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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,903 Results. Searched 197,452 documents.
Abstract: Tectonic Characterization of the THUMS-Huntington Beach Fault, Offshore Southern California, by Ishutov, Sergey; #90162 (2013)
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ABSTRACT: The role of inherited discontinuities on fault propagation: impact on fault modeling techniques; #90007 (2002)
Jean-Marc Daniel, Nicolas Belhasen, Sylvie Schuller
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...ABSTRACT: The role of inherited discontinuities on fault propagation: impact on fault modeling techniques; #90007 (2002) Jean-Marc Daniel, Nicolas...
ABSTRACT: The Rate of Normal Fault Growth: Insight from Analog Experiments; #90013 (2003)
Jean-Marc Daniel, Camilo Montes, Nicolas Bellahsen
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...ABSTRACT: The Rate of Normal Fault Growth: Insight from Analog Experiments; #90013 (2003) Jean-Marc Daniel, Camilo Montes, Nicolas Bellahsen AAPG...
ABSTRACT: Analysis of Complex Rift Fault Systems Using Analogue Models; #90061 (2006)
E.A. Baker and K.R. McClay
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...ABSTRACT: Analysis of Complex Rift Fault Systems Using Analogue Models; #90061 (2006) E.A. Baker and K.R. McClay Analysis of Complex Rift Fault...
ABSTRACT: Low Temperature Calcite and Dolomite Deformation in a Carbonate-Shale Thrust Fault and the Effect on Porosity; #90132 (2011)
Rachel K. Wells
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...ABSTRACT: Low Temperature Calcite and Dolomite Deformation in a Carbonate-Shale Thrust Fault and the Effect on Porosity; #90132 (2011) Rachel K...
Reverse Fault Geometry in The Gulf of Suez Rift Basin
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Structural Model of Bukit Bajangan Deformation of Halang Formation in Kebumen, Central Java
Aldo Febriansyah Putra, Salahuddin Husein
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and siltstones. The association of normal fault and high-angle reverse faulting is of critical interest in this paper. Association of normal...
Abstract: Two Alternative Seismic Fault Interpretation Techniques—Part One
Mike Cline
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: Two Alternative Seismic Fault Interpretation Techniques—Part One Mike Cline 2008 45 47 50 8 This is Part One of an expanded article...
Classification of Faults, and Thrust Fault on Barranquilla-Cartagena Highway, Colombia: DISCUSSION
Mason L. Hill
AAPG Bulletin
...Classification of Faults, and Thrust Fault on Barranquilla-Cartagena Highway, Colombia: DISCUSSION Mason L. Hill 1944 1649 1650 28 11. (November...
Fault Zone Complexity: Impact on Seal Analysis and Prediction
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Fault Linkage Styles in Rifts: Observations From Northern North Sea Rift Basin
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Hydrocarbon Episodic Migration in Fault Zones: Insights From Physical Simulation Experiments
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Along-Strike Variations of Fault Zone Architecture and Deformation Mechanisms of Normal Faults in Poorly Lithified Sediments, Miri (Malaysia)
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Abstract: Quantification of Fractured Carbonate Rock Characteristics Using Structural Geology, from Fault Zone to Microscale; #90271 (2016)
Theresa-Christina Schröckenfuchs, Helene Bauer, Maarten Voorn
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...Abstract: Quantification of Fractured Carbonate Rock Characteristics Using Structural Geology, from Fault Zone to Microscale; #90271 (2016) Theresa...
Abstract: Role of Structural Inheritance on the Evolution of Rift-Scale Segmented Normal Faults: Examples From Northern California and the East African Rift; #90302 (2018)
Simon A. Kattenhorn, Bob Krantz, James D. Muirhead
Search and Discovery.com
..., in which fault architectures and fault evolutionary evidence is well preserved: (1) The Hat Creek fault is the most prominent normal fault within...
Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates; #41821 (2016)
Graham Yielding, Emma Michie, Pete Bretan, Quentin Fisher
Search and Discovery.com
...Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates; #41821 (2016) Graham Yielding, Emma Michie, Pete Bretan, Quentin Fisher...
Effects of subsidiary faults on the geometric construction of listric normal fault systems (Geologic Note)
Tingguang Song, Peter A. Cawood
AAPG Bulletin
...Effects of subsidiary faults on the geometric construction of listric normal fault systems (Geologic Note) Tingguang Song, Peter A. Cawood 2001 221...
ABSTRACT: Modeling of Shale Smear Parameters, Fault Seal Potential, and Fault Rock Permeability; #90007 (2002)
Sorkhabi, R., Hasegawa, S., Suzuki, K., Takahashi, M., Fujimoto, M., Sakuyama, N., Iwanaga, S.
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Modeling of Shale Smear Parameters, Fault Seal Potential, and Fault Rock Permeability; #90007 (2002) Sorkhabi, R., Hasegawa, S., Suzuki, K...
Analogue Fractured Reservoir Characterization in Grasberg Igneous Complex (GIC) and New Guinea Limestone Group, Papua
Muhammad Fachri, Benyamin Sapiie, Wahyu Sunyoto, Sugeng Widodo, Yudihanri, Widodo Margotomo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to be useful in assessing fractured reservoir. The result of this study shows that fault intensity throughout the area varies locally. A particular...
Moment tensors and focal mechanisms of the October-November Denali Fault earthquake sequence - Abstract
Kelly R. Kore, Natalia A. Rachkovski, Roger A. Hansen
Alaska Geological Society
...Moment tensors and focal mechanisms of the October-November Denali Fault earthquake sequence - Abstract Kelly R. Kore, Natalia A. Rachkovski, Roger...
Abstract: The Maurice Field: New Gas Reserves from Buried Structure Along the Oligocene Trend of Southwestern Louisiana
Michael P. Prescott
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... feet of gas. Cross sections across the field depict the new reservoir trap as a buried upthrown fault closure with an anticipated gas column of 720...
Abstract: Neogene Basin Development in the Waqia Valley, Southeast Pamir
Daniel Imrecke
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... of the Waqia Valley is bound by a steeply west-dipping normal fault, the Waqia Fault. Subsidence of the hanging wall has accommodated ≥1000m...
Abstract: Structural Control of Gold Mineralization in Lubok Mandi Area, Peninsular Malaysia
Heru Sigit Purwanto
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... in the Lubok Mandi area are controlled by WNW-ESE (thrusting fault zones), NNW-SSE (shear or lateral fault zones) and NE-SW (right lateral fault zones...
ABSTRACT: Fracture Density and Spacing Along Washita Valley Fault, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, by C. D. Ferebee and J. B. Tapp; #91025 (2010)
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2.3 Detached Sediments in Extensional Provinces: 2.3.1 Growth Faults: An Example of a Major Syndepositional Listric Fault
A. F. Christensen
AAPG Special Volumes
...2.3 Detached Sediments in Extensional Provinces: 2.3.1 Growth Faults: An Example of a Major Syndepositional Listric Fault A. F. Christensen 1983 36...