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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 231 Results. Searched 197,586 documents.

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Statistical Relations Between Borehole and Surface Data: ABSTRACT

Dale G. Stone

AAPG Bulletin

... scaling curves for seismic data can be derived from the log instead of simple exponential. Time variant coherency measure quantifies the degree...


ABSTRACT: Episodic Tectonic Control of the Petroleum System of La Concepcion Field, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela; #90007 (2002)

Luis E. Cardozo, John D. Pigott, Elmer Ferro

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... and litho- and organic facie types, time variant heat flows, strain partitioning, times of maturation, etc. An integrated borehole basin modeling 3D...


ABSTRACT: Compensating for Seismic Absorption Anomalies with 3-D Q-Tomography and Q-compensating PSDM; #90115 (2010)

Yi Xie, Kefeng Xin, James Sun, Carl Notfors, Barry Hung, and Roger Taylor

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... the effects of dissipation increase with the length of wavepath, the filters are time-variant. Rather than compensating for the effects...


Abstract: Bin-Share Stacking for 3D Converted Wave Processing; #90174 (2014)

Alex A. Falkovskiy, Robert Tilson, Gerry Schlosser, and Elvis Floreani

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..., Calgary, AB, Canada Figure 4 (b) shows the result of stacking with a time-variant radius linearly varying from 33.6 m at zero depth to 25.2 m...


Filter-Bank Strategies for Efficient Computation of Radon Transforms for SNR Enhancement

Mauricio D. Sacchi

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... and parabolic paths (for a frequency domain implementation) and linear and hyperbolic paths (for a time-variant/time domain numerical implementation...


Filter-Bank Strategies for Efficient Computation of Radon Transforms for SNR Enhancement

Mauricio D. Sacchi

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... and parabolic paths (for a frequency domain implementation) and linear and hyperbolic paths (for a time-variant/time domain numerical implementation...


S-transform based processing of noisy surface wave record for recovering high-resolution spectrum

Sayan Mukherjee, Mrinal Bhaumik, Tarun Naskar

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...lation with high-resolution time-variant Radon transforms: Geophysics, 67, 644– 656, doi: Virieux, J., 1986, P-S...


Sand Volcanoes of the Carboniferous Ross Formation, County Clare, Western Ireland: 3-D Internal Sedimentary Structure and Formation

J. K. Pringle, A. R. Westerman, D. A. Stanbrook, D. I. Tatum, A. R. Gardiner

AAPG Special Volumes

...) and more sophisticated time variant, spectral balance filters to optimize GPR image quality while preserving relative amplitudes (see Pringle et al...


Enhance Seismic Quality With A Fast, Robust and Economic Solution Using Broadband Technology

Munji Syarif, Vania Iqsora, Adde Avrino, Agus Abdullah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... into the dataset after inverse Kirchhoff migration application. After some iterations, forward Kirchhoff migration and multi spatial time-variant...


Chapter Two: Color, Character and Zero-Phaseness

Alistair R. Brown

AAPG Special Volumes

... interval of 20 ms. Figure 2-6. Time-structure map displayed in a contrasting spectral color scheme. For an effective color display it is important...


Nias Basin, NW Sumatra … New Insights into Forearc Structure and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity from Long-Offset 2d Seismic Data

Ian Deighton, M. Ma’ruf Mukti, Satish Singh, Tom Travis, Anthony Hardwick, Katie Hernon

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...-variant thresholds for ambient noise; F-X based methods for coherent noise and time and space variant dip filtering guided by primary stacking...


Comparison of Seismic Reconvolution and Gabor Deconvolution in Improving Seismic Images to Detect Local Fluid Trapping

Madaniya Oktariena, Wahyu Triyoso

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... wavelet, and perform time-variant filter if necessary. The algorithm is quite complex, but has a benefit of approaching a solution for non-stationary...


Abstract: Seismic Imaging Of Sandbox Models

Donald H. Sherlock

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... phys ica l modelling. nu mber of other advantages w hich are: Time-lapse 3-D Seismic 1. Inexpensive, rea l seism ic data. combining these two...


Abstract: High-Resolution Multibeam Reveals Water Column Anomalies in Deep Water Mexican Gulf of Mexico; #90310 (2017)

Philip Teas, Dan Orange, John Decker, Chris Corona, Kelley Brumley, Garrett A. Mitchell

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... vessel passes allowing us to observe time variant behavior of anomalies; these reveal changes in current direction as well as the ephemeral nature of seeps...


3-D Seismic Workflows Developed to Evaluate Out-of-Zone and Stealth Zone Microseismic Behaviors: Marcellus Shale, Central Appalachians, USA, #41395 (2014).

Tom Wilson, Ariel K. Hart, Peter Sullivan

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... using time-variant trace amplitude slicing and differential attenuation (t*attenuation) computations. Amplitude slicing uses absolute values of trace...


Active Margin: Depositional Sequences in the Castellon Area, Offshore Northeast Spain

D. R. Johns, M. A. Herber, and M. M. Schwander

AAPG Special Volumes

..., were reprocessed from GSI de-reverberated and time-variant-filtered stacks by applying Kirchoff migration and phase deconvolution. Multiplication...


Renewed Field Development Plan from Recently Found Uncertainty in Sungai Gelam Field, South Sumatra Basin, Jambi

Reza Rahadian, Erwin Dicky Dusyanto, Adi Widyantoro, Oki Musakti, Hendra Baskara

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... consistent within the first 1600ms and deviates at deeper interval. Time variant scaler is applied to the older seismic stack velocity assuming the more...


Abstract: Simultaneous Source Separation Via Robust Time Variant Radon Operators; #90187 (2014)

Amr Ibrahim and Mauricio D. Sacchi

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...Abstract: Simultaneous Source Separation Via Robust Time Variant Radon Operators; #90187 (2014) Amr Ibrahim and Mauricio D. Sacchi AAPG Search...


Sub-L1 norm regularized inversion deblending in local 3D FK domain for ocean-bottom node data

Jun Sun, Zhaojun Liu, Manhong Guo, Graeme Stock, Bin Wang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... sub-L1 norm for regularization in the objective function, the Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA) to solve for the deblended model, and time...


Active Margin: Volcanics, North Island, New Zealand

D. Bradford Macurda, Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... ms Max Pred Lag: 236 ms TIME VARIANT FILTERING WAVE EQUATION MIGRATION References Hatherton, T., F.J. Davey, and T.M. Hunt, 1979, Geophysical...



Camelia C. Diaconescu, James H. Knapp, John Connor

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..., including predictive deconvolution, T-p filtering, and a time-variant gain function, was focused on removal of abundant multiple energy and enhancement...


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