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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,830 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.

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Horizontal Drilling of Deep Granite Wash Reservoirs, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas

John Mitchell

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... rates. The variable mineralogy and grain size in these reservoirs provide significant challenges in using openhole log analysis to identify water-prone...


Basin Analysis and Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Lokichar Basin (Kenya), #10676 (2014).

Martin Neumaier, Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Thierry Nalpas, Julien Mouli-Castillo

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... Data  2D seismic data  Loperot-1 well  Outcrops Seismic Interpretation  Sequence A D1 Seismic Interpretation  Sequence...


The Unification of Stratigraphic Boundaries of the Maikop Suite of the Zaterek Plain

S. S. Itenberg С. С. Итенберт

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... analysis of the cores of the Artezian well with the results of the gamma log proved to be impossible because of the absence of gamma log measuring...


Electrical Resistivity an Aid in Core-Analysis Interpretation

G. E. Archie

AAPG Bulletin

...Electrical Resistivity an Aid in Core-Analysis Interpretation G. E. Archie 1947 350 366 31 2. (February) A correlation of permeable rock...


Deadwood Formation in The Williston Basin, South Dakota


Montana Geological Society

... Dakota: S.D. Geol. Survey Rept. Invest. 57, 112 p. Baker, C.L., 1951, Well Borings in South Dakota: S.D. Geol. Survey Rept. Invest. 67, 67 p...


Depositional Themes of Mixed Carbonate-siliciclastics in the South Florida Neogene: Application to Ancient Deposits

D. F. McNeill, K. J. Cunningham, L. A. Guertin, F. S. Anselmetti

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Rahmanian, 1990, Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy in well logs, cores, and outcrops: Concepts for high-resolution correlation of time and facies...


Evolving Fluvial Style in the Kekiktuk Formation (Mississippian), Endicott Field Area, Alaska: Base Level Response to Contemporaneous Tectonism

John Melvin

AAPG Bulletin

..., K. M. Campion, and V. D. Rahmanian, 1990, Siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy in well logs, cores and outcrops: AAPG Methods in Exploration Series 7...


Interlake Production at Charlson Field, McKenzie County, North Dakota

Edmond E. Bates Jr.

Wyoming Geological Association

..., and Chalky, A.L., 1985, Log-analysis problems associated with bimodal pore system, Interlake Formation, North Dakota: American Association...


2019 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting

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Mineralogical Estimation of Organic Rich Mudrocks from Well Logs Using Neural Networks: Overcoming Training Dataset Size Limitation by Integrating X-Ray Fluorescence Elemental Data; #42458 (2019)

Mustafa Al Ibrahim, Tapan Mukerji, Allegra Hosford Scheirer

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... composition is estimated by 1) petrographic analysis such as point counting or infra-red spectroscopy, 2) core examination, and/or 3) well-log analysis...


Analysis of Sonic Well Logs Applied to Erosion Estimates in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

Henry P. Heasler , Natalya A. Kharitonova

AAPG Bulletin

... to 5600 ft (1700 m), with an average of 2500 ft (800 m). Asquith, J. B., and C. R. Gibson, 1982, Basic well log analysis for geologists: AAPG Methods...


Analysis of the Elastic Impedance Inversion and Lamda Mu Rho to Identify the Distribution of Sandstone Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Fluids in the JoggingŽ Field, Northwest Java Basin

Akbar Dwi Wahyono, Mualimin, Sudarmaji

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Analysis of the Elastic Impedance Inversion and Lamda Mu Rho to Identify the Distribution of Sandstone Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Fluids...


Sawlog Creek Se Pool

Gerald W. Zorger

Kansas Geological Society

... is 13 feet. Electric Log Analysis (Sonic) Porosity - Average 17%. (Laterolog) SW Saturation - Average 53%. Character of Oil API Gravity @ 60° F. 38...


S.W. Curty Field

Editors: Edward D. Dolly and James C. Mullarkey

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... D-1 well has produced over 700,000 barrels of oil and 1 BCF of gas from low...


Field Summary: Powell Park Field

Phillips Petroleum Co.

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Reserve Unknown. Gas Zone Thiekness Maximum, 42 feet. Average: 20 feet. Porosity 26% by log analysis. Permeability No data. © 2010 Rocky Mountain...


Abstract: Maari-2 Likely to be Commercially Viable

PESA Staff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... appraisal well is likely to be commercia ll y v iable, after it was successfully evaluated in mid-j anuary, according to operator OMV New Zealand Limited...


Defining Vertical Permeability Distribution to Support SAGD Operations: An Integrated Multi-Scale Approach to Modelling a Bitumen Reservoir

Peter Phillips

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... distribution within the reservoir. The results honour core analysis, well log data, and seismic interpretation, and provide a useful input to reservoir...


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