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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,711 Results. Searched 197,586 documents.
Abstract: Stratigraphy and Depositional Settings of Cretaceous Organic-Rich Sequences in the Brazilian Marginal Basins, by M. R. Mello, E. A. M. Koutsoukos, and E. V. Santos Neto; #91004 (1991)
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Abstract: Recognizing Environments in the Deposits of the Niger Delta, by F. E. Oboh; #91004 (1991)
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Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Disconformity and Condensed Bed at Contact of Austin and Taylor Groups (Upper Cretaceous), East-Central and Northeastern Texas: ABSTRACT
David J. Bottjer, W. Anthony Bryant
AAPG Bulletin
...Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Disconformity and Condensed Bed at Contact of Austin and Taylor Groups (Upper Cretaceous), East-Central...
Location of Littoral Energy Fence and Resolution of Relict Features on Atlantic Shelf, United States--Fourier Grain Shape Analysis: ABSTRACT
Debra Riester, Robert Ehrlich
AAPG Bulletin
...Location of Littoral Energy Fence and Resolution of Relict Features on Atlantic Shelf, United States--Fourier Grain Shape Analysis: ABSTRACT Debra...
1997-1998 AAPG Distinguished Lecturers, - Abstracts, #90938 (1997).
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Recurrent Species Associations and Species Diversity of Cytheracean Ostracodes in Upper Austin and Lower Taylor Groups (Campanian, Upper Cretaceous), Travis County, Texas: ABSTRACT
James E. Ross, Rosalie F. Maddocks
AAPG Bulletin
... recurring species associations and the paleoenvironmental factors that control their stratigraphic distribution. From Q-mode cluster analysis, six sample...
Modern Analog for Deep-Water Deposition of Shallow-Water Pliocene Sands, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Barry Kohl
AAPG Bulletin
...) Paleoenvironmental studies using benthic foraminifers and total fauna can be used to identify displaced shallow-water sands. A productive sand in Eugene Island...
Depositional Setting of the Fossil Hill Member, an Organic-Rich Unit of Middle Triassic Age, in the Western U.S., by T. T. Huynh; #90902 (2001)
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ABSTRACT: Sealevel, Climate, and the Causes of Marine Biological Diversity , by Allmon, Warren D.; #90026 (2004)
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Abstract: Reconstructing the Biogeochemical Carbon and Sulfur Cycling for the Ediacaran Dengying Formation, China, by Huan Cui; #90199 (2014)
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A Sedimentological, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Ichnmology Interpretation of the M2 Sandstone in the Napo Formation, Oriente Basin, Ecuador
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Abstract: The Importance of Microfossils in Hydrocarbon Exploration; #90312 (2017)
Ashleigh Costelloeб Stefon Harrypersad
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... intervals will determine the lateral continuity of reservoirs and traps. Paleoenvironmental analysis using microfossils will decipher past water depths...
Abstract: A Sedimentologic, Sequence Stratigraphic, and Ichnologic Characterization of the M2 Sandstone of the Cretaceous Napo Formation, Eastern Ecuadorian Basin; #90321 (2018)
Mayra Zuniga
Search and Discovery.com
... are present in the Napo Formation, but their paleoenvironmental characterization is still limited. The purpose of this project is to analyze and interpret...
Abstract: Paleoenvironmental Interpretation and Organic Geochemistry of the Agua de la Mula Member (Agrio Formation) in the Pampa Tril Area, Neuquen Basin, Argentina
Gisela Porfiri
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: Paleoenvironmental Interpretation and Organic Geochemistry of the Agua de la Mula Member (Agrio Formation) in the Pampa Tril Area, Neuquen...
Abstract: Paleoenvironmental Settings of Peat Formation within Padesh Graben, SW Bulgaria, Deduced from Maceral Analysis and Geochemical Properties of Suhostrel Coal
Alexander Zdravkov, Doris Groß, Achim Bechtel, Ksenija Stojanović, Ivan Kojić
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...Abstract: Paleoenvironmental Settings of Peat Formation within Padesh Graben, SW Bulgaria, Deduced from Maceral Analysis and Geochemical Properties...
Paleoecological Variations Recorded in a Shallow Lacustrine Formation: The Upper Eocene of the Issirac Basin (SE France)
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Abstract: Facies Distribution and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Upper Devonian Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation of Subsurface Saskatchewan: Integrating Sedimentologic and Ichnologic Data; #90172 (2014)
Solange Angulo, Luis Buatois
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...Abstract: Facies Distribution and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Upper Devonian Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation of Subsurface...
Abstract: A Preliminary Analysis of Geothermal Resources in the Denver-Julesburg Basin Evaluated using 3D Basin Modeling; #91208 (2024)
Justin E. Birdwell, Rand D. Gardner, Scott A. Kinney, Holger Petermann, Patrick Sullivan, Annaka Clement, James Hagadorn, Melia Eaton
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...Abstract: A Preliminary Analysis of Geothermal Resources in the Denver-Julesburg Basin Evaluated using 3D Basin Modeling; #91208 (2024) Justin E...
Geochemical analysis of Pindos Basin turbidites using associated shales
Jonathon Sevy, Sam Hudson, Berry Bickmore, Matthew Linford, Jani Radebaugh
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Geochemical analysis of Pindos Basin turbidites using associated shales Jonathon Sevy, Sam Hudson, Berry Bickmore, Matthew Linford, Jani Radebaugh...
Abstract: A microbial mat and associated trace fossil assemblage at Coal Mine Point, Nova Scotia: paleoenvironmental significance and evidence of a previously unrecorded transgression
Zabrina M. Prescott, Matthew R. Stimson, Lynn T. Dafoe, Martin R. Gibling, R. Andrew MacRae
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: A microbial mat and associated trace fossil assemblage at Coal Mine Point, Nova Scotia: paleoenvironmental significance and evidence...
Abstract: The ichnogenus Kouphichnium and related xiphosuran traces from the Pennsylvanian Steven C. Minkin Paleozoic footprint site (Union Chapel Mine), Alabama, USA: ichnotaxonomic and paleoenvironmental implications
Olivia A. King, Matthew R. Stimson, Spencer G. Lucas
Atlantic Geology
... Mine), Alabama, USA: ichnotaxonomic and paleoenvironmental implications Olivia A. King, Matthew R. Stimson, Spencer G. Lucas The ichnogenus Kouphichnium...
Abstract: An ichnotaxonomic and paleoenvironmental study of the xiphosuran ichnogenus Kouphichnium from the UNESCO World Heritage Site Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Nova Scotia, Canada
Olivia A. King, Matthew R. Stimson, R. Andrew MacRae, John Calder, Brian Hebert, Len Reid
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: An ichnotaxonomic and paleoenvironmental study of the xiphosuran ichnogenus Kouphichnium from the UNESCO World Heritage Site Joggins Fossil...
ABSTRACT: Radiolarians as Paleoenvironmental Indices for Exploration, by Richard E. Casey, Carl O. Nelson, and Amy L. Weinheimer; #91038 (2010)
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Paleoenvironmental Data as Exploration Tool in Lower Miocene of Offshore Texas: ABSTRACT
John L. Carney, Louise P. Draper, James H. Gamber, Alfred F. Geen, T. Karmen
AAPG Bulletin
...Paleoenvironmental Data as Exploration Tool in Lower Miocene of Offshore Texas: ABSTRACT John L. Carney, Louise P. Draper, James H. Gamber, Alfred F...
Regional Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental History of the Miocene of Onshore and Offshore Alabama
Charles C. Smith
GCAGS Transactions
... of a regional biostratigraphic framework, an analysis of the paleoenvironmental history, and an examination of the varying rates of sedimentation within...