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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 115,640 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Graded Flood Deposits and Turbidites: Comparison and Significance: ABSTRACT

Daniel J. Stanley

AAPG Bulletin

... to be typical of turbidites and deep-water flysch, and of eugeosynclinal deposits. These sedimentary types have been discussed at length in the recent...


Era Boundaries Reconsidered: ABSTRACT

Curt Teichert

AAPG Bulletin

..., was not so affected. After the mass extinctions it took 20-30 million years until a well-balanced and diversified benthonic fauna was reestablished...


Potential of Denver Basin for Disposal of Liquid Wastes: ABSTRACT

George S. Garbarini, Harry K. Veal

AAPG Bulletin

...) A reconnaissance subsurface geologic study has shown that three types of reservoirs are available for liquid waste disposal in the Denver basin. These are fractured...


Pollen Stratigraphy of Playa Lakes: ABSTRACT

Paul S. Martin

AAPG Bulletin

... chronology go largely unrealized, the pollen record of the last glacio-pluvial maximum, the Wisconsin, is increasingly well known. It indicates a major shift...


Shoreline Processes: ABSTRACT

Orrin H. Pilkey

AAPG Bulletin

... encompassing the actively forming subaerial shore features, as well as the seaward extent of wave conditions capable of causing significant bottom...


Bryozoan Ecology and Sedimentary Environments in Central Appalachian Upper Ordovician: ABSTRACT

Peter W. Bretsky

AAPG Bulletin

... and mud. The external morphology of the central Appalachian trepostomes shows little change along the north-south shoreline. The zoarial types usually...


Alternate Models of Community Variation: ABSTRACT

John Imbrie

AAPG Bulletin

... reflect the direct in-situ operation of environmental factors, as well as the indirect influence of water-mass biogeography. Four simple models...


Petrology and Structure of a Salina (Silurian) Dolomitized Algal Stromatolite Complex, Northwestern Ohio: ABSTRACT

Charles F. Kahle

AAPG Bulletin

... frequency, the degree of development and the nature of laminations, and by the amount of mechanically deposited sediment. Major rock types...


Depositional Environments of Sandstones as Interpreted from Subsurface Measurements--an Introduction: ABSTRACT

William C. Krueger

AAPG Bulletin

.... (September) A sedimentary rock is a product of its provenance and transportational mechanisms as well as of its environment of deposition...


Summary of Offshore Exploration and Production: ABSTRACT

Thomas D. Barrow

AAPG Bulletin

... supplanted dynamite. To improve exploratory drilling, many types of mobile rigs have been developed, the first of which became operational in 1950. Industry...


Surficial Alteration of Pleistocene(?) Limestone Adjacent to Saline Lakes, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico: ABSTRACT

William C. Ward, Robert L. Folk, James Lee Wilson

AAPG Bulletin

.... Folk, James Lee Wilson 1969 748 749 53 3. (March) Two interesting rock types result from calichification and alteration of the weathered surface...


Morphology and Vertical Sedimentary Sequences in Holocene Transgressive Sand Barriers: ABSTRACT

John C. Kraft

AAPG Bulletin

... models for transgressive beaches. Each type of barrier is a response to the topography being inundated in the ongoing transgression as well as to wave...


Width-Thickness Relations for Fluvial and Shoreline Sand Bodies: ABSTRACT

R. B. Lennon

AAPG Bulletin

... and thickness measurements of 2 different types of sand bodies were studied. The measurements were gathered from more than 100 literature sources...


Provincialism in Permian Faunas and Its Application to Paleoclimatic Evolutionary Biostratigraphic Studies: ABSTRACT

F. G. Stehli

AAPG Bulletin

... the cosmopolitan types are relatively free of temperature control. Among brachiopod families, the ratio of cosmopolitan families found to the total...


Resume of Significant Studies of Clastic Sedimentation: ABSTRACT

Rufus J. Leblanc, Sr.

AAPG Bulletin

... reasonably well established. An analysis of the literature of recent sediments reveals that over 500 papers are now available for study, however...


Experimental Study of Heavy Mineral Segregation Under Alluvial Flow Conditions: ABSTRACT

Lawrence L. Brady, Harvey E. Jobson

AAPG Bulletin

... of dune beds. Bed material used in the study was a moderately well sorted sand (median = 0.286 mm) from the Rio Grande near Bernardo, New Mexico...


Stable Carbon Isotope Investigation of Natural Gases from Sacramento and Delaware-Val Verde Basins--Possible Igneous Origin: ABSTRACT

T. J. Weismann

AAPG Bulletin

... for some of these gases. Geomagnetic surveys of the Sacramento basin indicate the occurrence of 2 types of volcanics. Thin, near surface flows and deep...


Upper Jurassic and Basal Cretaceous Sandstones of Southern Saskatchewan and Vicinity: ABSTRACT

J. E. Christopher

AAPG Bulletin

...) The Roseray Formation ranges in age from Callovian in the west to Oxfordian(?) in the east and is correlative with the upper part of the Rierdon Shale. Well...


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