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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 55,264 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
High-Resolution Anisotropic Earth Model Building on Conventional Seismic Data Using Full-Waveform Inversion: an Offshore Australia Case Study
Bee Jik Lim, Denes Vigh, Stephen Alwon, Saeeda Hydal, Martin Bayly, Chris Manuel, Dimitri Chagalov, Gary Hampson, Dimitri Bevc
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., 133(2), 341–362. Pratt, R. G., 1999, Seismic waveform inversion in the frequency domain, part I: theory and verification in a physic scale model...
Adventures in Pre-Stack Depth Migration; #110121 (2010)
James Allen
Search and Discovery.com
... of PSDM, both successful and not, are used to demonstrate the following conclusions: 1. PSDM requires a detailed and accurate velocity model, although...
ABSTRACT Geochemical and hydrogeological monitoring and verification of carbon storage in a depleted gas reservoir: examples from the Otway Project, Australia, #90103 (2010)
James R. Underschultz, Barry Freifeld, Chris Boreham, Linda Stalker, Dirk Kirste
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Geochemical and hydrogeological monitoring and verification of carbon storage in a depleted gas reservoir: examples from the Otway Project...
Creative Petroleum Exploration, #110216 (2015).
Edward A. Beaumont
Search and Discovery.com
... Robinson, TED lecture) “The ability to bring something new into existence through imaginative skill” (after Webster’s) Right Brain - Left Brain Model...
Predicting ground surface deformation induced from CO2 plume movement using machine learning
Ibrahim M. Ibrahim, Saeed Salimzadeh, Dane Kasperczyk, Teeratorn Kadeethum
Australian Energy Producers Journal
... as a verification to the model’s align ment with the horizontal layering of the geological struc ture, as illustrated in Fig. 1. On the other hand, the model...
Predicting Interwell Heterogeneity in Fan-Deltaic Reservoirs: Outcrop Analogues and Applications of Lidar Technology in the Kuqa Foreland Area, Northwestern China, #42194 (2018).
Qinglu Zeng, Ronghu Zhang
Search and Discovery.com
..., with many low permeability areas between those zones Geological model verification Conclusions • The sand body configuration of fan-deltaic...
ABSTRACT Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting of CO2 Fate in Geologic Formations: Linking the Chemical and Physical Effects of CO2 Injection to Geophysical Parameters, #90103 (2010)
Tiziana Vanorio, Gary Mavko
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting of CO2 Fate in Geologic Formations: Linking the Chemical and Physical Effects of CO2 Injection...
Probabilistic Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Verification Using GIS and Remote Sensing Data at Penang, Malaysia
Jasmi Ab Talib
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., K., 2002b. Landslide susceptibility analysis and verification using the Bayesian probability model, Environmental Geology 46,120-131. MAHADZER, M...
Wellbore Stability Analysis and Pore Pressure Study in Badri Field Using Limited Data, Gulf of Suez, Egypt; #20476 (2020)
Ahmed E. Radwan
Search and Discovery.com
... maximum stress magnitude and orientation. Because of these limitations, the standard model verification is more difficult, however a general sense...
Thinking in Depth
Jim Durrant
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... ip and lateral velocity c hanges, and yields a true depth section. Fig 7 Time Stack Depth migration is best performed using a model based approach w...
Numerical Evaluation of Bulk Geomechanical Properties of Fractured Coal with Changing Net Effective Stress Conditions
Travis R. Mitchell, Ruizhi Zhong, Ray Johnson Jr., Christopher R. Leonardi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to engineering design related to wellbore stability, drilling, and completion strategy. In this paper, a finite element model is presented to systematically...
Abstract: Effect of Natural Particles on the Transport of Sorbing Organic Compounds in Saturated Porous Media; #90224 (2015)
Stephane Kamangou Ngueleu, Peter Grathwohl, and Olaf A. Cirpka
Search and Discovery.com
..., S. and Fong, F.K., 1991. Literature-review and model (comet) for colloid metals transport in porous-media. Ground Water, 29(2): 199-208. Ngueleu, S.K....
Unconventional Play Fracture Characterization Through Orthorhombic Depth Model Building
Guy Hilburn, Amit Pendharkar, William Keller, René Mott, Jorge Peinado, Austin Jumper, Victor Kriechbaum
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Unconventional Play Fracture Characterization Through Orthorhombic Depth Model Building Guy Hilburn, Amit Pendharkar, William Keller, René Mott...
Abstract: Feasibility Testing of Time-lapse Seismic Monitoring with Full Waveform Tomography; #90171 (2013)
Chad Hogan, Ken Hedlin, Gary Margrave, and Michael Lamoureux
Search and Discovery.com
... and verification in a physical scale model.: Geophysics, 64, 888–901. Pratt, R. G., Shin, C., and Hicks, G., 1998, Gauss-Newton and full Newton methods...
Regulatory Aspects of Geological Modelling
Stephen Tyson, C. Math
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of geological models is much more advanced in those industries where the failure of a geological model is likely to have a danger to life, an exposure...
Global Warming—An Oil and Gas Company Perspective: Prospects for Geologic Sequestration?
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... SEQUESTRATION TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES At a high level, the issues related to sequestration, monitoring, and verification are as follows: CO2 trapping...
Integrated Exploration Technology Applications for Independent Companies: Transferable Tool for Increasing Competitiveness
Jim Viellenave, John Fontana, Arthur J. Pyron
West Texas Geological Society
... and dry holes are distributed within a O.5-mile wide swath and this allowed a concentrated grid pattern to be established over the model area...
B-Field Reservoir Simulation - Characterization of Carbonate Fracture Permeability Using Single and Dual Porosity Models
Michael Sun, Imam N. Akbar
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... time and more importantly it needs significant amount of data for model verification and calibration. From the results of formation evaluation...
Supporting Indonesias Energy Transition: CCUS Development from EPC Perspective
Adam Abrar Muhammad
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and opportunities for CCUS implementation in Indonesia. The goal is to help relevant stakeholders and decision-makers understand the business model of CCUS...
Subsurface hydrogen storage: A feasibility study
Dwaipayan Chakraborty, Subhashis Mallick, Mortezaa Dejam
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... predicted from our simulations. If we use the same model from the simulation and compute the time-lapse seismic data for this verification, we will obviously...
Abstract: Risk, Performance and Uncertainty in the Geological Storage of CO2; #90171 (2013)
Rick J. Chalaturnyk
Search and Discovery.com
... for different site types and for ensuring verification of CO2 inventories. A rational framework is required for integrating the technical elements of risk...
ABSTRACT Establishing Baselines and Predictive Geochemical Modelling of a Depleted Gas Reservoir Carbon Storage Site, Otway Project, Australia, #90103 (2010)
Dirk Kirste, Ernie Perkins, Ulrike Schacht
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Risk, Performance and Uncertainty in the Geological Storage of CO2; #90171 (2013)
Rick J. Chalaturnyk
Search and Discovery.com
... for different site types and for ensuring verification of CO2 inventories. A rational framework is required for integrating the technical elements of risk...
The Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership: Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration Activities; #80105 (2010)
Wes Peck
Search and Discovery.com
... and H2S) will be injected to a depth of approximately 7200 ft. The PCOR Partnership is providing measurement, verification, and accounting (MVA...
Creative Petroleum Exploration, #110179 (2015).
Edward A. Beaumont
Search and Discovery.com
... imaginative skill” (after Webster’s) Left Brain - Right Brain Model Left Brain Right Brain Logical Intuitive Rational Holistic Analytical...