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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,790 Results. Searched 195,372 documents.

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Clay Flake Orientation in a Sensitive Pleistocene Clay

Neal R. O’Brien, William Harrison

Atlantic Geology

... s i t i v e P l e i s t o c e n e C l a y * NEAL R. O'BRIEN D e p a r t m e n t of G e o l o g y , S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y of N e w Y o r k...


Petroleum Resources of the Great American Carbonate Bank

Charles A. Sternbach

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 803811.Barnes, VE., P. E. Cloud, L. P. Dixon, R. L. Folk, E. C. Jonas, A. R. Palmer, and E. J. Tynan, 1959, Stratigraphy of the pre-Simpson Paleozoic subsurface...


Sedimentation Processes on the Atlantic Southeastern United States Contintental Shelf

Orrin H. Pilkey

Atlantic Geology

... a s u m m a r y of a c t i v i t i e s of t h e D u k e U n i v e r s i t y M a r i n e G e o l o g y P r o g r a m , a s u m m a r y of s e d i m e n...


Petrology of the Leadville Limestone (Mississippian), White River Plateau, Colorado

Curtis D. Conley

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... A C T : T h e M i s s i s s i p p l a n L e a d v i l l c L i m e s t o n e In t h e Whlte R i v e r P l a t e a u , n o r t h w e s t C o l o r a d o...


Expanded Abstract: Late-Stage High-Angle Faulting, Eastern Doonerak Window, Central Brooks Range, Alaska

J. C. Phelps, H. G. Ave Lallemant, C. M. Seidensticker, F. E. Julian, J. S. Oldow

Pacific Section SEPM

... s , R i c e U n i v e r s i t y Box 1892 Houston, TX 77251 713-527-4880 EXPANDED ABSTRACT * P r e s e n t a d d r e s s : C H E V R O N USA,Inc., W...


Frontmatter: Surface and shallow oil-impregnated rocks and shallow oild fields in the United States

Ball Associates Ltd.

Bureau of Mines

... y , Executive Secretary * Douglas B a l l , B a l l A s s o c i a t e s , L t d . * Kenneth G. B e l l , G e o l o g i c a l S u r v e y + W a r w i c...


The Submersible PISCES Feasibility Study in the Canadian Arctic

B. R. Pelletier

Atlantic Geology

... e r of 1968, t h e s u b m e r s i b l e P I S C E S , o w n e d a n d o p e r a t e d b y H y d r o d y n a m i c s I n t e r n a t i o n a l of V...


ABSTRACT: The Fluorescence Intensity of Macerals and the Use of Light-Emitting Diodes as Fluorescence Standards

David Bensley and Alan Davis

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... F EMITTING DIODES AS FLUORESCENCE STANDARDS. David Bensley* and Alan Davis, Penn S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y L i g h t - e m i t t i n g diodes...


Geology and Oil-Shale Resources of the Green River Formation

John R. Donnell

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... e x t e n s i v e o i l - s h a l e d e p o s l t s In t h e f o r m a t i o n a r e t h i c k e s t a n d r i c h e s t n e a r the c e n t e r...


Additional Radiocarbon Dates, Tyrrell Sea Area

Frances J. E. Wagner

Atlantic Geology

... e g i v e n b y L e e (I960) to t h e p o s t g l a c i a l m a r i n e w a t e r s t h a t e x t e n d e d b e y o n d t h e b o r d e r s of t h e p...


Report on Advanced Science Seminar on Intertidal Zone Sedimentation, Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada, July 6 to August 11, 1968

George DeVries Klein

Atlantic Geology

... DeVries Klein Maritime Sediments, V o l . 4, N o . 2, A u g u s t , 1968, p p . 52 49-51. R e p o r t on A d v a n c e d S c i e n c e S e m i n...


ABSTRACT: Toward a Standardization of Random Vitrinite Reflectance

Brian J. Cardott, David F. Bensley

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...-anthracites), and, in generaf, for dispersed organic ma,tter in sediments, rank should be measured using t h e mean random r e f i e c t i v i t y o f...


Fission Track Evidence for a Miocene Cooling Event, Whipple Mountains, Southeastern California

Roy K. Dokka, Steven H. Lingrey

Pacific Section SEPM

... K E V I D E N C E FOR A M I O C E N E C O O L I N G E V E N T , WHIPPLE MOUNTAINS, SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA Roy K . Dokka Department of Geological...


