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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 5,389 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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Enhancing the Quality of Seismic Impedance Data; #41961 (2016)

Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Rebecca Daniels, Brian Schulte, Jim Pllishy, Tammy Chow

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...Enhancing the Quality of Seismic Impedance Data; #41961 (2016) Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Rebecca Daniels, Brian Schulte, Jim Pllishy...


Abstract: Elastic Impedance Analysis in Fruitland Coals, San Juan Basin; #90174 (2014)

D. J. Lespinasse, C. R. Clarkson, and R. J. Ferguson

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...Abstract: Elastic Impedance Analysis in Fruitland Coals, San Juan Basin; #90174 (2014) D. J. Lespinasse, C. R. Clarkson, and R. J. Ferguson AAPG...


Estimation Of Effective Porosity and Saturation Volume by Extended Elastic Impedance Approach: A Case Study, #41101 (2012)

Sumit Verma, Samir Biswal

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...Estimation Of Effective Porosity and Saturation Volume by Extended Elastic Impedance Approach: A Case Study, #41101 (2012) Sumit Verma, Samir Biswal...



Sierra, J., Landa, A., Cova, C, Cardinez S., Dharpaul, T. and YoungOn, V.

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... Acoustic Impedance, Density and Elastic Impedance (EI40). A more rigorous sedimentary modeling study and an elastic inversion analysis are recommended...


Hamra Quartzites

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Heavy Oil Reservoir Characterization by Time-lapse Seismic and Rock Physics in a Cold Production Reservoir; #41448 (2014)

Naimeh Riazi, Laurence Lines, Brian Russell

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... and shear impedance volumes. These volumes can be used to extract useful attributes to investigate elastic attribute changes in the heavy oil. Rock...


Extended Elastic Impedance (EEI) Approach for Telisa Sandstones Reservoir Characterization Case Study: Lambda-Mu-Rho (LMR) Analysis

Antoni Bahar MH, Ari Setiawan, Syahrial Rakimi, Yudi Yanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Extended Elastic Impedance (EEI) Approach for Telisa Sandstones Reservoir Characterization Case Study: Lambda-Mu-Rho (LMR) Analysis Antoni Bahar MH...


Quantitative seismic interpretations to detect biogenic gas accumulations: a case study from Qaidam Basin, China

Yexin Liu, Zhuoheng Chen, Liqun Wang, Yongshu Zhang, Zhiqiang Liu, Yanhua Shuai

CSPG Bulletin

...-Point algorithm to optimize and solve elastic impedance equations. The Interior-Point method is a popular method for handling constrained non-convex...


Reservoir Characteristics of Donggi Field, Central Sulawesi, Using Inversion and AVO Analysis Methods

Dede Suherman, M. Aris Isnandar, Syaiful Damuar, Artini Sukotjo, Suprapto Soemardan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... some cross-plots of all acoustic and elastic parameters, such as Porosity, P-impedance, S-impedance, Lambda (λ), Mu (µ), Rho (ρ), as a feasibility...


Abstract: Integration of Well Logs and Seismic Data for Prediction of Elastic Properties in a Heavy Oil Sand Reservoir: Manitou Lake, Saskatchewan; #90171 (2013)

Maria F. Quijada and Robert R. Stewart

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...Abstract: Integration of Well Logs and Seismic Data for Prediction of Elastic Properties in a Heavy Oil Sand Reservoir: Manitou Lake, Saskatchewan...


Determining the Coal Bed Methane Distribution Based on Amplitude Variation With Offset (AVO) Analysis and Seismic Inversion: Case Study of Sumatra Basin

Padmadi Heru Wibawa, Abd. Haris, Suprajitno M.

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the complete reservoir including the body of the layer, we combined the AVO technique with the Elastic Impedance (EI) inversion. The EI inversion...


Seismic Inversion for Hydrocarbon Screening: Mahakam Case Study

Hilfan Khairy, Didiek B. Prabowo, Cepi Adam

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... when necessary. The ultimate goal of elastic inversion is that of converting seismic signatures to an impedance cube which is closer to the rock...


ABSTRACT: Identification of the Lacustrine Delta Architecture and Lithology Prediction through the Application of Simultaneous Angle Dependant Inversion (SADI) on the D-129 Formation, Manantiales Behr, San Jorge Basin, Argentina; #90017 (2003)

Guillermo Jalfin, Eduardo Francucci, John Castagna, Fernando Fernandez-Seveso, Marcela Egusquiza, Luis Piccioni, Brad Bacon

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... a moderate anoxic regimen. Volumes of Pimpedance, S-Impedance and Density were calculated through a simultaneous inversion process and several DHI, like Vp...


Abstract: Value Added to Exploration Teams by Integrating Basin Modeling, Rock Physics, and Quantitative Seismic Interpretation; #90302 (2018)

Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Wisam AlKawai, Tapan Mukerji, Stephan A. Graham

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... are used to determine impedance across the study area. This impedance solution forms the basis for honoring spatial trends of impedances...


Predicting Reservoir Properties

Amanda Alvarez, Pedro Alvarez, Lucy Macgregor

GEO ExPro Magazine

..., and then inverted using a simultaneous elastic impedance inversion to derive P- and S- impedance values. Rock property estimation from seismic data...


Geostatistical Seismic Inversion and its Applications for Thin Bed Sands Mapping on Sisi-Nubi Field, Mahakam Delta, Indonesia

Moez El-Amri, Ruth Christiani-Basa, Gilles Vallon, Sung Yuh, Hermawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Simulation (SGS), obtaining elastic properties either via a rejection-method, where a simulated acoustic impedance trace is accepted only...


Geophysical characterization of stratigraphic traps within the slope failure turbidite channel of Torok formation, north Slope of Alaska

Sagnik Dasgupta, Charles Inyang, Seth Riseman, David Ruckel

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... the approach Sand-shale composition, porosity and saturation are important constituents for characterizing elastic properties, such as acoustic impedance...


Improved carbonate reservoir characterization using formation density derived from prestack simultaneous inversion: A case study in West Kuwait

Rajesh Rajagopal, Alanood Al Otaibi, Mohamed Hafez A. Jaseem, Taiwen Chen, Bahrouh Bader Faisal

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... was developed; so, the porosity in several An elastic impedance (EI) curve as a function of offset angle is computed for each well. This log is derived...


Time-lapse impedance variations using DAS VSP data during CO2 injection at the CMC Newell County Facility, Alberta, Canada

Yichuan Wang, Donald C. Lawton

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... geologic CO2 storage, it is useful to measure time-lapse (TL) variations of seismic impedance. Acoustic impedance (AI) and elastic impedance (EI) give direct...


Characterization of Seal Potential and Distribution Using Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion: A Field Case Study of Onshore Abu Dhabi, #20489 (2020).

Anni Xie, Maria Helena Caeiro, Stefan Steiner, Ahmed Taher, Martin Jagger, Kate Al Tameemi, Amogh Chitrao, Fakhera Al Qubaisi, Huda Al-Salmi, Jawaher A. Alshamsi,

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... seismic data and Swave impedance provides additional elastic properties from pre-stack seismic data. Regional indications, such as mudlogging...


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