compaction Curves Derived from Sonic and Gamma Ray Logs in Offshore Wells, North Slope, AlaskaCParameters for Basin Modeling; #90013 (2003)

E. L. Rowan, D. O. Hayba, P. H. Nelson, W. M. Burns, D. W. Houseknecht

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.... For each well, the fraction of shale (Vsh) at a given depth was estimated from the gamma ray log, and porosity was computed from sonic travel time...


ABSTRACT Stratigraphic Interpretation of Lower Cretaceous Strata in Onshore Southeast Texas and Louisiana from 2-D Seismic Data, #90104 (2010)

Doolan Colin; Pearson Ofori N.

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....    For this study, 30 migrated 2D seismic surveys across parts of Southeast Texas and South Louisiana were interpreted in conjunction with well log  data...


Abstract: Reservoir-Fluid Characterization and Reservoir Modeling of Potential Gas Hydrate Resources, Alaska North Slope; #90213 (2015)

Robert R. Casavant, Roy A. Johnson, George J. Moridis, Scott J. Wilson, Robert B. Hunter, Mary M. Poulton, Scott Geauner, Justin Manuel, Casey Hagbo, Charles E. Glass, Kenneth M. Mallon, Shirish L. Patil, Abhijit Dandekar, and Timothy S. Collett

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... for gas hydrate drilling, data acquisition, completion, and production. Phases 2 and 3 would integrate well, core, log, and production test data...


Organic-rich Marcellus Shale lithofacies modeling and distribution pattern analysis in the Appalachian Basin

Guochang Wang, Timothy R. Carr

AAPG Bulletin

... of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts Annual Logging Symposium, 25 p.Beucher, H. A., A. Galli, G. Le Loc'h, and C. Ravenne, 1993, Including a regional trend...


A Structural Analysis of the Delta Farms Field Lafourche Parish, Louisiana with Notes on the Stratigraphy

A. L. Morgan

GCAGS Transactions

... feet from electric log zero to sea level. The variations observable from well to well are for the most part slight and are due to differences...


Abstract: Depositional Environments and Reservoir Quality of Oligocene-Miocene Sediments in Central Part of Nam Con Son Basin, Offshore South Vietnam; #90236 (2015)

Hoang Anh Tuan, Bui Viet Dung, Khuc Hong Giang, Nguyen Thu Huyen, Nguyen Anh Duc, Pham Thi Dieu Huyen, Lars H. Nielsen, Michael B.W. Fyhn, and Ioannis Abatzis

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.... To determine the provenances of source rocks and potential reservoirs in the study area, the well-log and seismic data were used for determining...


Abstract: Comparison of Highstand and Lowstand (SED) Deltaic Deposits in the Brookian Sequence, North Slope, Alaska: Implications for Predicting Reservoir Presence and Quality;

Ben Suranovic, Jennifer Aschoff

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... seismic interpretation as well as 3D seismic attributes (RMS amplitude, variance) to identify HSD vs. SED deposits and their geometries, 3) well log...


Toward a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Frasnian of the Western Canada Basin:DISCUSSION

Dr. Marc Villeger

CSPG Bulletin

... transgressive -- regressive cycles (I, II and III), separated by a shaly horizon marking a flooding surface (Villeger, 1996). Well-log correlation along a dip...


The Goodness-of-Fit to Ideal Gauss and Rosin Distributions: A New Grain-size Parameter: DISCUSSION

Daniel Hartmann

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of particle size: Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Series A, v. 353, p. 401-409. BARNDORFF-NIELSEN, O. E., AND BLAESILD, P., 1983, Log-Hyperbolic Distributions...


An Integrated Subsurface Geological and Engineering Study of Meyal Field, Potwar Plateau, Pakistan; #20151 (2012)

Syed Tariq Hasany and Umair Saleem

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... in the Meyal-Kharpa area. In 1916, soon after the discovery of Khaur Field, the first well was drilled which was terminated in the Molasse sequence without...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Petrophysical Answers for Producibility of the Bossier Sandstones, East Texas Basin

Turner, James R.

GCAGS Transactions

... Educational Services, p. 139. Crain, E.R., 1986, The Log Analysis Handbook Volume 1 Quantitative Log Analysis Methods: Tulsa, Oklahoma, Penn Well...


Abstract: Sedimentology of Carbonate Buildup in Central Luconia, Sarawak, Malaysia (Geology Poster 9)

Noor Alyani Binti Ishak, Zulfiqar Ali, Richard Bray, Eswaran Padmanabhan

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... intervals were defined from the core to well log correlation that was done on the conventional core taken from Alpha and Beta field, which are Lower...


Evolution of Frasnian Mixed Carbonate-Siliclastics Systems: Outcrop-Based Characterization of Sequence Stratigraphy and Architecture, Cline Channel and Jasper Basin Areas, Alberta, Canada; #51276 (2016)

Pak Wong, John Weissenberger, Murray Gilhooly

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.... A combination of well log and outcrop cross-sections, integrated with biostratigraphy, support these correlations. These regional (time) surfaces allow...


Porosity and Permeability Estimation using Neural Network Approach from Well Log Data, #41276 (2014)

Akhilesh K. Verma, Burns A. Cheadle, Aurobinda Routray, William K. Mohanty, Lalu Mansinha,

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...Porosity and Permeability Estimation using Neural Network Approach from Well Log Data, #41276 (2014) Akhilesh K. Verma, Burns A. Cheadle, Aurobinda...


African Swallow Field: Complex Muddy Sandstone Marine Transgressive Stratigraphic Trap in the Deep Powder River Basin, Wyoming

J.M. Perkins, L.F. Kuhmichel, B.E. Winkelman, P.M. Loftin

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... well was sidetracked 500 ft to the northeast where it encountered 9 ft (6.5 ft in true stratigraphic thickness) of sandstone with log porosity of 12 to13...


Optimizing Completion Designs for the East Texas Haynesville Utilizing Production Flow Allocations From Lower-Cost Fiber Optic Sensing DAS/DTS Systems

M. Weber, D. Weatherly, V. Mahue, R. A. Hull, K. Trujillo, R. Bohn, E. Jimenez

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... was acquired early in the life of the well. Another fiber production log can offer insight. Production along the lateral is heel-dominated with toe-stages...


Central Texas Downdip Yegua Trend: An Overview

Robert W. Parker, David R. Swenson

Houston Geological Society

... to fault C at Shanghai East. There are three main pay sands in each field, two DY and one EY. (See Figure 8 and additional information in log analysis...


Unravelling the 'Sweet Spot' Potential of Fractured Basement in Ketaling High, South Sumatra Basin by Integrating Complex Seismic Attribute and Resistivity Log Evaluation

Rady Adiarsa, Yona Akbar, Hendra Baskara, Adi Widiyantoro, Ibnu Suhartanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... well data. With no core data, slightly indication from drilling data, and only basic log available, resistivity log is a reliable option to be used...


Chapter 7: Challenges for Reservoir Management and Field Development in the Pre-Salt, Santos Basin, Brazil

O. A. Pedrosa, Jr., W. Peres, M. R. Mello, S. P. Rostirolla, G. Carmo, Jr., V. Branco

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the Barra Velha Formation and also in the underlain coquinas sequence. Compositional grading—PVT analysis has shown anomalous thermodynamic behavior...



Characterization of Upper Miocene Deltaic Reservoirs at Attaka Field, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Arthur S. Trevena, Sumar Mahadi, Stephen A. Martinez, Marwoto, Yoseph Joko Partono, Sigit Sutiyono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Clay technology and well stimulation: Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v. 28, p. 1-7. Duval, B. C., Choppin de...


Integrity of Co2 Injection Well for Carbon Capture Storage Execution Based on Norsok D-010

Bonar T H, Marbun, Asti Damayanti, Ricko Rizkiaputra, Purwito S, A.F Hardama, G.K Atmaja

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the well.  Formation sequence or stratigraphy.  Logging data, including formation logging and cement logging.  Well condition, including...


Devonian Formations Between Nordegg Area and Rimbey – Meadowbrook Reef Chain, Alberta

Helen R. Belyea

CSPG Special Publications

... Brazeau well in Lsd. 5, Sec. 9, Twp. 41, Rge. 15, W5M may be comparable to the sequence of the aforementioned wells immediately west of the Rimbey...


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