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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 55,231 Results. Searched 197,586 documents.
From The Matrix To The Market - What You Don't Know Can Hurt You - Workshop Summary
William D. (Bill) McCain Jr., Kosta J. Leontaritis, Dave Bergman, Jack Lynn
... Geochemical Modeling of Inorganic Scaling Onsets: Model Verification and Tuning using HPHT NIR Techniques, Jack Lynn, Saudi Aramco, Houston, TX 618...
Estimate near-surface velocity with reversals using deep learning and full-waveform inversion
Yong Ma, Xu Ji, Weiguang He, Tong Fei
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., R. G., 1999, Seismic waveform inversion in the frequency domain, Part 1: Theory and verification in a physical scale model: Geophysics, 64, 888–901...
Pressure Analysis for Volume Fracturing Well in Tight Reservoirs Considering Dynamic Threshold Pressure Gradient and Stress Sensitivity
Zhongwei Wu, Chuanzhi Cui, Xiangzhi Cheng, Zhen Wang, Yingfei Sui, Xiaoyan Zhao
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and stress sensitivity are rare. This work fills this gap. To this end, the flow model and its verification are introduced in section 2. In section 3...
Analytical Model for History Matching Drawdown & Buildup Cycles of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells Experiencing Multiple Operational Upsets
Bin Yuan, Zhenzihao Zhang, Christopher R. Clarkson, Samane Moghadam, Hamidreza Hamdi, Amin Ghanizadeh
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.../unloading paths, quantified in our laboratory, are incorporated into the modeling of each drawdown/buildup cycle. Verification of the new m-DDA model...
A Paradigm Changing on Surveillance Thru Virtual Well Test Implementation
Mario Andre Yogasugama, Ivan Susanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the validating pressure and temperature information that will be fed into the model and act as verification during history matching. Subsurface Sensing Devices...
Rigorous Modeling of Salt Transport During Frac, Shut-in, and Flowback to Constrain Hydraulic Fracture/Reservoir Property Estimates
Zhenzihao Zhang, Christopher Clarkson, Jesse Williams-Kovacs, Bin Yuan, Amin Ghanizadeh
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... in the verification case. The fracture pressure used to constrain the salt transport model is derived from the frac-through-flowback model results of Zhang et al...
Application of interactive convolutional neural network micro-fracture prediction technology based on prestack depth migration data in deep shale gas reservoirs
Xiaolan Wang, Furong Wu, Junfeng Liu, Dianguang Zang, Xiao Yang, Yangjing Li, Xiaoyan Cheng
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...' understanding of structural interpretation patterns. Through dynamically iterative model training methods, the adaptability of the prediction model to regional...
Unlocking Reservoir Potential With a Multilayer Inversion Technique From a Directional Resistivity Tool
Tim Rathmann, Joe Gremillion, Philip Lemay, Mike Flowers, Allan Nandlal
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... thickness while drilling, and because the inversion isn’t dependent on a prior model, a more accurate representation of the stratigraphy can be mapped...
Earth modeling applied to carbon capture and storage at LaBarge field, Wyoming
Patricia Montoya, Mark Hoefner
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... Facility. The expansion project will capture up to an additional 1.2 million metric tons of CO2 annually at LaBarge. A static earth model was built...
Application of Statistical Methods to Predict Production From Liquid-Rich Shale Reservoirs
Peng Zhou, Huiyan Sang, Liuyi Jin, W. John Lee
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... prediction verification (Bakken: monthly rate vs. time) URTeC 2694668 13 Comparison of FPCA method and empirical decline model forecasts...
A denoising diffusion probabilistic modeling (DDPM) approach for predicting CO2 plume evolution from seismic shot gathers
Alexander Y. Sun, Zi Xian Leong, Tieyuan Zhu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... for seismic inversion of CO2 saturation. Specifically, the denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM), which is a type of probabilistic deep...
CFD Investigation of Fire Accident in Offshore Industry
E. Hamdi, K. K. Toor, K. Yacine
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... needed to build up the model with verification to experiment provided afterward. Fire in a Compartment Jet Fire Jet fire is a turbulent diffusion flame...
