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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 289 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.
Prestack Impedance Inversion Aids Interpretation, by Satinder Chopra and Ritesh Kumar Sharma; #41664 (2015).
Search and Discovery.com
Inverting Seismic Data with Facies Trends; #42379 (2019)
Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Satinder Chopra
Search and Discovery.com
..., which is used to generate synthetic traces for the input partial stack. Zoeppritz equations or their approximations are used to estimate the band-limited...
Elastic AWI and RWI in the Santos Basin
Tenice Nangoo, Nikhil Shah, Adrian Umpleby, John Armitage, Mike Warner, Gustavo Catao Alves, Andre Bulcao, Analena Mileo Camara de Oliveira
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...), and corresponding pp-reflection amplitude and phase calculated using the isotropic Zoeppritz plane-wave equations (below). (a) Acoustic synthetics...
The Hybrid Theory-Guided Data Science-Based Method: Unlocking the Full Potential of Seismic Reservoirs Characterization
Rino Saputra, Akash Mathur, Awal Mandong
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... calculated using the Zoeppritz (1919) equations are convolved with a wavelet extracted from the seismic data. Convolutional Neural Network The augmented...
Time-Lapse Refraction Seismic II: Field Examples
Martin Landrø, Lasse Amundsen
GEO ExPro Magazine
... as the Zoeppritz equations, which were published 20 years later, in 1919. Knott spent several years in Tokyo and received the Order of the Rising Sun. Cargill...
AVO Modeling of Monochromatic Spherical Waves: Comparison to Band-Limited Waves; #41567 (2015)
Charles Ursenbach, Arnim Haase
Search and Discovery.com
...AVO Modeling of Monochromatic Spherical Waves: Comparison to Band-Limited Waves; #41567 (2015) Charles Ursenbach, Arnim Haase AVO Modeling...
Seismic Pre-Stack Igneous Reservoir Characterization: Guanaco Field Study Case, Neuquina Basin, Argentina, #20466 (2019).
Hernan De Simone, Mario Sigismondi, Marcelo Barrionuevo,
Search and Discovery.com
..., A simplification of the Zoeppritz equations: Geophysics, v.50, p. 609-614. Smith, G.C., and P.M. Gidlow, 1987, Weighted stacking for rock property...
Convolution model theory-based intelligent AVO inversion method for VTI media
Yuhang Sun, Yang Liu, Hongli Dong
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...: Geophysics, 76, no. 3, C19–C29, doi: https://doi.org/10.1190/1 .3555082. Shuey, R. T., 1985, A simplification of the Zoeppritz equations: Geophysics, 50, 609...
Abstract: Simultaneous P-P and P-S Waveform Inversion Algorithm Using Pre-Stack Time Imaging Method ; #90187 (2014)
Hassan Khaniani, John C. Bancroft, and Eric von Lunen
Search and Discovery.com
... intercept time using Double Square Root (DSR) equation and the result of Zoeppritz solvers (Aki and Richards, 1980) from the scatter point to produce...
Statistical rock physics analysis and modelling in the Browse Basin
Shuichi Desaki, Yuki Kobayashi, Peter Miklavs
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... Zoeppritz equation, gives sufficiently accurate angle-dependent reflectivity of incident plane P-wave at an interface of two half-space, homogeneous...
Seismic Avo Attributes and Machine Learning Technique to Characterize A Distributed Carbonate Build Up Deposit System in Salawati Basin Eastern Indonesia
Yudistira Effendi, Edi Suwandi Utoro, Sri Lestari, Lilik T. Hardanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... velocity. On the other hand, the pore space constituent does not affect the velocity of S-waves. The change in the ratio of Pwave velocity to S-wave...
Estimating Smectite Content from Seismic Data
Roman Beloborodov, Marina Pervukhina, Valeriya Shulakova, Dimitri Chagalov, Matthew Josh, Michael B. Clennell, Gavin Ward, Matthew Waugh, Juerg Hauser
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... of Zoeppritz equations for pseudo VP, VS and density. Compute the actual VP, VS and density using background models for elastic anisotropy. Perform...
