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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,247 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.
Abstract: Supervirtual S-wave Refraction Interferometry for Converted Wave Statics and Near-Surface S-wave Velocity Model Building; #90224 (2015)
Kristof De Meersman and Yoones Vaezi
Search and Discovery.com
... complete theoretical description of SVI can be found in (Bharadwaj et al., 2012). SVI was originally developed for P-wave head waves but applies...
Acquisition and Ananlysis of Wide-Angle Reflection and Refraction Seismic Data
Paul L. Stoffa
Circum Pacific Council Publications
..., seismic data can be acquired for sound waves that penetrate the entire crustal section. Both precritical and postcritical reflections and refractions...
Time-Lapse Refraction Seismic I: A Complementary Monitoring Method?
Martin Landrø, Lasse Amundsen
GEO ExPro Magazine
... waves or refractions. They are also called head waves since they arrive ahead of the direct wave at large sourceComplementary to Reflection receiver...
Incorporating refraction time-shifts into geophysical monitoring systems for monitoring shallow CO2 accumulations
Martyn Steel, Sjoerd A.L. De Ridder, Mike Branston, James Butt, Gabrielle Busanello
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... from fluid substitution. Figure 1 Schematic representation of the raypath of the refracted head waves over the anomaly with extent E and velocity V2...
Abstract: Monitoring Active Steam Injection through Time-lapse Seismic Refraction Surveys; #90174 (2014)
Byron M. Kelly and Don C. Lawton
Search and Discovery.com
... on first-arrival head waves, and observable through the subtraction of baseline survey traveltimes from those recorded by the monitor surveys...
Abstract: 3C Deghosting for Refraction Time-lapse Monitoring; #90187 (2014)
P. B. Wills and K. De Meersman
Search and Discovery.com
... a fast layer underlying the reservoir. When the waves exit the fast layer, they travel through the reservoir and propagate to the receivers...
Application of Common Contour Binning (CCB) and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) for Oil Water Contact Prediction in Carbonate Reservoir (The Case Study at G404 Field)
Wahyu Tri Sutrisno, Septian Prahastudhi, Ayi Syaeful Bahri, Yulia Putri Wulandari
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... networks have an input, an output and generally a hidden layer. The number of inputs and outputs are determined by considering the characteristics...
Improving Marcellus Imaging Through the Use of FWI and Joint Tomographic Inversion for Velocity and Epsilon
David McCann
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... in the velocity field. If there is a velocity reversal in the subsurface then no head waves are generated and no refracted energy reaches the surface...
Reservoir Description by Interferometric Imaging of VSP Data in Transition Zones
Thomas Radford, Martin Karrenbach, Ferry Yustiana, Willi Brianno, Dhea Wachju
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... as it propagates (similar to what is expected in a layered type of environment). Direct P-wave and S-waves, refractions and reflections are visible...
Abstract: Multiple Reflections and Head Waves in Gulf of Suez, by S. N. Domenico; #90963 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Study of the Seismic Attenuation Generated by the Mud Layer in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
J. Perez, E. Andara, B. Malave
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... the particles, the solid friction losses between the particles, the mud layer and the gassy sediment effect are factors proposed to account...
Internal-Wave Currents as a Mechanism to Account for Large Sand Waves in Navarinsky Canyon Head, Bering Sea
H. A. Karl, D. A. Cacchione, P. R. Carlson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Internal-Wave Currents as a Mechanism to Account for Large Sand Waves in Navarinsky Canyon Head, Bering Sea H. A. Karl, D. A. Cacchione, P. R...
Finite Difference Modelling: Part IV
Lasse Amundsen, Ørjan Pedersen, Martin Landrø
GEO ExPro Magazine
... points of the reflected and refracted waves is disturbed, and this disturbance is radiated to the upper layer in the form of a head wave with plane...
Abstract: How to Improve Location Accuracy When Dealing with Artifacts in Microseismic Event Locations; #90187 (2014)
N. Verkhovtseva
Search and Discovery.com
... of a high velocity layer that creates head waves causing events locating too shallow. Figure 1 shows a synthetic data set created using a calibrated...
Mixing at Turbidity Current Heads, and Its Geological Implications
J. R. L. Allen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... separating a thin layer of less-dense ambient medium below from a presumably rather thicker layer above of more-dense fluid in the head of the gravity current...
Methodology for Enhancing and Evaluating Geologic Effects of Time Series Models: A Case of Ground Response in Santa Clara Valley, California, #41097 (2012)
Olusola Samuel-Ojo, Lorne Olfman, Linda A. Reinen, Arjuna Flenner, David D. Oglesby, Gareth J. Funning
Search and Discovery.com
... y), 10 hidden layer nodes and one output node (hydraulic head). R2 libraries including gstat for Kriging deformation values for well location points...
Tempestite Deposition
Paul M. Myrow , John B. Southard
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... storm flows. Strong storm winds produce waves and surface currents. The effect of the Earth's rotation produces Ekman veering: the net transport...
Microseismic Event Location Using Multiple Arrivals: Demonstration of Uncertainty Reduction
Zhishuai Zhang, James W. Rector, Michael J. Nava
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... wave can often be the first arrival rather than the direct arrival. Finite difference modeling was used to validate the character of head waves...
VSP: Lessons from Numerical Simulation
M. Suprajitno, S. A. Greenhalgh
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is a spherical wave simulation, for a point source offset from the well-head. The model comprises three layers. At the boundary between layer 1 and 2 (interface...
Turbidity-Current Experiments: ABSTRACT
Gerard V. Middleton
AAPG Bulletin
.... The results show that the shape of the head, the initial velocity, and the relation between the velocity of the head and its thickness and density are very...
Characteristics of Gravel Bars in Ephemeral Streams
Marwan A. Hassan
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... that the sand proportion in the subsurface layer was usually higher than that of the surface. In order to eliminate the effect of sand on the calculated...
Viking Deposition: DISCUSSION
H. Llewellyn Jones
CSPG Bulletin
... the checking effect of subsequently tsunamic waves travelling shorewards. A similar opinion has been expressed by Ph. H. Kuenen and C. I. Migliorini (1950, p...
Abstracts: Microseismic Source Inversion in Anisotropic Media; #90173 (2015)
Scott Leaney, Chris Chapman, and Tadeusz Ulrych
Search and Discovery.com
.... While the sum over rays may include mode conversions, reflections and head waves in a future version, presently only the three direct arrival types...
Application of Sonic Waveform Attributes in Reservoir Studies
R. Gir
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... receivers and recording and processing the complete sonic waveform. This trend is driven by the use of shear waves for determining mechanical...
Factors That Influence Sediment Transport at the Shelfbreak
Herman K. Karl, Paul R. Carlson, David A. Cacchione
Special Publications of SEPM
... frequency internal waves gen erated at the shelfbreak around the head of Hudson Canyon by the semi diurnal and diurnal tides Apel aI 1975 Submarine canyons...