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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 289 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.
Inference of Organic Carbon Content of Shale From Zoeppritz PP-AVO Inversion: Case Study of Avalon Shale, Delaware Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Developing a New Technique Through Partnering with Contractors: Reservoir Prediction Utilizing AVO Walkaway VSP Data to Calibrate Surface Seismic Gathers, a Case Study in Indonesia
Patricia L. C. Henderson, Dan Hampson, Scott Leaney, Nigel Smith, John Rice, Dave Boreham
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., 1080-1083. Emersoy, C., 1990. Inversion of P and Sv Waves from Offset Vertical Profiles, Geophysics 55, 39-50. Leaney, W.S, 1990. Parametric Wavefield...
High-order viscoelastic prestack seismic nonlinear frequency-dependent inversion method based on scattering matrix
Tianjun Lan, Zhaoyun Zong
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... Laboratory of Deep Oil and Gas. Summary In practical media, seismic waves have absorption and attenuation effects during propagation, so the research...
Abstract: Q Effects on Thin-bed AVO/AVF Analysis; #90224 (2015)
Wenyong Pan and Kris Innanen
Search and Discovery.com
... Innanen CREWES, University of Calgary [email protected] Summary Zoeppritz equations are the bases for traditional AVO analysis, which plays a significant...
Abstracts: AVO Analysis of 3-D/3-C Datasets from Weyburn CO2 Storage and Monitoring Project; #90173 (2015)
Le Gao and Igor Morozov
Search and Discovery.com
... equations for reflection amplitudes describing the amplitude variations with angles were given by Zoeppritz (1919). Aki and Richards (2002) derived...
Application OF AVO Seismofacies Technique to Detect Undrained Prospects in Handil Shallow and Upper Zones, Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan
Sung Yuh, Ahmad Anshariy, Savanto Ariawan, Hilfan Khairy, Cepi M. Adam
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... approximation of the complicated Zoeppritz equations into three terms and showed Poisson’s ratio is closely related to offset amplitude behaviors...
ABSTRACT: A Supervised Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion Algorithm for Extraction of Earth Parameters; #90113 (2010)
Alireza Shanin, Paul Stoffa, and Robert Tatham
Search and Discovery.com
... form of Zoeppritz equations, e.g., Aki and Richards, full Zoeppritz equations, and even full elastic reflectivity can be used as forward modeling...
Workflow for Zoeppritz AVO Inversion to Estimate Seismic Anisotropy, Geomechanical Properties and TOC of Shale: Case Study of Avalon Shale, Delaware Basin, #42416 (2019).
Un Young Lim, Nurul Kabir, Richard L. Gibson Jr.,
Search and Discovery.com
... properly estimate the properties, since the inversions are developed based on linear approximations of Zoeppritz equations assuming weak contrasts...
Quantitative Petrophysical AVO Error Analysis in a Layered Model
Search and Discovery.com
... consider a Class 2 oil sand model, which is often difficult for AVO inversion. In such a case, most of the approximate Zoeppritz equations derived from Aki...
Amplitude Versus Offset Gradient Modeling Over a Minnelusa Field
W.E. Johnson
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... (PI. The Shuey approximation of the Zoeppritz equations is demonstrated in Figure 3 where R(@)is the reflection coefficient at an angle of incidence...
Acoustic modelling with elastic AVA effects
Robin P. Fletcher, James Hobro, James Rickett
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... coefficients are not applicable beyond the critical angle. Furthermore, they can deviate from Zoeppritz calculations, most noticeably at large pre...
Abstract: Approximation-Free AVO Attributes; #90211 (2015)
Jinfeng Ma and Igor Morozov
Search and Discovery.com
..., such as the various forms of approximate Zoeppritz equations, assumprtions of a constant background velocity ratio, VP/VS=2, or of a heuristic functional...
