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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,878 Results. Searched 197,586 documents.
Abstract: Morphology, Distribution, and Genesis of Nanometer-Scale Pores in the Mississippian Barnett Shale, by Robert M. Reed, Robert G. Loucks, Daniel M. Jarvie, and Stephen C. Ruppel; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Mineralogy and Diagenetic History of the Upper Cretaceous Woodbine Sandstone in the Giant East Texas Field, Robert G. Loucks, Robert M. Reed, and William A. Ambrose, #90093 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Heterogeneity of Shape and Microscale Spatial Distribution in Organic-Matter-Hosted Pores of Gas Shales, by Reed, Robert M.; Loucks, Robert ; Milliken, Kitty L.; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Leveraging Seismic Attributes to Understand the “frac-able” Limits and Reservoir Performance in the Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas, USA, by Kit Clemons, Robert Bodziak, Andy Stephens, and Robert Meek; #90164 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Synkinematic Carbonate Fracture-Sealing Cements in Opening-Mode Fractures: Characteristics and Models, by Julia F.W. Gale, Robert M. Reed, and Robert H. Lander; #90052 (2006)
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Predicting Fracture and Porosity Evolution in Dolostone, by Julia F. W. Gale, Robert H. Lander, Robert M. Reed; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
Basins of the Southwest – Phase 2, Frontmatter
Gary E. Henry
North Texas Geological Society
... of Contents Page “Migration Pathways Leading to Oil Accumulation in Clastic Sediments”, by Robert J. Cordell 2 “Stratigraphic Trap...
Environmentally Significant Locations in the Kern County Area
Robert J. Menzie, Jr., Herman B. Schymiczek
Pacific Section of AAPG
...Environmentally Significant Locations in the Kern County Area Robert J. Menzie, Jr., Herman B. Schymiczek 1991 1 40 Contents Eastside Disposal...
Memorial: Robert Barnes McNeely (1902-1966)
Everett C. Parker
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Robert Barnes McNeely (1902-1966) Everett C. Parker ROBERT BARNES McNEELY (1902-1966) Robert Barnes McNeely died in Wichita, Kansas, M a y...
San Joaquin Valley Central from T4N/R3E to T18S/R20E (Rio Vista through Riverdale)
H. Victor Church Jr., B. Kenneth Krammes, J. D. Bainton, R. Stanley Beck, Bill Bedford, Fred W. Bergen, Harold G. Billman, Ralph E. Brodek, Bruce Brooks, Tennant J. Brooks, Thomas W. Cameron, Stanley A. Carlson, James L. Eymann, William K. Gealey, Horace E. Harrington, Robert L. Hewitt, Robert L. Johnston, Andrew J. Macmillan, Charles W. Porter, Louis J. Regan Jr., Ivan V. Scherb, E. H. Stinemeyer, Daniel F. Sullivan
Pacific Section of AAPG
..., James L. Eymann, William K. Gealey, Horace E. Harrington, Robert L. Hewitt, Robert L. Johnston, Andrew J. Macmillan, Charles W. Porter, Louis J. Regan Jr...
San Joaquin Valley Central from T18S/R20E to T10N/R19W (Riverdale through Tejon Ranch Area)
H. Victor Church Jr., B. Kenneth Krammes, J. D. Bainton, R. Stanley Beck, Bill Bedford, Fred W. Bergen, Harold G. Billman, Ralph E. Brodek, Bruce Brooks, Tennant J. Brooks, Thomas W. Cameron, Stanley A. Carlson, James L. Eymann, William K. Gealey, Horace E. Harrington, Robert L. Hewitt, Robert L. Johnston, Andrew J. Macmillan, Charles W. Porter, Louis J. Regan Jr., Ivan V. Scherb, E. H. Stinemeyer, Daniel F. Sullivan
Pacific Section of AAPG
... A. Carlson, James L. Eymann, William K. Gealey, Horace E. Harrington, Robert L. Hewitt, Robert L. Johnston, Andrew J. Macmillan, Charles W. Porter, Louis J...
San Joaquin Valley, West Side from T19S/R15E, MD B&M, to T8N/R23W, SB B&M (Coalinga to Midway Sunset and across the San Andreas Fault into Southeast Cuyama Valley)
H. Victor Church Jr., B. Kenneth Krammes, J. D. Bainton, R. Stanley Beck, Bill Bedford, Fred W. Bergen, Harold G. Billman, Ralph E. Brodek, Bruce Brooks, Tennant J. Brooks, Thomas W. Cameron, Stanley A. Carlson, James L. Eymann, William K. Gealey, Horace E. Harrington, Robert L. Hewitt, Robert L. Johnston, Andrew J. Macmillan, Edward Parker, Charles W. Porter, Louis J. Regan Jr., Howard S. Samsel, Ivan V. Scherb, E. H. Stinemeyer, Daniel F. Sullivan
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... Brodek, Bruce Brooks, Tennant J. Brooks, Thomas W. Cameron, Stanley A. Carlson, James L. Eymann, William K. Gealey, Horace E. Harrington, Robert L...
