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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,539 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Marlan W. Downey, Jack C. Threet, and William A. Morgan
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Downey, Jack C. Threet, and William A. Morgan 2001 iii viii AAPG Memoir 74: Petroleum Provinces of the Twenty-first Century...
Title Page
Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway
AAPG Special Volumes
...Title Page Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway 1984 T.1 T.1 CN 25: Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Tertiary Continental...
AAPG Studies in Geology 47: Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change, Chapter 2 - Distribution of Oceans and Continents: A Geological Constraint on Global Climate Variability
Gerhard, L. C., William E. Harrison
AAPG Special Volumes
... Constraint on Global Climate Variability Gerhard, L. C., William E. Harrison 2001 35 49 AAPG Studies in Geology 47: Geological Perspectives of Global Climate...
AAPG Studies in Geology 47: Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change, Introduction and Overview
Gerhard, Lee C.; Harrison, William E.; Hanson, Bernold M.
AAPG Special Volumes
...AAPG Studies in Geology 47: Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change, Introduction and Overview Gerhard, Lee C.; Harrison, William E.; Hanson...
AAPG Bulletin
...ERRATUM 1978 324 324 62 2. (February) November 1977 AAPG Bull., v. 61, no. 11. p. 2046. AAPG Honorees, 1977. The citationist for William J. Sherry...
Current Technology in Airborne Radioactivity Surveying: ABSTRACT
William C. Kellogg
AAPG Bulletin
...Current Technology in Airborne Radioactivity Surveying: ABSTRACT William C. Kellogg 1982 1692 1692 66 10. (October) Airborne gamma-ray surveying...
The First Pennsylvanian Batocrinid and Other New Echinoderms from the Minturn Formation of Central Colorado
Wayne M. Itano, Gary D. Webster, Karen J. Houck, William D. Bateman
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
.... Houck, William D. Bateman The First Pennsylvanian Batocrinid and Other New Echinoderms from the Minturn Formation of Central Colorado WAYNE M. I...
Abstract: A novel 3D seismic survey, Shoal Point, Newfoundland: new data, new interpretation
James A. Wright, Ian Atkinson, Craig Rowe, Chris Pike, William J. Scott
Atlantic Geology
..., William J. Scott 106 2002 AGS Abstracts A novel 3D seismic survey, Shoal Point, Newfoundland: new data, new interpretation James A. Wright 1 , Ian...
Abstract: A Raman and X-ray absorption spectroscopic investigation of the structure and speciation of aqueous zinc bromide solutions at hydrothermal conditions
Alan J. Anderson, William A. Bassett, I-Ming Chou, Robert A. Mayanovic, Kenji Mibe
Atlantic Geology
... conditions Alan J. Anderson, William A. Bassett, I-Ming Chou, Robert A. Mayanovic, Kenji Mibe atlantic geology . volume 44 . 2008 2 A Raman and X...
Abstract: HydroPhysical Logging: A new wellbore technology for hydrogeologic and contaminant characterization of aquifers
William H. Pedler, Charles R. Head, Lacey L. Williams
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: HydroPhysical Logging: A new wellbore technology for hydrogeologic and contaminant characterization of aquifers William H. Pedler, Charles...
Abstract: Geological provenance of the Titanic gravestones in Halifax, Nova Scotia: a 100th anniversary forensic igneous petrology progress report
D. Barrie Clarke, Alan Ruffman, Peter H. Reynolds, Gregory R. Dunning, William C. Allan, Ian G. Meighan, Donald R. Bowes
Atlantic Geology
.... Barrie Clarke, Alan Ruffman, Peter H. Reynolds, Gregory R. Dunning, William C. Allan, Ian G. Meighan, Donald R. Bowes Atlantic Geology . Geological...
Abstract: Paleozoic orogenesis and Pangea amalgamation controlled by mantle circulation changes?
J. Brendan Murphy, John W.F. Waldron, Christopher J. Spencer, Zheng-Xiang Li, William J. Collins, Ross N. Mitchell, R. Damian Nance
Atlantic Geology
.... Spencer, Zheng-Xiang Li, William J. Collins, Ross N. Mitchell, R. Damian Nance Paleozoic orogenesis and Pangea amalgamation controlled by mantle...
