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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,539 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Reply to the Discussion of The lost islands of Cardigan Bay, Wales, UK: insights into the post-glacial evolution of some Celtic coasts of northwest Europe by Catherine Delano-Smith, Phil Bradford, and William Shannon
Simon K. Haslett, David Willis
Atlantic Geology
... of northwest Europe by Catherine Delano-Smith, Phil Bradford, and William Shannon Simon K. Haslett, David Willis Reply to the Discussion of “The ‘lost’ islands...
Abstract: Geotesting: Fracture Characterization Using Static and Dynamic Data, Copacabana Group; #90243 (2015)
William Navarro
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Geotesting: Fracture Characterization Using Static and Dynamic Data, Copacabana Group; #90243 (2015) William Navarro AAPG Datapages/Search...
Datapages - Search and Discovery - Editors
Search and Discovery.com
Front Matter, Awards, Bibliography: Oil-Industry History, A publication of the Petroleum History Institute, Volume 21, Number 1, 2020
Petroleum History Institute
Petroleum History Institute
..., Producer LLC (Boulder, CO) silvermanmr@yahoo.com William R. Brice Johnstown, PA wbrice@pitt.edu Jeff Spencer Bellville, TX spencerj320@gmail.com Marilyn...
Modern Sedimentation on the Shoreface and Inner Continental Shelf at Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, U.S.A.
E. Robert Thieler , Orrin H. Pilkey, Jr. , William J. Cleary , William C. Schwab
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Jr. , William J. Cleary , William C. Schwab 2001 958 970 Vol. 71 (2001), No. 6. (November), The geologic framework and surficial morphology...
Guide to the Little Ice Age Landforms and Glacial Dynamics in Portage Valley and Portage Pass, Anchorage Alaska, 1992
Kristine J. Crossen
Alaska Geological Society
.... C., Noll, R. S., and Post, A., 1992, Taku Glacier, Information Circular 34, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, 2 sheets. Pearson...
Abstract: Mineral Resources, Other than Oil and Gas, and their Effect on U. S. Industry
William B. Mather
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Mineral Resources, Other than Oil and Gas, and their Effect on U. S. Industry William B. Mather 1958 Vol. 8 (1958), The economic progress...
Danville (Pettet) Field, Gregg and Rusk Counties, Texas
Micheal Snell and John C. Robbins
East Texas Geological Society
... subcommittee composed of Charles H. Davis, Clyde Murray, William Kearley, Bob Eaton, Douglas Simmons, Rex Coppedge, R. J. McDonald, Sterling Randolph, E.H....
Prudhoe Bay to Ignek Valley Arctic North Slope, Alaska
Marvin D. Mangus, Garnett H. Pessel, Peter A. Barker, Ronald G. Brockway, Robert L. Detterman, Charles R. Harrison, Robert M. Hiles, Jr., Donald Prince, Hillard N. Reiser, Henry E. Repp, Gene E. Richards, Robert R. Roe, William F. Sinclair, Irvin L. Tailleur, James K. Trigger
Alaska Geological Society
..., Charles R. Harrison, Robert M. Hiles, Jr., Donald Prince, Hillard N. Reiser, Henry E. Repp, Gene E. Richards, Robert R. Roe, William F. Sinclair...
Computer Applications in Geology, No.4, Chapter 8: Building a Regional Study in GIS
Carl R. Mazzo and William A. Burroughs
AAPG Special Volumes
...Computer Applications in Geology, No.4, Chapter 8: Building a Regional Study in GIS Carl R. Mazzo and William A. Burroughs 2000 71 120 AAPG Computer...
Methods for Restoring and Describing Ancient Clinoform Surfaces
Tore Grane Klausen, William Helland-Hansen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Methods for Restoring and Describing Ancient Clinoform Surfaces Tore Grane Klausen, William Helland-Hansen 2019 918 918 Vol. 89 (2019) No. 10...
