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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,830 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.

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Abstract: Diagenetic Controls on Carbonate Reservoir Quality of Jurassic Middle Marrat Formation in Burgan Field, Kuwait; #20121 (2011)

Bhaskar Chakrabarti, Meshal Al-Wadi, Hanan Abu Hebiel, and Abdul Mohsen Al-Enezi

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... Middle Marrat in Burgan Field is divided into three sequences based on log character and facies association and each sequence is given a zone name...


Extended Abstract: Applying Machine Learning to Multi-Scale Rock Imaging for Reservoir Characterization: a Wolfcamp Case Study

Bryan Guzman, Anyela Morcote, Radompon Sungkorn, Gustavo Carpio, Michael McGroarty, Michael Everts

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and upscaling of digital rock physics with a machine that can learn about Rocks. Society of Core Analysis International Symposium 2015, SCA2015-A050...


Stratigraphic Significance of Ooidal Ironstones from the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: The Peace River Formation, Alberta, Canada, and the Castlegate Sandstone, Utah, U.S.A.

Kevin G. Taylor, J.A. Toni Simo, Dan Yocum, Dale A. Leckie

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of the Mesaverde Group in Colorado have been analyzed. The ooidal ironstones are associated with a major sequence boundary and subsequent transgressive...


Reservoir Sandstone Bodies in Estuarine Valley Fill: Lower Cretaceous Glauconitic Member, Little Bow Field, Alberta, Canada

James M. Wood, John C. Hopkins

AAPG Bulletin

... by noting where units C and D of the Ostracod beds are cut out. A range of well-log signatures characteristic of valley-fill sequences was identified...


Preliminary Facies Analysis, Regional Sequence Stratigraphy and Distribution of Stratigraphically Controlled Mechanical Units of the Middle and Upper Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado, #50619 (2012)

Michele Wiechman and Jennifer L. Aschoff

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...Preliminary Facies Analysis, Regional Sequence Stratigraphy and Distribution of Stratigraphically Controlled Mechanical Units of the Middle and Upper...


Models for guiding and ranking well-to-well correlations of channel bodies in fluvial reservoirs

Luca Colombera, Nigel P. Mountney, Fabrizio Felletti, and William D. McCaffrey

AAPG Bulletin

... as a function of channel-complex width.Database analysis (e.g., Figure 7) reveals that for channel complexes is typically adequately described by log-normal...


Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Relative Sea-Level Changes, Gulf Coastal Plain of Eastern and Central Alabama: Chapter 17: Sea-Level and Seismic Stratigraphic Studies

David T. King Jr., Michael C. Skotnicki

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the biostratigraphic hiatus (H) is after Monroe (1941). Kr = Ripley Formation; W = well log; IS/LSF = inner-shelf and lower-shoreface facies...


The Bahamas Drilling Project: Background and Acquisition of Cores and Logs

Robert N. Ginsburg

Special Publications of SEPM

... PROJECT BDP • Seek the lithologic reasons for seismic sequence boundaries and log responses and log responses. Continuous core borings on the Western...


Chronology of Cenozoic tectonic events in western Venezuela and the Leeward Antilles based on integration of offshore seismic reflection data and on-land geology

David Gorney, Alejandro Escalona, Paul Mann, M. Beatrice Magnani, BOLIVAR Study Group

AAPG Bulletin

... and correlation of the Aruba Basin well data with seismic sequences. Falcn stratigraphic data and type log are modified from Gonzlez de Juana et al. (1980...


Reducing Uncertainties In Shear Wave Petrophysical Log Prediction By Using Deep Neural Network and Machine Learning Methods

Muhammad Faris Abdurrachman, Muhammad Dhafit Muhsin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... algorithm. DNN suits best when it comes to big data analysis and regression problems of numerical values, such as a Vs log. The input of the ML...


Applying Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) to Assist Fracturing Technique Selection in Unconventional Wells in Saudi Arabia

Jose Rueda, Jose Valbuena, Ali Al-Momin, Nayef Al-Mulhim

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the best fracturing technique with short multiphase production profile, both water and hydrocarbon Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) were done. It is well-known...


Evaluating the Roles of Sediment Supply and Tectonics Using Growth-strata Analysis, Sequence Stratigraphy, Forward Stratigraphic Modeling and Sediment Volume Calculations: An Example from the Cordilleran Foreland Basin, USA; #50648 (2012)

Jennifer Aschoff and Jared Rountree

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...Evaluating the Roles of Sediment Supply and Tectonics Using Growth-strata Analysis, Sequence Stratigraphy, Forward Stratigraphic Modeling...


Diagenetic Albitization of K-Feldspar and Plagioclase in Sandstone Reservoirs: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling

Mohamed Ben Baccar , Bertrand Fritz , Benoit Made

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... analysis of oil bearing formations in the Gabon Basin: Centre de Recherche Exploration-Production, Elf-Aquitaine, Bulletin 5, p. 113-135. CHEN, W...


Frontier Formation Stratigraphy on the Moxa Arch, Green River Basin, Wyoming

H. Scott Hamlin

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... and distinctive bounding surfaces and stacking patterns that make it well suited for sequence-stratigraphic analysis, using the concepts of Van Wagoner et al...


Parlay Mesaverde (Oil), T. 22 N., R. 3 W., NMPM, Sandoval County, New Mexico

Gordon H. Gray

Four Corners Geological Society

... analysis; 19.5 percent sonic log Permeability: 6.45 millidarcies (weighted average) Water Saturation: 45.56 percent core analysis; 45.00 percent DIL...


Engineering, Economic, and Environmental Assessment of a Lower Wilcox Lignite

Paul E. Albertson

GCAGS Transactions

... btu/lb, 22% ash, 40% fixed carbon, 24% moisture, and 34% volatiles according to ASTM standards. Paleobotanic analysis of fossil leaf and fruit imprints...


A Novel Approach to Productivity Prediction of Carbonate Gas Reservoirs from Electrical Image Logs; #42277 (2018)

Bing Xie, Fu-Sen Xiao, Qiang Lai, Yu-Yu Wu, Da-Li Wang

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... of the reservoirs. Core observation and core laboratory analysis indicate that the pore space of the carbonate gas reservoirs mainly consists of vugs...


An Analysis of Pre-Tertiary Plays in Matimekhana-Deohal Area - A Case Study from OILs Operational Area in Northeast India, #10303 (2011)

Koustav Dasgupta, Saqueba Samin, Bhagwan R. Bharali

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... in this paper to map the extra sequence over Basement and make a prospective analysis. Seismically the preserved sequence is between Base of Langpar...


The Role of Authigenic Clays in Some Reservoir Characteristics of the Basal Belly River Sandstone, Pembina Field, Alberta

C.J. Iwuagwu, J.F. Lerbekmo

CSPG Bulletin

... Laboratory analysis porosity and water-saturation values, but is not produced. In order to anticipate maximum well performance, petrographic information should...


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