Spatially varying Chi volumes: A study in offshore Australia on background trend calculation from the Shuey two-term approximation
Hayden Powers, Noah R. Vento
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... be accomplished with differing degrees of accuracy. The Zoeppritz equations are fundamentally the most accurate but are often not used for interpretation due...
Determining the Coal Bed Methane Distribution Based on Amplitude Variation With Offset (AVO) Analysis and Seismic Inversion: Case Study of Sumatra Basin
Padmadi Heru Wibawa, Abd. Haris, Suprajitno M.
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the Zoeppritz equations: Geophysics, 50, 609–614. Smith, G. C., and P. M. Gidlow, 1987, Weighted stacking for rock property estimation and detection of gas...
Extended Elastic Impedance (EEI) Approach for Telisa Sandstones Reservoir Characterization Case Study: Lambda-Mu-Rho (LMR) Analysis
Antoni Bahar MH, Ari Setiawan, Syahrial Rakimi, Yudi Yanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... from a linearization of the Zoeppritz equations, usually Aki & Richards’s two-term approximation (Aki and Richards, 1980) where AVO properties...
Hybridised Weighted Boot-Strap Differential Semblance
Hamish Wilson, Lutz Gross
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...huey, R. T., 1985, A simplification of the zoeppritz equations: GEOPHYSICS, 50, 609–614. Taner, M. T., and F. Koehler, 1969, Velocity spectradig...
P-S Converted Wave AVO Analysis for Reservoir Characterization
Ehsan Sadeghi, Cepi Adam, Effendy Siawira, Hilfan Khairy
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... 6 shows the P-P and P-S reflectivity response of sand/shale interfaces modeled from a Bekapai well using the Zoeppritz equations. The petroelastic...
Determination of Density from Seismic Data; #42456 (2019)
Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Satinder Chopra
Search and Discovery.com
... is based on the three-term Fatti’s approximation to Zoeppritz equations, where the third term contributes for angles of incidence greater than 40...
AVO Attributes for Successful Exploration and Field Development: A Case Study From Sarawak Basin, Offshore Malaysia
Norbert Van de Coevering, Rusdinadar Sigit, Reza Lasman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... then be substituted with the original fluid. Synthetic gather generation (full ‘Zoeppritz’ modelling) to get the AVO response and calibration was performed...
Improved Latin hypercube sampling inversion method of effective reservoir parameter considering compaction trend
Xuan Zheng, Zhaoyun Zong, Kun Luo
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... velocity, respectively, and is the density while the represents the incident angle. As shown in Figure 2, through the multi-well petrophysical...
High Resolution Seismic Data Derived From Prestack Inversion and Machine Learning to Accurately Position Horizontal Wells in the Midland Basin, Texas
Robert Meek, Buzz Davis, Hector Bello
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is also used to match amplitudes from synthetic gathers calculated using Zoeppritz’ equation. In addition to seismic data QC, the well logs also need...
Characterizing Multiple Formations for Gas Production and CO2 Sequestration
Adriana Gordon, Bill Goodway, Evan Mutual, Raul Cova, Scott Leaney, Wendell Pardasie, Matt Ng
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... at the same depth for all incident and azimuth angles. The seismic alignment algorithm employs an iterative approach to optimize the cross-correlation...
Rock-physics Models for Gas-hydrate Systems Associated with Unconsolidated Marine Sediments
Diana Sava, Bob Hardage
AAPG Special Volumes
... modulus of the mixture of gas and liquid. We then use Zoeppritz's (1919) equations to derive PP and PS reflectivity as a function of the incidence...
Combination of Seismic Velocity Gradient and Sonic Gradient Variation as a Hydrocarbon Indicator: A Case Study in Clastic Reservoirs in South Sumatra
Iswani Waryono, Wahyu Triyoso
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... with arbitrarily curved interfaces. To obtain the travel time, two theoretical experiments are performed to generate Eigen waves: the Normal Incident Point...
Abstract: Azimuthal Simultaneous Elastic Inversion; #90172 (2014)
Jon Downton, Benjamin Roure
Search and Discovery.com
...- and anglelimited seismic traces are modeled using the anisotropic Zoeppritz equation to generate equivalent reflectivity volumes which are then convolved...