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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 267 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Damped least squares-based deterministic PP wave and SH-SH wave joint inversion method

Ying Lin, Guangzhi Zhang, Baoli Wang, Siyuan Chen, Minmin Huang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

..., 1635–1639, doi: Zhou, Z., 1993, AVO analysis of P-SV and SH waves: Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 28, 430–438. Third...


Abstract: Joint PP and PS AVO Inversion Based on Zeopprtiz Equations; #90171 (2013)

Tiansheng Chen and Xiucheng Wei

Search and

... The Zoeppritz equations fully describe the relationship between incident, reflected and transmitted P and S plane waves on either side of a plane...


Abstract: Joint PP and PS AVO Inversion Based on Zeopprtiz Equations; #90171 (2013)

Tiansheng Chen and Xiucheng Wei

Search and

... The Zoeppritz equations fully describe the relationship between incident, reflected and transmitted P and S plane waves on either side of a plane...


Improved TOC and Lithology Prediction for Wolfcamp Shales Using AVO Attribute Analysis

Jaewook Lee, Un Young Lim, David Lumley

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., 1985; Fatti et al., 1994) are linearized versions of the full nonlinear Zoeppritz equations (Zoeppritz, 1919). These approximations are based...


G. Non-Normal Incidence Reflections and the Determination of Lithology - Use of Shear Waves and Amplitude with Offset

Norman S. Neidell

AAPG Special Volumes

... plane containing the line. SV is in this plane. When SH is in the interface plane, there is no conversion of SH-waves into P- and SV-waves...


Abstract: Distinguishing Water Saturation Changes from Porosity or Clay Content Changes Using Multicomponent Seismic Data

Fuping Zhu, Richard L. Gibson, Jr., Joel S. Watkins, and Sung H. Yuh

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... saturations, as shown by theoretical reflection coefficient computation for a range of examples using the Zoeppritz and Gassmann's equations. The responses...


Distinguishing Water Saturation Changes from Porosity or Clay Content Changes Using Multicomponent Seismic Data

Fuping Zhu, Richard L. Gibson, Jr., Joel S. Watkins, Sung H. Yuh

GCAGS Transactions

... change, we compute P-P and P-SV reflection coefficients, Rpp and Rps respectively, using the exact Zoeppritz equations (Aki and Richard, 1980...


Impact of an Integrated Seismic Data Processing Approach: A Case Study in Central Sumatra

Mars E. Semaan, Eddy Murhantoro, Maryanto, Achmad Bermawi, Budi Subianto, Hari Santoso

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the Zoeppritz equations to determine the relationship between the P-wave and S-wave velocities, and Poisson's ratio. This method is used to infer lithological...


Abstracts: Time-lapse Differential AVO: Reflection Coefficient at Fluid-fluid Boundary; #90173 (2015)

Jinfeng Ma

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... Ann.Internat.Mtg.,Soc.Expl.,Geophys., Expanded Abstracts,1655-1658. Wang, Y., 1999, Approximations to the Zoeppritz equations and their use in AVO analysis...


Abstract: Physical Modeling for Azimuthal AVO Over a Simulated Fractured Medium; #90174 (2014)

Faranak Mahmoudian, Gary F. Margrave, and Joe Wong

Search and

... and plane-wave Zoeppritz equations (implemented as the JAVA applet Spherical Zoeppritz Explore 3.0 by Ursenbach et al., 2006, and available...


Direct Hydrocarbon Indications Using Seismic Amplitude Variations with Offset

William J. Ostrander

AAPG Special Volumes

... and density drop going into the gas-sand, but Poisson's ratio also shows a marked decrease. Using the Zoeppritz equations, we can calculate reflection...


Spherical-Wave Computational AVO Modelling in Elastic and Anelastic Isotropic Two-Layer Media; #41564 (2015)

Arnim B. Haase, Charles P. Ursenbach

Search and

.... AVO analysis and AVO inversion are now widely accepted tools in seismic exploration. Linear approximations of the Zoeppritz equations are commonly...


Abstract: A Study of PS Wave AVO; #90255 (2017)

Young-Fo Chang, Jai-Wei Liu

Search and

... and LoPiccolo's (2003; 2004) five classes for the classification of P-wave AVO. Then Aki and Richards's (1980) matrix form of Zoeppritz equations was used...


Abstract: Amplitude variation with offset (AVO) inversion modeling with a local elastic solver

Ligia Elena, Jaimes Osorio, Alison Malcolm

Atlantic Geology

...) inversion analysis uses Zoeppritz equations, which are based on a plane wave approximation. However, since real seismic data are created by point sources...


Abstract: AVO Theory for Large Contrast Elastic and Anelastic Targets in Pre-Critical Regimes; #90187 (2014)

Kris Innanen

Search and

... of the Zoeppritz equations. The corrections quantitatively and qualitatively account for the influence of large contrasts and target anelasticity...


Abstract: Effects of Lateral Heterogeniety Scales on AVO Trends; #90174 (2014)

Ramin Saleh, Emmanuel Bongajum, and Bernd Milkereit

Search and

... domain. Zoepptritz equations make an assumption that the incident wave is planar. This is only a good approximation if the scale of the experiment...


Abstract: P- and S-Wave Velocity Measurements and Pressure Sensitivity Analysis of AVA Response; #90211 (2015)

Tiewei He and Douglas Schmitt

Search and

... sensitivity analysis of the P-P and P-SV reflectivity on a simple two-layer interface using complete Zoeppritz’s equations based on the laboratory velocity...


Synthetic Seismograms for PS Seismic Data; #41793 (2016)

Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma

Search and

... school) and the amplitude relationships between the incident wave and the reflected, transmitted and converted-wave components are described by Zoeppritz...


Designing Coal-Bed Methane Seismic Acquisition Survey Parameters Using Finite Difference Modeling

Abdul Haris, Befriko Murdianto, Adriansyah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... between incident and reflection/transmission amplitudes for plane waves at a welded elastic interface (Figure 1). The boundary conditions...


Equivalent reflection coefficient and AVO characteristics of the thin bed

Zhengyang Kuai, Danping Cao, Chao Jin

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... multiple reflection terms. (2017) developed an approximate method to derive simple expressions for the reflection coefficients of P- and SV waves...


Developing a New Technique Through Partnering with Contractors: Reservoir Prediction Utilizing AVO Walkaway VSP Data to Calibrate Surface Seismic Gathers, a Case Study in Indonesia

Patricia L. C. Henderson, Dan Hampson, Scott Leaney, Nigel Smith, John Rice, Dave Boreham

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., 1080-1083. Emersoy, C., 1990. Inversion of P and Sv Waves from Offset Vertical Profiles, Geophysics 55, 39-50. Leaney, W.S, 1990. Parametric Wavefield...


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