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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,830 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.

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Accommodation and Sedimentary Architecture of Isolated Icehouse Carbonate Platforms: Insights from Forward Modeling with CARB3D+

Richard J. Paterson, Fiona F. Whitaker, Gareth D. Jones, Peter L. Smart, David Waltham, Graham Felce

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., explicit modeling of the Natuna reservoir is not the objective of this paper. Published seismic, well-log, and core data for the Natuna platform (Kraft...


Pore Pressure Prediction and Its Relationship to Structural Style in Offshore Tarakan Sub-Basin, Northeast Kalimantan

Perdana Rakhmana Putra, Tasiyat, Benyamin Sapiie, Agus M. Ramdhan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... availability. The result using this method coincides with the direct pressure measurement data with a slight change in the exponent value. The well analysis...


Unravelling Carbonate Reservoirs: Enumerating Porosity from Cores and Well-Logs

Ritesh Mohan Joshi, Kumar Hemant Singh, Ashok Soni

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the results obtained from the core data to the well-log data and see how the results vary from the smaller to the larger scale. The values of porosity...


Log and Core NMR T1-T2 and T2-D Mapping of the Bakken Reservoir Complex

Dick Merkel, Michelle Stephans, Cameron Thompson, Kim McLean

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... logging suite was run including a dielectric and NMR log. Along with conventional core analysis (P&P, XRD), preserved core plugs were analyzed...


A High Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy Study, Central Sumatra Basin Indonesia

Untung Suryanto, W. A. Wycherly

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the seismic events, well log data tied by the seismic grid were reformatted to the seismic time scale using appropriate velocity check shot surveys and sonic...



James McDonald, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Columbus, Ohio -.

Ohio Geological Society

... section for the Steam Corners member. DIGITAL GEOPHYSICAL WELL LOG CROSS SECTIONS This preliminary...


A Successful Gas Injection Project in the Kakap KF Field: Design, Implementation and Results

Azhar Mone, Sudarsono Samsidi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... (SF6) was injected into the reservoir through an injection well, which will improve reservoir characterization and identify breakthrough of injected...


Lower Cretaceous Glen Rose "Patch Reef" Reservoir in the Chittim Field, Maverick County, South Texas

Robert G. Loucks, Charles Kerans

GCAGS Transactions

... permeability from core analysis in the Price Energy # 1-84 well in Maverick County, Texas. End_Page 501------------------------ the pores...


The Structural and Stratigraphic History of the Carboniferous (Mississippian and Pennsylvanian) of the Wasatch Plateau and Environs

J. W. Reid

Utah Geological Association

... Arizona, and Southeastern Utah,” U. S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Prelim. Chart No. 7. Denver Sample Log Company, Denham Building, Denver...


Estimating Residual Fracture Pore Volume by Analyzing Post-Flowback Water Production: An Eagle Ford Black-Oil Case

Sabbir Hossain, Obinna Ezulike, Hassan Dehghanpour

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... RNP for all wells during flowback. None of the wells shows a pronounced unit slope for at least one log cycle. 4.3 Post-Flowback (PFB) Analysis...


A Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Sunda Region, Based on Integration of Biostratigraphic, Lithological and Seismic Data From Nam Con Son Basin, Vietnam

Robert J. Morley, Tony Swiecicki, Dung Thuy Thi Pham

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., with a slight adjustment, well within the chronostratigraphic restraints imposed by the agerestricted marine microfossils, sequence boundary ages across...


Seismic Reflection Character Analysis of Stratigraphic Traps in Cretaceous Cardium Formation, Alberta, Canada

Roger M. Slatt , , John C. Robinson , , Kathe A. Lighty , , Gregory F. Moore

AAPG Bulletin

... of seismic data. A threefold hierarchical division of seismic stratigraphic analysis was presented, consisting of: seismic sequence analysis, seismic...


Synthetic Seismograms from Vibracores: A Case Study in Correlating the Late Quaternary Seismic Stratigraphy of the New Jersey Inner Continental Shelf

Dominic Esker , Robert E. Sheridan , Gall M. Ashley , Jeffrey S. Waldner , David W. Hall

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 79-83. PETERSON, R.A., FILLIPPONE, W.R., AND COKER, F.B., 1955, The synthesis of seismograms from well log data: Geophysics, v. 20, p. 516-538...


Abstract: Seismic Inversion in a Tight Gas Sand: An Illuminating Case Study; #90171 (2013)

David Close, David Cho, Frederik Horn, and Charles Wagner

Search and

... the acoustic impedance interpretability is limited by variations in geopressure that are not independently constrained. The well-log calibrated seismic inversion...


Abstract: Seismic Inversion in a Tight Gas Sand: An Illuminating Case Study; #90171 (2013)

David Close, David Cho, Frederik Horn, and Charles Wagner

Search and

... the acoustic impedance interpretability is limited by variations in geopressure that are not independently constrained. The well-log calibrated seismic inversion...


Using machine learning to predict total organic content … case study: Canning Basin, Western Australia

Russell Menezes

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... a RockEval Pyrolysis technique. This process being expensive and time-consuming, the sampling rate per well is very low. In this paper, we use Machine...



Steven H. Harris

Williston Basin Symposium

... and completion; in doing so it had one of the fastest pay-outs of any North Dakota well. Laboratory analysis revealed that the crude...


ABSTRACT: Borehole Image Logs — A Useful Tool for Earth Scientists

Roger Reinmiller

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... the mid-1990s; they represent a well-understood technology. Recent technological advances have greatly expanded acquisition capabilities, data sensitivity...


Field Summary: Sooner Field

Dennis A. Allison

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Porosity: 7 to 26 percent; average 12 percent; from log analysis Estimated Permeability: 150 md; from Horner Plot Water Saturation: 54 % ; from log...


Interpreting Biostratigraphical Data Using Fuzzy Logic: The Identification of Regional Mudstones Within the Fleming Field, UK North Sea

M. I. Wakefield,, R. J. Cook, H. Jackson, P. Thompson

Journal of Petroleum Geology

.... In: Innovative Biostratigraphic Approaches to Sequence Analysis: New Exploration Opportunities. CGS-SEPM, 8th Annual Research Conference. pp. 6-14...


Seismic Facies Interpretation of the Northern Green Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico: Chapter 19: Sea-Level and Seismic Stratigraphic Studies

Robert G. Mann, William R. Bryant, Philip D. Rabinowitz

AAPG Special Volumes

... to the east in this sequence. The large eastern lobe seen in Sequence IV is not as well defined in this sequence but has increased in length toward...


Stratigraphic Framework and Depositional Controls on Reservoir Occurrence, Big Valley Formation, Southern Alberta

Jacqueline Colborne, Gerry Reinson, R. Marc Bustin

CSPG Bulletin

..., and isopach maps throughout the study area. Well log signatures from cored wells were correlated to log signatures from uncored wells to determine...


Utilization of Cased-Hole Logging for Production Optimization: A Case Study From Ina Field-South East Sumatra Block

Agung Suberkah, Andromeda, Argha Satya, Riena Mustika, Satrio Tejotriarso

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., formation fluid was injected down the annulus but after one week the well tripped on UL again. During troubleshooting analysis, the first suspicion...


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