ABSTRACT: Thermal Maturation of Source Rocks in the St. Lawrence Lowlands and in Neighboring Basins and Outliers Around the Southeastern Part of Canadian Shield

Rudolf Bertrand

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... t r a n d I, n s t i t u t n a t i o n a l d e l a r e c h e r c h e s c i e n t i f i q u e G e o r e s s o u r c e s , U n i v e r s i t e du Qukbec...


Carbonate reticulated ridge structures from the lower Middle Triassic of the Luoping Area, Yunnan, southwestern China: Geobiologic features and implications for exceptional preservation of the Luoping biota

Mao Luo, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Shixue Hu, Qiyue Zhang, Michael J. Benton, Changyong Zhou, Wen Wen, Jin-Yuan Huang


...), v. 10, p. 1–7. BOUOUGRI, E., and PORADA, H., 2002, Mat-related sedimentary structures in Neoproterozoic peritidal passive margin deposits...


Snow Cover Depletion in the North Nashwaaksis Stream Basin, N.B.

Dale I. Bray

Atlantic Geology

...Snow Cover Depletion in the North Nashwaaksis Stream Basin, N.B. Dale I. Bray Reports 165 S n o w C o v e r D e p l e t i o n in the N o r t h N...


The Denver Area Earthquakes and The Rocky Mountain Arsenal Disposal Well

David M. Evans

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... l e d a t the Rocky Mountain A r s e n a l n o r t h e a s t of ABSTKACT: D e n v e r , C o l o r a d o , t o d i s p o s e of c o n t a m i n a t e d...


Memorial: Eugene Leonard Earl (1906-1956)

Leslie Bowling

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... c a l side of g e o l o g y during the interim 1 9 2 8 - 1 9 3 0 doing surface w o r k in E a s t T e x a s for the M e x i a D e v e l o p m e n t C...


Gravel Mounds at Rocky Flats, Colorado

David F. Murray

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...: Department of Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder. Coloratlo ' A B S T R A C T : On t h e c o a r s e a l l u v i u m of t h e Rocky F l a t s p e...


El Tiempo Geologico: Variable De Nuestros Tiempos. IN SPANISH. Geological Time: Variable Of Our Times.

David J. Terrell

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... G E O L Ó G I C O : V A R I A B L E DE N U E S T R O S T I E M P O S DAVID J. TERRELL Coordinación General de Investigación y Planeación Instituto...


Sediments of the Bay of Fundy - A Preliminary Report

Donald J.P. Swift, Bernard R. Pelletier, Anil K. Lyall, James A. Miller

Atlantic Geology

... O N A L D J. P . S W I F T O c e a n o g r a p h y , Old D o m i n i o n U n i v e r s i t y , Norfolk, I n s t i t u t e of Virginia B E R N A R...


Preliminary Comments on Linear Sand-Surface Features, Onslow Bay, North Carolina Continental Shelf: Problems in Making Detailed Sea-Floor Observations

Ian G. MacIntyre, Orrin H. Pilkey

Atlantic Geology

... b l e m s in Making D e t a i l e d S e a - F l o o r O b s e r v a t i o n s * I A N G. M A C I N T Y R E Duke U n i v e r s i t y M a r i n e L a b...


Some Statistical Features of the relationship Between Rocky Mountain Arsenal Waste Disposal and Frequency of Earthquakes

George E. Bardwell

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... a t i n g f r e q u e n c y of e a r t h q u a k e s i n t h e D e n v e r a r e a t o i n j e c t i o n of w a s t e w a t e r by t h e Rocky M o u n...


Adena Field, "J" Sand Unit, Morgan County, Colorado

Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson

Bureau of Mines

... , COLORADO P u r e Oil Co. , Unit O p e r a t o r Introduction T h e Adena " J " Sand-^/ r e s e r v o i r is in M o r g a n County, C o l o r a d...


A Subtidal Sandbody in the Minas Channel, Eastern Bay of Fundy

Donald J.P. Swift, Anthony E. Cok, Anil K. Lyall

Atlantic Geology

... a x , N . S . T h e B a y o f F u n d y contains a v a r i e t y of s a n d b o d i e s w i t h l a r g e - s c a l e b e d f o r m s i m p r e s s e...


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