Abstract: A Framework for Time-Lapse AVO when Contrasts are Large; #90187 (2014)
Shahin Jabbari and Kris Innanen
Search and Discovery.com
.... Reflection coefficients for the baseline and monitor survey are calculated by solving the Zoeppritz equations, once with the target properties...
Synthetic-data-driven deep learning method for elastic parameter inversion
Shuai Sun, Luanxiao Zhao, Huaizhen Chen, Zhiliang He, Jianhua Geng
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... with angle inversion using the exact Zoeppritz equations — Theory and methodology: Geophysics, 81, no. 2, N1–N15, doi: https://doi.org/https://doi.org...
Three-Component Amplitude vs. Offset Analysis, by Deborah Miles, Gary Gassaway, Laurie Bennett, and Richard Brown; #91024 (1989)
Search and Discovery.com
Quantifying Shallow Seismic Anomalies; #42101 (2017)
Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Satinder Chopra
Search and Discovery.com
... the application of Zoeppritz equations. In Figure 2 we exhibit equivalent cross-line sections from the effective porosity and Vclay volumes...
Abstracts: Fluid Substitution and Seismic Modelling in a Sandstone Aquifer; #90173 (2015)
Virginia C. Vera and Don C. Lawton
Search and Discovery.com
... Series #08-01, 2008. Shuey, R. T., 1985, A simplification of the Zoeppritz equations, Geophysics, 50, 509-614...
Full-elastic AVA extraction using acoustic FWI
Michael Warner, John Armitage, Adrian Umpleby, Nikhil Shah, Henry Debens, Fabio Mancini
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... of angles. The analysis stage is typically achieved using simple approximations to the elastic Zoeppritz equations in order to explain amplitude...
Abstract: The Application of Extreme Attributes of PS Converted Wave; #90171 (2013)
Xiucheng. Wei, Xiang-Yang Li, Tiansheng Chen, and Lihua Jia
Search and Discovery.com
... hydrocarbon distributions. The foundation of the AVO technique is based on the Zoeppritz equations (Zoeppritz, 1919), but though these equations can...
P-Wave Impedance, S-Wave Impedance and Density from Linear AVO Inversion: Application to a VSP Data from Alberta
Faranak Mahmoudian
Search and Discovery.com
... for the compressional impedance in the PP inversion alone. Methodology The Zoeppritz equations describe the elastic, plane-wave reflection...
P-Wave Impedance, S-Wave Impedance and Density from Linear AVO Inversion: Application to a VSP Data from Alberta
Faranak Mahmoudian
Search and Discovery.com
... for the compressional impedance in the PP inversion alone. Methodology The Zoeppritz equations describe the elastic, plane-wave reflection...
SAMPLE--Seismic Amplitude Measurement for Primary Lithology Estimation: ABSTRACT
Gary S. Gassaway, H. J. Richgels
AAPG Bulletin
... of incidence of a plane elastic wave, the reflection and transmission amplitudes (coefficients) can be calculated using Zoeppritz's equations. SAMPLE...
Sonic Log Analysis from Isotropic and Anisotropic Media In Carbonate Reservoir, the Case Study at Stella Alpina Field
Wahyu Tri Sutrisno, Septian Prahastudhi, Ari Teguh Sugiarto, Ayi Syaeful Bahri, Dwa Desa Warnana, Yulia Putri Wulandari
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., the propagation of compressional and shear waves at difference velocities through anisotropic shale can have a pronounced impact on sonic log readings...
Seismic Rock-Property Transforms for Estimating Lithology and Pore-Fluid Content, by Haitao Ren, Fred J. Hilterman, Zhengyun Zhou, and Mritunjay Kumar, #40224 (2006).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Exact, Linear and Nonlinear AVO in Terms of Poroelastic Parameters; #90187 (2014)
Steven Kim and Kris Innanen
Search and Discovery.com
... an interface. These amplitudes can be modeled using the Zoeppritz equations for reflected P- and S-waves that are exact for a two-layer elastic model...