Investigation of sheriff Stuarts black granite quarries in Charlotte County, southwestern New Brunswick, Canada: implications for the source of the Titanic headstones in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Leslie R. Fyffe, William W. Gardiner
Atlantic Geology
... of the Titanic headstones in Halifax, Nova Scotia Leslie R. Fyffe, William W. Gardiner investigation of sheriff stuart’s black granite quarries in charlotte...
Shoreline Trajectories and Sequences: Description of Variable Depositional-Dip Scenarios: ERRATUM
William Helland-Hansen, Ole J. Martinsen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Shoreline Trajectories and Sequences: Description of Variable Depositional-Dip Scenarios: ERRATUM William Helland-Hansen, Ole J. Martinsen 1996 Vol...
Hydrodynamics of Minnelusa Formation, North Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ERRATUM
William V. Maloney
AAPG Bulletin
...Hydrodynamics of Minnelusa Formation, North Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ERRATUM William V. Maloney 1987 1439 1439 71 11. (November) William V...
Pickens Field--A New Look at an Old Field: ERRATUM
William M. Frew
AAPG Bulletin
...Pickens Field--A New Look at an Old Field: ERRATUM William M. Frew 1993 135 135 77 1. (January) A entitled "Pickens Field--A New Look at an Old...
Stepwise Regression in the Earth Sciences: A Coastal Processes Example
James H. Balsillie, William F. Tanner
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
...Stepwise Regression in the Earth Sciences: A Coastal Processes Example James H. Balsillie, William F. Tanner 1999 99 105 Vol. 6 (1999) No. 2...
ABSTRACT: Thermal Alteration Indices vs. "Pure" Geochemistry--Two Tales of a Rock, by Eddie Belle, William C. Cornell, and William D. Norland; #91034 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Effective Site Characterization using the Triad Approach; Fredeman Pit Site, Sulphur, Louisiana, by William Schramm, Scott Bergeron, William Davis, Mike Kyle, George Losonsky, and Ray Sturdivant; #90167 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and Gulf Coast Section of SEPM 65th Annual Convention
Search and Discovery.com
Petroleum Geology of Southwestern Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma
Gerald W. Pybas
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.... Tanner, William F., 1956, Geology of Seminole County, Oklahoma: Okla. Geol. Survey, Bull. 74. Tarr, R. S., 1955, Paleogeographic map at base of Woodford...
Desmoinesian Coal Seams of Northeastern Oklahoma and Their Palynological Content
L. R. Wilson
Tulsa Geological Society
.... Chaloner, William G., 1958, The Carboniferous upland flora: Geol. Magazine, Vol. 95, p. 261-262. Clarke, Robert T., 1961, Palynology of the Secor coal...
Transition from Paleosols in the Cenomanian Woodbine Group to Carbonates in the Coniacian Lower Austin Chalk in East Texas Field: An Example of a Compressed Transgressive Succession from Subaerial Processes to Deepwater Deposition
William A. Ambrose, Robert G. Loucks
GCAGS Journal
... of a Compressed Transgressive Succession from Subaerial Processes to Deepwater Deposition William A. Ambrose, Robert G. Loucks A Publication of the Gulf Coast...
Frontmatter, TOC, Road Logs: Structure and Tectonics of Trans-Pecos Texas
Patricia Wood Dickerson, William R. Muehlberger
West Texas Geological Society
...Frontmatter, TOC, Road Logs: Structure and Tectonics of Trans-Pecos Texas Patricia Wood Dickerson, William R. Muehlberger 1985 i 35 Baker, C. L...
Petroleum History Institute Annual Meeting and Field Trip - Salt Lake City, Utah, May 17-19, 2018
William R. Brice
Petroleum History Institute
...Petroleum History Institute Annual Meeting and Field Trip - Salt Lake City, Utah, May 17-19, 2018 William R. Brice Copyright © 2019 Petroleum History...