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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 43,875 Results. Searched 197,348 documents.

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QUICK LOOK TECHNIQUES: Implied Fault Analysis on Structure Maps

Subsurface Consultants & Associates, Inc.

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...QUICK LOOK TECHNIQUES: Implied Fault Analysis on Structure Maps Subsurface Consultants & Associates, Inc. 1994 68 69 Structure maps in faulted areas...


Explore the Published Strike-Slip Faults: Abstract

Rudolph P. Wilkinson

Tulsa Geological Society

... a false image of a strike-slip fault. The Washita Valley fault might be an excellent example of such a fault. If, in fact, the Washita Valley fault...


ABSTRACT: Explore the Published Strike-Slip Faults; #90020 (2003)

Rudolph P. Wilkinson

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..., OK Reverse faulting near the edge of a stratigraphic boundary can create a false image of a strikeslip fault. The Washita Valley fault might...


ABSTRACT Stratigraphic Controls on Fault Zone Complexity and Evolution: The Little Grand Wash Fault, Utah, #90104 (2010)

Scarselli Sonia; Vrolijk Peter; Myers Rod; Sweet Michael L.; Nollet Sofie; Cleveland David

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...ABSTRACT Stratigraphic Controls on Fault Zone Complexity and Evolution: The Little Grand Wash Fault, Utah, #90104 (2010) Scarselli Sonia; Vrolijk...


ABSTRACT: Occurrence and Structural Control of Hydrocarbon Production Associated with the Baton Rouge Fault Zone, Louisiana; #90007 (2002)

Byron Miller, Richard P. McCulloh, Chacko J. John, Brian Harder, Reed Bourgeois

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...ABSTRACT: Occurrence and Structural Control of Hydrocarbon Production Associated with the Baton Rouge Fault Zone, Louisiana; #90007 (2002) Byron...


Abstract: Structural History of Hinge Fault Zone of the Malay Basin

Liew Kit Kong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Structural History of Hinge Fault Zone of the Malay Basin Liew Kit Kong 215 Structural history of Hinge fault zone of the Malay Basin LIEW...


Abstract: Mechanical Stratigraphy and Normal Faulting; #90289 (2017)

David Ferrill

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... with respect to displacement (and potential for fault tip folding), displacement partitioning (e.g., synthetic dip, synthetic faulting, fault core...


Abstract: Improving Resolution of a Fault Probability Map by a Deep Learning Generative Adversarial Network;

Fan Jiang, Phil Norlund

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...Abstract: Improving Resolution of a Fault Probability Map by a Deep Learning Generative Adversarial Network; Fan Jiang, Phil Norlund Improving...


Introduction to AAPG Bulletin thematic issue on fault seals

Russell K. Davies, James W. Handschy

AAPG Bulletin

...Introduction to AAPG Bulletin thematic issue on fault seals Russell K. Davies, James W. Handschy 2003 377 380 87 3 Alexander, L. L., and J. W...


Introduction to AAPG Bulletin thematic issue on fault seals

Russell K. Davies, James W. Handschy

AAPG Bulletin

...Introduction to AAPG Bulletin thematic issue on fault seals Russell K. Davies, James W. Handschy 2003 377 380 87 3 Alexander, L. L., and J. W...


Abbreviations Used in Figures: Appendix 1

Thomas L. Wright

AAPG Special Volumes

... AND GEOGRAPHIC NAMES (--C-- or --CH-- is contoured horizon) A(D)F = Anacapa (Dume) fault AH = Alhambra high AN = Anaheim Nose BCF = Benedict Canyon fault...


Hydrocarbon Production and Surface Expression of the China Segment of the Tepetate Fault Zone, Louisiana

Byron Miller, Paul V. Heinrich

GCAGS Transactions

...Hydrocarbon Production and Surface Expression of the China Segment of the Tepetate Fault Zone, Louisiana Byron Miller, Paul V. Heinrich 2003 548 554...


Abstract: Models for the Development of Listric Normal Faults and Fault Seals

John B. Spang

GCAGS Transactions

...Abstract: Models for the Development of Listric Normal Faults and Fault Seals John B. Spang 1996 Vol. 46 (1996), Previous models for constructing...


Automated fault surfaces extraction from 3D fault imaging volume

Nam Nguyen, Alejandro Jaramillo

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Automated fault surfaces extraction from 3D fault imaging volume Nam Nguyen, Alejandro Jaramillo Automated fault surfaces extraction from 3D fault...


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