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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 34,112 Results. Searched 197,586 documents.
Transient Linear Flow Analysis of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells Considering Three-Phase Flow and Pressure-Dependent Rock Properties
H. Behmanesh, H. Hamdi, C. R. Clarkson, J. M. Thompson, D. M. Anderson, A. Chin
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Transient Linear Flow Analysis of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells Considering Three-Phase Flow and Pressure-Dependent Rock Properties H. Behmanesh...
Primary Migration Agents
Kingi Magara
AAPG Special Volumes
... at primary migration stage, that is, whether it is in solution in water or in its own phase. A larger proportion of migrating oil must be in its own...
Differential Estimate of the Oil-Gas Prospects of West Siberia on a Basis of Combined Geological-Geochemical Information
S. P. Maksimov, T. A. Botneva, M. K. Kalinko, A. M. Brindzhinskiy
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of pools of hydrocarbons and content of condensate in gas-condensate and two-phase pools in Neocomian (a) and Jurassic (b) productive complexes...
Scientific Ocean Drilling near United States: ABSTRACT
J. R. Heirtzler
AAPG Bulletin
... is scheduled to phase out in October 1981. Plans are being made to phase in the Glomar Explorer or a drill ship with more capabilities after that time...
Abstract: Tectonic Controls for Three Main Subsidence Phases of the Eastern Venezuelan Foreland Basin in the Region of the Orinoco Delta, by G. A. Taboada, P. Mann, and A. Escalona; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Pore Structure Of Opal-CT And Quartz Phase Porcelanites, Monterey Formation, California
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Thermodynamically Driven Fluid Mixing Across Phases Induced by Viscous Flow Instabilities in Porous Media
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Distinct Growth Phases of an Upper Cambrian Microbial Reef Complex; Depositional Environment Indicators (James River, Mason County, Texas)
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Water Influx Predictions in Reservoirs with Aquifer Drive Using the Two-Phase Reservoir Integral Type Pseudo-Pressure with Applicability in Gas Hydrate Reservoirs
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Internal Structures and Fabrics of Upper Cambrian Microbial Buildups (Mason County, Central Texas)
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Advanced Pyrolysis Data and Interpretation Methods to Identify Unconventional Reservoir Sweet Spots in Fluid Phase Saturation and Fluid Properties (API Gravity) From Drill Cuttings and Cores
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The Influence of Pre-Existing Thrust Faults on Normal-Fault Development in Two-Phase Experimental Models
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Ultimate Demise of Upper Cambrian Microbial Reefs Through Increasing Water Column Turbidity (Mason County, Central Texas)
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A Conceptual Model of Deformation Near Tertiary Salt Welds
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The Balance between Geophysics and Geology in Seismic Interpretation, by Alistair R. Brown, #40615 (2010).
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Forms, Mechanisms, and Rate of Hydrocarbon Migration in Rapidly Subsiding Basins By Ibrahim S. Guliev
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Observing the Transport and Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soils and in Groundwater Using Flow Visualization Techniques
Stephen H. Conrad, John L. Wilson, William Mason, William Peplinski
Pacific Section of AAPG
... to represent a liquid phase in soil column experiments, and polymerized into a hardened, chemically resistant plastic when the experiment is to be stopped...
Phase Changes in Fluid Inclusions: The Basics
Robert H. Goldstein, T. James Reynolds
Special Publications of SEPM
...Phase Changes in Fluid Inclusions: The Basics Robert H. Goldstein, T. James Reynolds Copyright © 2012, The Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM...
Automation of passive seismic processing via machine learning and physics-informed methods
Ivan Lim Chen Ning, Laura Swafford, Mike Craven, Kevin Davies, Evan Earnest, Dean Thornton
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
.... 𝑣 𝑃 and 𝑣 𝑆 represent the P and S wave effective NMO velocity. Note the absence of the offset term since the corresponding P and S phase map shares...
ABSTRACT: Aggregate structure evolution of low rank coals during pyrolysis by in situ X-ray diffraction
Meifen Li, Fangui Zeng, Haizhou Chang
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... of natural series rank and off-line pyrolysis (Takagi et al., 2004). Phase 1(room temperature to 200 ℃) was characterized by obvious increase of d002...
Hydrogeochemical Characteristics and Oil-Gas Prospects of the Wendian Clastic Complex of the Irkutsk Amphitheater
V. V. Pavlenko, V. A. Bronnikov, A. N. Zolotov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
.... Two hydrochemical conditions have been recognized that affected the preservation and destruction of pools: 1) disturbed phase equilibrium between pools...
Alejandro Restrepo, Jorge Herrera, Román Castañeda, Christopher Mann, Myung Kim
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... in the Fourier space. From the hologram two images can be reconstructed, one amplitude and one phase. The amplitude image is equivalent to the classic...
Extended Abstract: Insights from the Texas through Time Project
Thomas E. Ewing
GCAGS Transactions
... and Iberian margins. In the Gulf of Mexico, diagram B represents Phase IA, diagrams C and D represent Phase IB, and diagram E represents Phase II extension...
Tuning Effects' Impact on Seismic, by Gwang Lee, Keumsuk Lee, and Han Kim, #40474 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
Image-based simulation of remaining oil and two phrase fluid flow in heterogeneous sandstones: The impact of pore-scale characteristics on macroscopic properties
Chao Li, Yan Lu, Dongmei Hou, Mingzhe Cui, Jianting Huang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... subjected to oil-water two-phase displacement experiments, and the distribution characteristics of oil phase in 3D pore space were obtained based on image...