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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 55,375 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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Investigation into the Fabric and Textural Controls over Effective Grain Stiffness for Accurate Biot Coefficient and Pore Compressibility Prediction

Laurent Louis, Gregory Boitnott, Erek Hutto, Gustavo Carpio, Michael Foster

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Investigation into the Fabric and Textural Controls over Effective Grain Stiffness for Accurate Biot Coefficient and Pore Compressibility Prediction...


Seismic Stratigraphy of the Quintong Depression, Jiangsu Province, China

Hu Zhen-Zhong

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... of seismic-reflection profile configurations, reflection geometry, seismic-geologic contact relationships, and other seismic parameters made possible...


Method of Determination of Specific Surface According to Geophysical Logging Data

A. T. Boyarov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... or in a general form (5) S = C m 3 / K per Depending on the degree of complexity of the pore space of actual rocks, the coefficient...


Seismic Expression of the Boundaries of a Miocene Carbonate Platform, Sarawak, Malaysia

Guido L. Bracco Gartner, Wolfgang Schlager, Erwin W. Adams

AAPG Special Volumes

... was then resampled at an interval of 6 ms (the sample rate of the seismic acquisition) and transformed into a reflection-coefficient log. To create the vertical...


Seismic-attribute Analysis for Gas-hydrate and Free-gas Prospects on the North Slope of Alaska

M. W. Lee, T. S. Collett, T. L. Inks

AAPG Special Volumes

... the reflection coefficient. The amplitude is a complex function of both sediment layer thickness and fluid saturation.FIGURE 5. Seismic trace model...


Optimum Deconvolution for Seismic Inversion Purposes

M. Suprajitno, L. Nutt, P. Busono

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... on a precise estimate of the reflection coefficient series. Spiking deconvolution is traditionally used on seismic data to achieve an approximation...


Determination of the Physical Parameters of Oil-Bearing Rocks for Calculation of Oil Reserves in Deposits According to Electrometric and Radiometric Data

F. I. Katyakhov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... the determination of the coefficient of oil recovery of the stratum according to the core, but it does not eliminate the necessity of determining the content...


Seismic Stratigraphy of Western Colombian Basin, Caribbean Sea: ABSTRACT

Christopher Bowland

AAPG Bulletin

... reflection profiles disclose the regional stratigraphy of the western Colombian basin. The basement complex is the seismic unit below the deepest, continuous...


Use of SEISLOG for Basin Evaluation and Field Development

R. C. Mummery

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

.... The reflection coefficient series generated in this fashion is assumed to represent the rePresented at GSM Petroleum Geology Seminar 1985 Modified...


Geophysics of the Anadarko Basin

Paul L. Lyons

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... is in direct proportion to the amount of evaporite deposits present in the near surface Permian beds. The extremely high reflection coefficient...


Estimating subsurface geostatistical parameters from surface-based GPR reflection data using a deep-learning approach

Yu Liu, James Irving, Klaus Holliger

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... reflection profiling has the potential to provide high-resolution images of subsurface structure. Due to the inherently complex and heterogeneous nature...


The development of seismic reflection sandbox modeling

Donald H. Sherlock, Brian J. Evans

AAPG Bulletin

... of the reflection, that is, the percentage of energy reflected, is dependent on the reflection coefficient (Rc), which is defined by the formula...


Distribution of Epi-Bitumens in Productive Horizons of the Khapchagay Gas Region

I. D. Polyakova, G. F. Stepanenko

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., Lower Triassic, Middle Triassic-Lower Jurassic, and Middle-Upper Jurassic. Each complex consists of two parts, a thick permeable unit and an overlying...


Dielectric Permittivity of Evaporite Minerals

Search and

... is the coaxial line method (Agilent 4991 in conjunction with a network analyzer). The idea is to measure the reflection coefficient from which the impedance...


Efficient Distribution of Wells in the Oil Fields of the Krasnodar Area

S. T. Korotkov, I. D. Amelin

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of working an oil field requires solution of a complex group of interrelated problems (1). But the most important elements of working any oil pool still...


Method of Planning the Preparation of Reserves of Category C2

M. G. Leybson

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... The causes of the lag in preparation of favorable structures are variable. In many regions, exploration has been concentrated in zones with complex...


Structural Controls on the Formation of Bottom-simulating Reflectors Offshore Southwestern Taiwan from a Dense Seismic Reflection Survey

Philippe Schnurle, Char-Shine Liu

AAPG Special Volumes

... or are absent in the northwestern half. The reflection coefficient at the BSR presents abrupt lateral variations, with an average value of 0.094 or 32...


Seismic Detection and Evaluation of Delta and Turbidite Sequences: Their Application to the Exploration for the Subtle Trap: ABSTRACT

Orville Roger Berg

AAPG Bulletin

... pattern. Fluvial-dominated deltas are characterized by clinoform seismic reflection patterns which include: oblique (tangential), complex oblique...


Seismic Modeling and Expression of Common Fold-Thrust Belt Structures; #42266 (2018)

Jianjun Li, Shankar Mitra

Search and

.... ● The reflection coefficient is opposite for the fault reflection compared to the bedding reflection because of the opposite velocity contrast. ● For the front...


A Unified Classification of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

A. I. Krinari

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of reservoirs. Permeability The coefficient of physical permeability (kphy) is the coefficient of permeability for nitrogen or air determined under...


From Transition Zone to Core Complex: Deep Reflection Seismic Imaging of the Basin and Range, Southeast Arizona

Joseph M. Kruger, Roy A. Johnson

Pacific Section of AAPG

...From Transition Zone to Core Complex: Deep Reflection Seismic Imaging of the Basin and Range, Southeast Arizona Joseph M. Kruger, Roy A. Johnson 2001...


Inferring Stratigraphy from Seismic Data

R. E. Sheriff

AAPG Bulletin

... the reflection coefficient of the reflecting interface (O'Doherty and Anstey, 1971; Sheriff, 1975), careful processing attempts to remove the effects...


Abstract: AVO Theory for Large Contrast Elastic and Anelastic Targets in Pre-Critical Regimes; #90187 (2014)

Kris Innanen

Search and

... a dilemma. There are two main classes of tool: 1. Linearized reflection coefficient approximations such as those due to Aki and Richards (2002) (hereafter...


Limitations of Reflection Seismograph

L. E. Nugent, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... contrasts the reflection coefficient is small, amounting to only about 10 per cent of the energy for ratios in the 1½:1 to 2:1 range. To date...


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