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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 5,718 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Geological and Statistical Description of the Westerose Reservoir, Alberta

L.B. McNamara, N.C. Wardlaw

CSPG Bulletin

..., the geometric average of the core data from within the producing zone of the pressure test is 760 mD, consistent with the pressure test result...


Marine Seismic Sources: Part IV

Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø

GEO ExPro Magazine

... propagation losses are related to geometrical spreading and absorption. Geometric spreading loss is frequency independent, while sea water absorption loss...


Deep Sea Minerals

Henk Kombrink, Dag Helland-Hansen, Bent Kjølhamar

GEO ExPro Magazine

... Kjølhamar, senior geologist at TGS. Kjølhamar adds that seismic data can also provide a clue as to what This seismic line runs across the spreading axis...


Continental-Drift Models and Correlation of Geologic Features Across North Atlantic Ocean: Chapter 63: Interpretations of Drift

E. H. Timothy Whitten

AAPG Special Volumes

... mobile belts, and (3) the geometric separation of intersecting mobile belts. Applin, P. L., 1951, Preliminary report on buried pre-Mesozoic rocks...


"The New Global Tectonics": Age of Linear Magnetic Anomalies of Ocean Basins

A. A. Meyerhoff , Howard A. Meyerhoff

AAPG Bulletin

... of igneous intrusions since Permian or Triassic time, nor a "taped record" of sea-floor spreading and earth magnetic field reversals during the past 200...


Central Los Angeles Basin Subsidence and Thermal Implications for Tectonic Evolution: Chapter 5

Larry Mayer

AAPG Special Volumes

... area, California: USGS Final Technical Report, 44 p. Luyendyk, B. P., M. J. Kamerling, and R. Terres, 1980, Geometric model for Neogene crustal...


Perspectives on Horizontal Drilling in Canada

Robert G. Farquharson, Lawrence M. Spratt, Peter C.M. Wang

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...). Editing of traces with highlevel noise, geometric spreading correction, deconvolution and trace balancing, and field statics applications are all done...


The Problem of Orogenesis in the Light of New Field and Experimental Evidence*

Walter H. Bucher

CSPG Bulletin

... is an elastico-viscous material; and from dimensional considerations it is believed that experiments made with it bear a dynamic as well as geometric...


Tectonic Evolution of Sundaland: A Phanerozoic Synthesis

Charles S. Hutchison

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... eastwards ahead of the ocean spreading of a new marginal basin. From Late Carboniferous onwards, Sundaland played the role of a small continental plate...


Deep-Sea Trenches and the Compression Assumption: DISCUSSION

Walter S. Olson

AAPG Bulletin

.... Geophysics, v. 1, p. 587-665. McKenzie, D. P., 1972, Plate tectonics and sea-floor spreading: Am. Scientist, v. 60, p. 425-435. Nettleton, L. L., 1955...


Pendulum Effect and Niger Delta Prolific Belt: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Gerard C. Dailly

AAPG Bulletin

... the heading of capacity of spreading. The depression created by the load will tend to be infilled by lateral spreading but, as the capacity for spreading...


Imbrication, Paleocurrents and Other Sedimentary Features in the Lower New Red Sandstone, Devonshire, England

D. J. C. Laming

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in some localities, flat bedding is predominant. The depositional mechanism must therefore have been capable of spreading coarse detritus out in a sheet...


Aerial Photographs in Structural Mapping of Sedimentary Formations

L. E. Nugent, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... are detrimental to horizontal control, they are an anathema to accurate elevation determinations. Moreover, methods of correction are not only time...


Rift-Segment Interaction and Its Relation to Hydrocarbon Exploration in Continental Rift Systems (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... 1992 1153 1169 76 8. (August) In both the early stages of continental rifting and the onset of sea-floor spreading in the more advanced rifting...


Interpreting Sedimentary Growth Structures from Well Log and Seismic Data (With Examples)

Richard E. Bischke

AAPG Bulletin

... be accurately corrected. This appendix discusses the geometric conditions that require data correction. An exact calculation of the errors caused...


Comparison of Continental Margins of Eastern North America at Cape Hatteras and Northwestern Africa at Cap Blanc

Peter A. Rona

AAPG Bulletin

...) are about 10-3 of inferred mean spreading rates of the intervening sea floor (1-4 cm/year). The mean subsidence rates vary in unison with the independently...


Application of Plate Reconstructions and 2D Gravity Modeling to Quantify Crustal Stretching During Continental Break-Up: A South China Sea Case Study

S. Mazur, J.M. Whittaker, K. Wilson, M.G. Stewart, P. East, R. Bouatmani, P.J. Markwick

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of dextral motion along the N-S Vietnam scarp from 29-20.5 Ma. GEOLOGICAL SETTING Following the Middle Oligocene (32 Ma) initiation of spreading...


Heat Flow, Subsidence and Crustal Structure of the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean): A Quantitative Discussion of the Classic Passive Margin Model

Jean Burrus, Frederic Bessis, Brigitte Doligez

CSPG Special Publications

... the asymmetry of the Bouguer profile. Details on correction of the heat flow are in the text. C. T. Corbiere thrusts; C. G. Camargue Graben; S. I. Sirocco well...


Seismic Inversion Resolution Enhancement With (3S) Spectral Blueing, Spectral Balancing, and Stochastic Inversion on Fluvio Deltaic Environment

Aji Darma Maulana, Nine Safira, Ongki Ari Prayoga, Egie Wijaksono, Alit Ascaria

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and wavelet stretch at offset. Loss of frequency can decrease stacks resolution. On the other hand, the wavelet stretch induced by the NMO correction...


Petrography, Sedimentology, and Geochemistry of the Wyodak Coal, Wyodak, Wyoming

Fredrick J. Rich, Russell K. Dorsett, Craig R. Chapman

Wyoming Geological Association

... and a plasma flow rate of 20 1 per minute. A 32 second integration, which includes background and correction, was employed, and 250 spectral...


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