Abstract: Cross-Border Correlation of Geological Formations in Sarawak and Kalimantan
Robert B. Tate
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Cross-Border Correlation of Geological Formations in Sarawak and Kalimantan Robert B. Tate - 272 - Geological Society of MalaYBia...
U-Pb tantalite, Re-Os molybdenite, and 40Ar/39Ar muscovite dating of the Brazil Lake pegmatite, Nova Scotia: a possible shear-zone related origin for an LCT-type pegmatite
Daniel J. Kontak, Robert A. Creaser, Larry M. Heaman, Douglas A. Archibald
Atlantic Geology
... for an LCT-type pegmatite Daniel J. Kontak, Robert A. Creaser, Larry M. Heaman, Douglas A. Archibald 17 Atlantic Geology U-Pb tantalite, Re-Os...
Abstract: Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic biostratigraphic control on the Scotian Margin: an eventful story
Robert A. Fensome, Jason Crux, Gunilla Gard, Graham L. Williams, R.Andrew MacRae, Frank C. Thomas, Flavia Fiorini, Grant Wach
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic biostratigraphic control on the Scotian Margin: an eventful story Robert A. Fensome, Jason Crux, Gunilla Gard...
Dating hydrothermal alteration and IOCG mineralization along a terrane-bounding fault zone: the Copper Lake deposit, Nova Scotia
Daniel J. Kontak, Douglas A. Archibald, Robert A. Creaser, Larry M. Heaman
Atlantic Geology
..., Douglas A. Archibald, Robert A. Creaser, Larry M. Heaman Dating hydrothermal alteration and IOCG mineralization along a terrane-bounding fault zone...
Abstract: Nova Scotia case studies of radon soil gas distribution and mobility
Robert J. Ryan, Danielle Finlayson, Anne Marie O’Beirne-Ryan
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Nova Scotia case studies of radon soil gas distribution and mobility Robert J. Ryan, Danielle Finlayson, Anne Marie O’Beirne-Ryan atlantic...
Abstract: Physical evidence of a late-glacial (Younger Dryas?) impact event in southwestern Nova Scotia
George Stevens, Ian Spooner, Jared Morrow, Peir Pufahl, Robert Raeside, Richard A. F. Grieve, Cliff Stanley, Sandra Barr, David McMullin
Atlantic Geology
..., Peir Pufahl, Robert Raeside, Richard A. F. Grieve, Cliff Stanley, Sandra Barr, David McMullin atlantic geology . volume 44 . 2008 42 Physical evidence...
Insights into the Acadian orogeny, New England Appalachians: a provenance study of the Carrabassett and Kittery formations, Maine
Michael J. Dorais, Robert P. Wintsch, Wendy R. Nelson, Michael Tubrett
Atlantic Geology
..., Robert P. Wintsch, Wendy R. Nelson, Michael Tubrett Insights into the Acadian orogeny, New England Appalachians: a provenance study...
Re-Os geochronological constraints on the W-Mo mineralizing event in the Mount Pleasant Caldera Complex: implications for the timing of subvolcanic magmatism and caldera development
Kathleen G. Thorne, Leslie R. Fyffe, Robert A. Creaser
Atlantic Geology
... magmatism and caldera development Kathleen G. Thorne, Leslie R. Fyffe, Robert A. Creaser Re-Os geochronological constraints on the W-Mo mineralizing...
Donald Baird and his discoveries of Carboniferous and early Mesozoic vertebrates in Nova Scotia
Hans-Dieter Sues, Robert W. Hook, Paul E. Olsen
Atlantic Geology
...Donald Baird and his discoveries of Carboniferous and early Mesozoic vertebrates in Nova Scotia Hans-Dieter Sues, Robert W. Hook, Paul E. Olsen...
Ring-shaped morphological features and interpreted small seamounts between southern Quebec (Canada) and the New England seamounts (USA) and their possible association with the New England hotspot track
Ronald T. Marple, James D. Hurd, Robert J. Altamura
Atlantic Geology
...) and their possible association with the New England hotspot track Ronald T. Marple, James D. Hurd, Robert J. Altamura Ring-shaped morphological features...
Investigation of the 1727 Newbury, Massachusetts, USA, earthquake using liDAR imagery and P-wave velocity tomography
Ronald T. Marple, James D. Hurd Jr., Lanbo Liu, Seth Travis, Robert J. Altamura
Atlantic Geology
... Jr., Lanbo Liu, Seth Travis, Robert J. Altamura investigation of the 1727 newbury, Massachusetts, UsA, earthquake using liDAr imagery and P-wave...