ABSTRACT: Gulf of Mexico Basin Depositional Synthesis: Mapping Neogene Sediment Dispersal Patterns of the Northern Gulf Continental Margin
William E. Galloway, Department of Geological Sciences, Richard T. Buffler, Institute for Geophysics, The University of Texas at Austin, Xiang Li, Institute for Geophysics, The University of Texas at Austin, Patricia Ganey Curry, Institute for Geophysics, The University of Texas at Austin
AAPG Special Volumes
...ABSTRACT: Gulf of Mexico Basin Depositional Synthesis: Mapping Neogene Sediment Dispersal Patterns of the Northern Gulf Continental Margin William E...
Abstract: Paleogene Calcareous Nannoplankton Biostratigraphy: Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee
William G. Siesser
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Paleogene Calcareous Nannoplankton Biostratigraphy: Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee William G. Siesser 1983 Vol. 33 (1983...
Memorial: William Edmund Wallis (1908-1995)
Thomas A. Manhart
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: William Edmund Wallis (1908-1995) Thomas A. Manhart WILLIAM EDMUND WALLIS (1908-1995) By Thomas A. Manhart Tulsa, Oklahoma Bill Wallis...
Geology of Santa Cruz Island: ABSTRACT
William Rand
AAPG Bulletin
...Geology of Santa Cruz Island: ABSTRACT William Rand 1948 2317 2317 32 12. (December) Stratigraphy structure and surface geology of the island...
AAPG Memoir 73, Chapter 7: Reservoir Systems of Selected Basins of the South Atlantic
Louis M. Liro and William C. Dawson
AAPG Special Volumes
...AAPG Memoir 73, Chapter 7: Reservoir Systems of Selected Basins of the South Atlantic Louis M. Liro and William C. Dawson 2000 77 92 Petroleum...
Abstract: The Atlantic Geoscience Society and the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia - A Collaboration 14 Years Strong
Robert A. Fensome, William C. Macmillan
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: The Atlantic Geoscience Society and the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia - A Collaboration 14 Years Strong Robert A. Fensome, William C...
Exploratory Drilling in 1953: ERRATUM
F. H. Lahee
AAPG Bulletin
... statistics which were used in preparing the article on "Exploratory Drilling in 1953," published in the June number of the Bulletin, the name of WILLIAM R...
Problems of Oil Migration: ABSTRACT
William Carruthers Gussow
AAPG Bulletin
...Problems of Oil Migration: ABSTRACT William Carruthers Gussow 1956 432 432 40 2. (February) Migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons conform...
Application of Transport Equations to Groundwater Systems: Discussion
William R. Nelson
AAPG Special Volumes
...Application of Transport Equations to Groundwater Systems: Discussion William R. Nelson 1972 200 200 M 18: Underground Waste Management...
Organic Geochemical Studies of Uranium-Associated Organic Matter from the San Juan Basin: A New Approach Using Solid-State 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Patrick G. Hatcher, Elliott C. Spiker, William H. Orem, Lisa A. Romankiw, Nikolaus M. Szeverenyi, Gary E. Maciel
AAPG Special Volumes
... Resonance Patrick G. Hatcher, Elliott C. Spiker, William H. Orem, Lisa A. Romankiw, Nikolaus M. Szeverenyi, Gary E. Maciel 1986 171 184 SG 22: A Basin...
Raleigh Field, Smith County, Mississippi--Example of Lower Cretaceous Oil Field: ABSTRACT
Francis X. Bland, William E. Gardner
AAPG Bulletin
...Raleigh Field, Smith County, Mississippi--Example of Lower Cretaceous Oil Field: ABSTRACT Francis X. Bland, William E. Gardner 1960 1600 1600 44 9...
Title Page
W. A. J. M. van Waterschoot van der Gracht, Bailey Willis, Rollin T. Chamberlin, John Joly, G. A. F. Molengraaff, J. W. Gregory, Alfred Wegener, Charles Schuchert, Chester R. Longwell, Frank Bursley Taylor, William Bowie, David White, Joseph T. Singewald Jr., Edward W. Berry
AAPG Special Volumes
... Wegener, Charles Schuchert, Chester R. Longwell, Frank Bursley Taylor, William Bowie, David White, Joseph T. Singewald Jr., Edward W. Berry 1928 III III...
Salt Structures: Unit 13: Principles
Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway
AAPG Special Volumes
...Salt Structures: Unit 13: Principles Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway 1984 61 61 CN 25: Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast...