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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,315 Results. Searched 197,586 documents.
ABSTRACT: Effect of Anisotropy In Seismic Inversion In Shales; #90133 (2011)
Roderick Perez
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...ABSTRACT: Effect of Anisotropy In Seismic Inversion In Shales; #90133 (2011) Roderick Perez Effect of Anisotropy In Seismic Inversion In Shales...
Abstracts: Sonic Scanner Logging at Site C0009 of IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE; #90173 (2015)
Hisao Ito
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... S wave anisotropy. Dispersion analysis was applied to find that stress induced anisotropy is dominant for almost entire depth interval. We also found...
Observations of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Prestack Seismic Data, #41572 (2015).
David Gray
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...Observations of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Prestack Seismic Data, #41572 (2015). David Gray Observations of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Prestack Seismic...
Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy Analysis Applied to Natural Fracture Intensity and Azimuth Prediction: Barnett Shale Example
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Abstract: Directional Semivariograms: Kriging Anisotropy Without Anisotropy Factors, by W. L. Wingle and E. P. Poeter; #90937 (1998).
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Abstract: Thrust-Related Folds And Mechanical Anisotropy: Insights From Finite Element Analyses, by K. J. Smart; #90928 (1999).
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Abstract: Evaluating VTI Anisotropy in Shale Using New Borehole Sonic Measurements for Improving Seismic Ties ; #90055 (2006).
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Abstract: Isotropy: A Lethal Assumption in Geomechanical Modeling of Shale; #90240 (2015)
Hamed Soroush
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...: A Lethal Assumption in Geomechanical Modeling of Shale Hamed Soroush PetroLern Abstract By definition, anisotropy is variation of material properties...
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Abstract: Comparison of Patterns of Permeability Anisotropy Distributions in Jurassic and Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs, by Ali Sahin and Abdulwahab Z. Ali; #90105 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: VSP Detection of Fracture-Induced Velocity Anisotropy, by David H. Johnston; #91038 (2010)
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Abstract: Geostatistics with Locally Varying Anisotropy; #90171 (2013)
Jeff Boisvert and Clayton V. Deutsch
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...Abstract: Geostatistics with Locally Varying Anisotropy; #90171 (2013) Jeff Boisvert and Clayton V. Deutsch Geostatistics with Locally Varying...
Abstract: Geostatistics with Locally Varying Anisotropy; #90171 (2013)
Jeff Boisvert and Clayton V. Deutsch
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...Abstract: Geostatistics with Locally Varying Anisotropy; #90171 (2013) Jeff Boisvert and Clayton V. Deutsch Geostatistics with Locally Varying...
ABSTRACT Observations of Intrinsic Anisotropy in Varied Geologic Settings, #90104 (2010)
Hathon Lori; Myers Michael T.
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...ABSTRACT Observations of Intrinsic Anisotropy in Varied Geologic Settings, #90104 (2010) Hathon Lori; Myers Michael T. Observations of Intrinsic...
Abstract: Controls on Acoustic Anisotropy Observed in Unconsolidated Sands using Laboratory Measurements and Digital Rock Technology; #90255 (2017)
Lori A. Hathon, Michael T. Myers, Alon Arad
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...Abstract: Controls on Acoustic Anisotropy Observed in Unconsolidated Sands using Laboratory Measurements and Digital Rock Technology; #90255 (2017...
ABSTRACT: Application of Anisotropy of Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRMA) in High Resolution Facies Analysis: Examples from Delta and Submarine Fan Systems, by D. Basu and G. Tanwi; #91021 (2010)
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Abstract: Alternative Methods of Measuring Strength Anisotropy in the Barnett Shale, by Daniel Woodworth, Helge Alsleben, and Milton Enderlin; #90164 (2013)
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Using Seismic Velocity Anisotropy to Predict Fractures: A Calibrated Case Study from the Green River Basin of Wyoming, by Shanley, Keith W., J. Chris Besler, William A. Miller, John F. Gegg; #90030(2004)
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Abstract: Analysis of Finely Bedded Intervals in the Frontier Formation Using High Resolution Logs; #90301 (2017)
Steve Adams, Jesse Havens, Jeromy McChesney
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... anisotropy to better delineate the reservoir. Bedding density has been mapped along the reservoir section with an X-tended Range Micro Imager and compared...
Predicting Permeability Anisotropy from Resistivity Anisotropy
Teruhiko Hagiwara
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Predicting Permeability Anisotropy from Resistivity Anisotropy Teruhiko Hagiwara URTeC: 2459699 Predicting Permeability Anisotropy from Resistivity...
ABSTRACT: Reflection Shear-Wave Data Along the Principal Axes of Aximuthal Anisotropy, by Heloise B. Lynn and Leon A. Thomsen; #91038 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Compressional Anisotropy: Understanding Sonic Logs in Non-Vertical Wells; #90061 (2006)
Jennifer Market and Wyatt Canady
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...ABSTRACT: Compressional Anisotropy: Understanding Sonic Logs in Non-Vertical Wells; #90061 (2006) Jennifer Market and Wyatt Canady Compressional...
Abstract: An Integrated Study for Natural Fracture Detection by Using Advanced Azimuthal Shear Anisotropy Analysis and Geomechanics; #90319 (2018)
Tariq Mahmood
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...Abstract: An Integrated Study for Natural Fracture Detection by Using Advanced Azimuthal Shear Anisotropy Analysis and Geomechanics; #90319 (2018...
Evaluation of Laminated Gas Reservoirs Integrating Resistivity Anisotropy Measurements
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