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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 289 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.

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Effects of Overburden Anisotropy and Vertically Aligned Fractures on P-Wave Azimuthal AVO Responses

Fatkhan, Yudi Yanto, Nofri Faruza Said

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by a generalized form of Zoeppritz’s equations suitable for general anisotropy (Schoenberg and Protazio, 1992).This is achieved by employing the effective medium...


Abstract: Correlation of P-P and P-S Data in Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea; #90171 (2013)

Jinfeng Ma, Le Gao, and Igor Morozov

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... and inversion of P-SV waves: Geophysics, 56, 859-862. Walls J. D. and Carr M. B., 2001, The use of fluid substitution modeling for correction of mud filtrate...


Seafloor elastic parameters estimation using a regression neural network

Moacyr de Souza Bezerra, James Simmons, James Gaiser

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... with the elastic parameters are the Zoeppritz’s equations, which are nonlinear by nature. To perform amplitude vs offset (AVO) inversion, linear approximations...


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... and anelastic two-layer isotropic Class 1 models are investigated. These responses are computed by utilizing Zoeppritz reflection coefficients...


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... and anelastic two-layer isotropic Class 1 models are investigated. These responses are computed by utilizing Zoeppritz reflection coefficients...


AVO and Inversion Contribute to Makassar Exploration Efforts

William L. Soroka, Herry Andiarbowo, Anung Widodo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the fluid in the rock, the FLUID term and Density term are changed in the above equations. A new bulk modulus and Density are computed for a number...


PS-wave seismic data: A game changer in exploration and monitoring

Ali Tura, James Simmons, Sima Daneshvar, Matthew Copley, Joseph Stitt

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... in every project to demonstrate the improvements obtained through a joint PP/PS inversion. Method In these studies, linearized Zoeppritz equations (Aki...


Chapter 8: Amplitude Versus Offset

Tom Wittick

North Texas Geological Society

.... Any time there is a reflection of incident P-wave energy some of the reflected energy is P-wave energy and some is converted to S waves. The amount...


Amplitude Versus Offset

Abilene Geological Society

... there is a reflection of incident P-wave energy some of the reflected energy is P-wave energy and some is converted to S waves. The amount that is converted to S waves...


Abstract: P-wave AVAz Modeling: A Haynesville Case Study; #90224 (2015)

Jon Downton

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... offsets. At each interface between layers, the reflectivity is calculated as a function of offset using the Zoeppritz equation or some approximation...


Advances in Geophysical Techniques for the Detection of Drilling Hazards and Their Application to Seismic Exploration

D. C. N. Pratt, Tong Pow Mun

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... of incidence are the Zoeppritz equations which have been simplified by Shuey, 1985. R ( θ ) = R o + [ A o R o + Δ σ ( 1 − σ ) 2...


A two-stage deep learning workflow for automated seismic inversion

Haibin Di, Wenyi Hu, Aria Abubakar

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... angle-stack seismic but moreover embeds the prior physics including AVO analysis and Zoeppritz equations into expanding the amount of representative...


Nonlinear broadband seismic inversion for fluid mobility

Xuan Zheng, Zhaoyun Zong

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

..., Approximations to the Zoeppritz equations and their use in AVO analysis: Geophysics, 64, 1920–1927, doi: .1444698. Zhou, W., W...


Delineating Thin-Bed Tight Gas Sand Reservoir with Prestack Joint PP/PS Inversion, #41363 (2014)

Zhiwen Deng, Ming Qiang, Shuanghu Shi, Xiaofeng Liang, Yang Zhu, Yijun Zhou, Qingjia Tong

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... analysis approach from 3C data that can image P and Sv-waves in the same PP or PS wave time scale. In fact, we carry out the velocity analysis in depth...


Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Using the Cementation Factor: A Case Study of Little Cedar Creek Field, Onshore Alabama

Qifei Huang, Yuefeng Sun

GCAGS Journal

... modeling is conducted at different angles using the AVO module available in HampsonRussell Software (Russell, 2010), which is based on Zoeppritz equations...


Chapter Nine: Inversion and Interpretation of Impedance Data

Rebecca B. Latimer

AAPG Special Volumes

..., R. T., 1985, A simplification of the Zoeppritz equations: Geophysics, v. 50, p. 609–614. Singh, Y., 2007, Lithofacies detection through simultaneous...


Seismic Detection of Gas in Cretaceous Sandstones and Fractured Sandstones

Walter E. Johnson, William T. Brown Jr., James B. Peterson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Popular AVO technology had its origins in a classic paper by Ostrander (1984) in which he utilized the Zoeppritz Equations (Zoeppritz,19 19) that Koefoed...


Forward Modeling of Seismic Data: Part 7. Geophysical Methods

George Mellman, Paul A. Kunzinger

AAPG Special Volumes

..., based on the Zoeppritz equations for elastic media, depends on the velocities and densities on both sides of the interface, as well as on the incidence...


Abstract: Seismic Inversion in a Tight Gas Sand: An Illuminating Case Study; #90171 (2013)

David Close, David Cho, Frederik Horn, and Charles Wagner

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... of the plane wave Zoeppritz equations as presented by Aki and Richards (1980). These inversion data are ideally suited to provide the necessary constraints...


Abstract: Seismic Inversion in a Tight Gas Sand: An Illuminating Case Study; #90171 (2013)

David Close, David Cho, Frederik Horn, and Charles Wagner

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... of the plane wave Zoeppritz equations as presented by Aki and Richards (1980). These inversion data are ideally suited to provide the necessary constraints...


Monitoring CO2 Injection at Weyburn Reservoir Using 3-D/3-C Seismic Datasets; #20290 (2015)

Le Gao, Igor Morozov

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..., A simplification of the Zoeppritz equations: Geophysics, v. 50, p. 609-614. White, D., 2009, Monitoring CO2 storage during EOR at the Weyburn-Midale field...


One-Dimensional Prestack Seismic Inversion with Very Fast Simulated Annealing using Edge-Preserving-Smoothing Filter; #41576 (2015)

Somanath Misra, Mauricio Sacchi

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... the Aki-Richards approximation of Zoeppritz equations. The angle-dependent reflection coefficients are further convolved with a known Ricker wavelet...


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