Improved Characterisation of Carbonate Reservoirs Using Non-Linear Modelling
M. Prins
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... dataset will be used to derive the model whereas the evaluation dataset can be used for later verification of the network performance. The modelling...
Gulf of Mexico: Turbidite Channel System, Offshore Gulf of Mexico
Gary J. Mitch and Garret G. Chong
AAPG Special Volumes
... AND GEOPHYSICAL INTERPRETATION Interpreting the variation in amplitude strength begins with a verification by drilling that the anomaly is due...
A Combined Discontinuous Galerkin / Cohesive Zone Model Numerical Simulator for Hydraulic Fracturing and Application to Frac Hits Mitigation
Santiago Serebrinsky, Mauro Baldini, Federico Castez, Humberto Celleri, Isaías Gallana, Julieta Gutiérrez, Damián Smilovich
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...A Combined Discontinuous Galerkin / Cohesive Zone Model Numerical Simulator for Hydraulic Fracturing and Application to Frac Hits Mitigation Santiago...
Abstract: Full Waveform Inversion of Crosswell Seismic Data Using Automatic Differentiation; #90187 (2014)
Danping Cao and Wenyuan Liao
Search and Discovery.com
... waveform inversion (FWI) is an effective and efficient data-fitting technique that has been widely used to produce accurate estimation of model parameters...
Locating Shoreline and Submarine Springs in Two Utah Lakes using Thermal Imagery
Robert L. Baskin
Utah Geological Association
... during each of the investigations were used to model the atmosphere and provide input into the atmospheric-correction algorithms in ELAS. Once...
An automatic velocity picking method based on object detection
Ce Bian, Weifeng Geng, Ping Yang, Pengyuan Sun, Guiren Xue, Haikun Lin
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... into training set, verification set and test set as a ratio of 8:1:1. As shown in Figure 3, the FCOS model automatically picks the time-velocity sequence...
Research on fault-karst reservoir identification method based on deep convolutional network
Zhipeng Gui, Junhua Zhang, Hong Zhang, Dong Chen, Pengbo Yin
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... reservoir identification based on ResU-Next model is proposed on the basis of previous research. Traditional learning and prediction of karst caves...
New Magnetic Interpretation Tools Assist PetroleumExploration
Christian Ellis, Paul Cartwright, Andy Cabell, Julien Flack, Stewart Rodrigues
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... fH++-+-• modelling & CROSS SECTION~ model verification) environment (WGC uses ArcView', by ESRI) ready comparison may be made of structures...
A Machine-Learning-Based Workflow for Drilling Risk Prediction of Wellbore Instability and Trajectory Optimization in Ultra-Deep Formation
Hanqing Wang, Ruxin Zhang, Ziyan Deng, Jin Meng, Han Wang, Yujie Zhou, Fan Yang, Ji Chang, Yitian Xiao, Huiwen Pang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... requirements of field application, indicating that the model can be applied in practice. Figure 7. Comparison of blind well verification results URTeC...
Introduction: A Geological Perspective on Climate
Eric J. Barron, George T. Moore
Special Publications of SEPM
...) Climate Model Applications in Paleo-environmental Analysis (SC33), 1994 INTRODUCTION A Geological Perspective on Climate The influence of climate...
Formation pressure modeling using offshore seismic data
Weilai Pei, Lei Han, Chunyuan Liu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., formation interval velocity obtained from seismic data and logging pore pressure data are both integrated in model building, and then the optimal...
The Effect of Pressure Depletion on Geomechanical Stress and Fracture Behavior in Gunung Kembang Field
Dwi Hudya F., Sandra Natalia, David Castillo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... strength is required for modeling stress magnitudes and for verification of the stress model with drilling experiences and breakout occurrence...
U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Economic Tools to Assess the Cost of CO2 Capture, Transport, Utilization, and Storage, #80647 (2018).
Timothy C. Grant, David Morgan, Donald Remson, Allison Guinan, Chung Yan Shih, ShangMin Lin, Anna Wendt, Derek Vikara
Search and Discovery.com
... of the CO2 plume in the subsurface. The areal extent of the CO2 plume in turn drives monitoring, verification and accounting (MVA) cost and financial...